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Everything posted by cpc28655

  1. Not exactly what I had in mind, but you have brought a new (and welcome) point of view to this topic. If one can learn from a bad experience, and use that knowledge to improve themselves and what they look for in another, then that would be a positive experience in the long run. Thank you, that gives me something to think about.
  2. I made a mistake like that before, I'm sure alot of guys have. I simply waited a while, and had a talk with her. I knew that I had jumped the gun, and that's what I told her. I believe I also said something to the effect of "I can't promise we will be right for each other, but I can promise we won't regret finding out." We dated for about 6 months. I kept my promise too, we parted on friendly terms, and are still buddies today.
  3. I like that. It proves that it's the company that makes for a good date, not the cost or the complexity. Doesn't have to be a 5-star restaurant, so to speak.
  4. I figured why not go in a more positive direction and talk about our best dates. Doesn't have to be a date that turned into a relationship, or even a second date. Just a nice date, where you had a good time. And of course, sex does NOT have to be involved, lol. But if it is, thats ok too.
  5. Like I said, go to a city where the females outnumber the males, like Charleston, SC. You will see just how wrong you are, lol.
  6. It is very unlikely that it is anything you did. From what you described, she does seem like a very negative person. This will only lead to you feeling negative yourself. Being that this is a negative person, she is gonna think you are a jerk no matter what you say. But if you don't tell her the truth, she will think you are a lying jerk. I had to end my marriage because I was working while she sat at home, bleeding me dry. She was more like a "mouth to feed" then a spouse. If you ask her, she will tell you that I ended the marriage because I am a jerk. The point is, do what you gotta do.
  7. She wouldn't happen to be about 5'1", about 120 lbs., with long brown hair??? lol, I'm kidding, but that does sound like my ex-wife. All jokes aside, in the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, The author discusses how men and women react to problems and stress. Women handle problems by talking about them. As men, we tend to react to this as a request for us to solve the problems, which just frustrates them, because all they want us to do is listen. The book refers to this as being "Mr. Fix-it." An example given in the book, when Susan says "My job really sucks, I hate it.", Mike responds with, "Well, why don't you quit that job?" Have you ever done anything like that? It may make her less likely to want to discuss her problems with you. If not, then I agree with "Short answer: probably not"
  8. I used to think that females had it easier than males do, until I went off to college. Apparently, in Charleston, SC the females slightly outnumber the males. I certinally noticed a difference. Perhaps demographics plays a role in this as well.
  9. There could be any number of reasons as to why the replies are slow and short. They could be busy with any number of things. (taking care of a child, their phone may have rung, you get the idea). The answers listed by the others in this thread are most likely the case, but not always. Most people will tell you if they are busy, and to give them a moment. I've went to the bathroom, or to get a cherry coke (mmm, I love cherry coke) from the kitchen before, and when I get back to the screen, I see an IM box with "hey. how are you?" ; "you there" ; "to hell with you!" or something to that effect.
  10. Even though I don't do online dating, this makes perfect sense. There could be many reasons as to why there is no pic. Can't hurt to find out.
  11. I only partially agree with the replies up to this point. Normally, the worst that could happen is her saying no. But in a work situation, a "no" is not the worst that can happen. I'm NOT saying don't go for it, just keep in mind where you are, and use extreme caution. I'd say 95% of the world isnt sensitive to this sort of thing, but the other 5% is a real pain in the butt, lol. Good Luck
  12. That's just it. I don't feel nervous at all. I'ts almost a feeling of resentment.
  13. If you have read some of my other posts, you are probably aware that I am recently divorced after a year of seperation (1 year seperation is required in North Carolina). I have found it extremely difficult to start dating again. I have never really been a shy person when it comes to women. I have always understood that women are human beings with the same basic feelings, needs, and flaws as men. However, I have noticed a change in my attitude over the last year. I have not dated once since me and my exwife split. Last night, a good friend of mine asked me why I haven't dated. I thought about it, and realized that I still don't feel nervous around women. The only answer I can give him is that "I just haven't." Have I just quit caring?
  14. Doable!?!?! That is just tacky. I admire you for 2 reasons. Not only for overcoming your anxiety, but also for still giving the guy a chance after making a remark like that.
  15. I agree with this. There could also be some baggage left over from that failed relationship he had. Of course, the thought of my mother fixing me up with ANYONE makes me feel uncomfortable in ways I cannot describe. As much as I love my dear, sweet mother, I would not want her to be a match maker. It's possible that may play a small part in the whole thing.
  16. Simply put, considering some of the sick fetishes out there, your's is by no means kinky or unusual.
  17. Well, I bought a pillow off the net that is shaped like a set of boobs, 50DDDDD according to the website. So, I'll let you draw your own conclusions, lmao.
  18. You simply have not found that person who does, or he has not found you. I never said it was easy. You are a perfect 10 to somebody, somewhere. When one of my coworkers got married, he wanted a female employee (who was easily 300 pounds or about 136 kilograms) to do a strip tease at his bachlor party. I thought he was joking. He wasn't!!!!!!!!! He thought it was sexy, I had to order another rusty nail, lol. But, if he likes it..............
  19. The only thing I have to add to this is to be careful. When workplace romances go bad, the effects on one's job can be beyond repair. Sometime people (including myself) have trouble understanding when things are not personal. Imagine having to reprimand your own gf/bf.
  20. I'd say that if a person has to wear 2 watches because they take up 2 time zones, then they should consider lifestyle modification, lmao. However, I believe that everybody is sexy to somebody, somewhere. This is why I refuse to label anyone as "fat" or "ugly". Doing so would be like judging the taste of the person that finds them attractive.
  21. To be honest, I have never given this much thought. I would have to say that I am completely indifferent about this. As far as my own hair, the hair on my head is brown, while EVERYTHING else is red, including the pubic hair. I have gotten a couple of smart remarks from females over the years, but as comedian Tim Allen once said, "Honey, that ball hair is sitting right where it is!"
  22. Well, like I stated in another post (can't remember exactly where), I am re reading the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. One of the book's main points is how men and women react to problems and stress. Men tend to go into their "caves" and want to be left alone to solve the problems on their own, while women prefer to talk about their problems, not necessarily expecting the person they are talking to to be able to fix the problem. I imagine that being sick would be like any other problem.
  23. I'll say it again. the restraining order bit was only an exaggeration. It was not intended to be taken literally. In reality, E would have only been bouced out the door, lol.
  24. I just re-read that one post, it did sound kinda hostile. I apologize, it certinally was not intentional. Please don't take personally.
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