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  1. ...probably more successfully than this. Anybody else took the plunge and just asked out that guy/girl they hardly knew but for some reason just couldn't stop thinking about? What did you say...what did they say?! I did this a few weeks ago...it was one of the strangest things I've ever done in my whole life, beause I never ever seriously thought I could actually do it. I came back from uni after yet another frustrating afternoon of making eye contact but not being able to say so much as hi...this had been going on for weeks now... link: enotalone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=159443 (be warned, it's long and whiny) and it was the holidays in a few days..and I just thought, I'm sick of this, I can't see myself ever having the confidence to chat to him again, why don't I just point blank ask him out, and at least if he says no then I know for sure and I can get over him? What if he says yes? Wouldn't breathtaking mind numbing intoxicating happiness be a nice way to kick start a Wednesday morning?! It was a pretty rash, immature decision, but I was just completely infatuated and not my usual, rational self... So the next morning I waited on him on the way to class, determined but absolutely terrified, and when he saw me standing there I just went for it and said "hi, can I talk to you for a second?" and he looked at me with a friendly but puzzled frown and I knew then this was completely pointless but I had to do it anyway....I ended up looking at his feet in a moment of complete mental blankness then hearing this voice asking "em...is there any chance that you might want to go out with me sometime?" He said "no, sorry", I laughed and said "its allright" and walked off, very fast. Months of hopeless daydreams shattered in less than 30 seconds... It felt...amazingly liberating...crushingly disappointing...painful...very very embarrassing...and later I told my friends about it and laughed at my complete insanity and felt better and now I don't entirely regret it, apart from still having to see him every week, but the embarrassment will fade with time (I hope!) and I'd rather he was the first and last boy I ever ask out than the guy I still like but can't talk to. Now I really need to work on actually having conversations with guys I like rather than stopping talking to them, spending weeks obsessing over them, and then completely freaking them out by asking them out on the way to their maths lecture. Ugh!
  2. Hi! Well, I'm a 19 year old student, and there's this guy on my course at uni...I have a massive crush on him. I did a group project with him last semester, but we never really got to know each other well, I'm really shy and he is a bit, I think, he's not really loud anyway, so we've only ever chatted about homework and stuff, with me initiating it, but he seemed quite happy to talk to me, and once we had a short conversation about music and we have pretty much identical tastes...the conversation ended with him saying "sigur ros are great!", both of us grinning at each other, and me falling completely in love with him, unfortunetely. I'm pretty sure he knows I like him or is at least suspicious...I have one of my loudmouthed friends to blame for that, though it was an accident so I'm not too mad. I've been really embarrassed and nervous around him since, so I haven't talked to him in 5 weeks and now I just don't know what to think. Does he like me or is he just not interested or is he really freaked out that I might like him?! Help! And I'm too shy to try and start up a conversation with him now, even though I have plenty opportunity, because I'm worried he'll think I'm trying to chat him up or something. Anyway, here' s the "situation": We make eye contact quite a bit although sometimes I try not to as I'm embarrassed that he'll think I'm staring. Whenever he looks at me and I look back he never looks away first...I always end up looking away quite quickly, usually downwards, feeling really shy, because he isn't smiling or anything, just looking. I also see him looking at me sometimes when I'm walking past him and I try not to let on I notice. But this one time he smiled at me, so I smiled back, and we were looking at each other for about 4 seconds, then he was the one that looked away first, and he looked down, still smiling... but another time he was staring at me with this frowning expression which was almost a "black look" and that was really confusing, it almost looked like he hated me. Then when we're both waiting to go into class and his friends and my friends aren't there yet, so we're both standing on our own, he'll totally ignore me, as in he won't look at me, atall. I'm too scared to say anything so we just stand there in silence...I look at him occasionally really wanting him to look back so I can say hi (which I probably wouldn’t have the guts to do now anyway!) but he just won't look at me. On Monday he actually stood right opposite me, but still wouldn't look. This is really confusing me. Do I just forget about him or do I maybe have a chance? What is going on here?! I really really like him and I hate myself for being too shy to talk to him...I've never had any luck with guys and I'm nearly 20 years old now, which is quite embarrassing to admit. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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