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Everything posted by papalazarou

  1. Now is the time to go into NC and stick to it. It will be difficult but please hand in there buddy!
  2. Spot on there! Sounds like you dont want him back anyway!
  3. I did say this earlier!!! Dont do IT. Let her come to you. Do something else, but dont contact her...it wont help you (or her) or your situation at the moment. Hang on in there.
  4. Because he hasnt moved on. He is jealous because he thinks YOU have.
  5. He is hedging his bets. I bet things are not quite going well with her and so now he is using you as the security blanket to fall back on... At the same time he is probably a bit jealous that you appear to have "healed" quicker than he has - probably due to your NC for 5 weeks.
  6. I would agree whilst its not nice to have friends take sides, I know for a fact that I have a core 8 or 9 that will rally round when the chips or down. These are people I have known for years. Whats the saying boyfriends/girlfriends come and go but mates are forever. thereforeeee those people who "sided" with her were never true friends anyway. Rebuilding is hard but you CAN do it.
  7. I wouldnt wait around. Im afraid he has to "put up or shut up". He is keeping you dangling while he hedges his bets and sees whether his new g/f works out. That is not fair on you or her. Tell him its now or never.
  8. No response means she is not going to tell you she got the letter OR talk about it. Yes just wait. In the meantime get on with your life. See people, take up a hobby, study for that exam...whatever it is. NC so YOU can heal. Maybe she will call, maybe she wont. But you must try and occupy yourself so you dont thik about it. Depends what you mean by messed up? Your chances with her? No because at the moment you dont have any chances because she does not want a relationship. Messed up in the sense that you will now be waiting and wondering about the letter then yes. Pressure for her in trying to convince her to get back with you, pressure that she still has to deal with you having emotional attachment with her, pressure that you dont see her just as a friend, pressure that you are now wondering what she is doing, why hasnt she responded. As Superdave said when people say they need space - THEY NEED SPACE.
  9. Exactly dreamguy. I always used to say to myself...Dont put yourself in that position. Easier said than done I know. But we have all been there. Thats why this place is so great. Say on here I nearly sent it or just vent your frustration or anger...
  10. Good man!! I started Tae Kwon Do three years ago and am still doing it! What are you doing? As for friends I was in the same position, you could say that those are your TRUE friends that let you in without question.
  11. I had a similar thing happen to me with my girlfriend it was on an earlier post. I did get this which I found extremely helpful:
  12. Ok you did it. You broke NC but you had to get it off your chest. You said that you dont expect a response. Thats probably the best you can hope for. Although I now know you are dying to ring and say "did you get my letter" and she will say "yes" and then you will say well what did you think? - pressure, pressure, pressure.... Now you can move on. NC NC NC NC NC NC. Until she contacts YOU at least.
  13. Definitely. I know how you feel W1inter. Exactly how you feel. When my wife left me I had to go back to my parents I had nothing apart from a computer and a few bags of clothes. That was all I had to show for 5 years of marriage - 13 together in all. If only I had discovered NC then it would might have been so different. A good self esteem builder is exercise, or better still a Martial Art. Another good one is to surround your self with people who you feel comfortable with - friends, parents etc
  14. You wanna meet her. So meet her. Be happy, friendly and DO NOT talk about your split up or whatever. At the end say I had a nice time and we must do this soon. That way at least you have been friendly and she will be happier and no doubt you will be happier. Then wait for her to make the next the move. In the meantime NC until such time as she does contact you. Be careful tho. I have found that women want to "be friends" to ease the guilt of the breakup. I read somewhere that generally women are the ones who do the majority of breaking up...also we do the picking they do the choosing. Furthermore they also feel guilty about the split because generally they thought that they had met "the one" and so the friends thing eases this guilt....
  15. I havent seen this thread before! So I certainly have got some use out of it!!!! Thank you Majord!
  16. There is your answer. She doesnt want a relationship at the moment. No doubt you started talking about getting back together or how much you miss her etc. She doesnt want to hear any of that right now. Wait for her to contact YOU. Then maybe arrange to do something fun. No talk of relationships etc etc. But there will come a time when you have to realise that this may be playing with your emotions and its better to cut all ties...
  17. We have all had our heart broken before. It doesnt get any easier.
  18. Good call. Someone on here said how can they respect you when you dont respect yourself.
  19. Basically it does advocate a lot of No Contact - to the point of being unavailable all the time...dont be clingy, needy etc Get on and DO THINGS (not just chasing skirt) to make yourself more appealing, interesting and better as a person.
  20. M8 you really need to ditch her and get away from this as soon as possible. No contact. Get your self respect back. When you have you will see that she is treating you like s h 1 t. Well worse than that actually.
  21. I think thats why in this instance NC is good. For both of you. You so you can get your life back on track, and her so she can actually, geniunely miss you. The thrill of the chase is one thing...but she really is messing with your head. As the Beatles sang "Cant buy me love"...
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