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Everything posted by Scottrn

  1. 8 week trip? Are you going to do nc while he's gone, to try to get a feel? It might not be a perfect thing because you'll know hes coming back at a set time, which might skewer your percetions. Alone, but only until this date, you know? If you are getting more and more sure, thats something from inside you thats talking, just be sure to go slow and think clearly. Not much I know, but I'm praying for you. Keep dropping by.....
  2. Everything we go through makes us better, stronger (faster,...sorry, couldn't resist ) and thereby becoming who He wants us to be. He never said this would be easy, life that is, but He did say He would be there for you no matter what. "God will shield you from suffering, or give you unfailing strength to bear it" St. Francis Keep the faith brothers and sisters, we'll be ok. Just know we're not alone. Love
  3. Just mt 2 cents, hope you don't mind. Twice in this thread you said you were not happy in the relationship. I know, I wasn't either, but when you get out there alone, REALLY alone, you tend to forget how unhappy you were, and are willing to go back to that which made you unhappy just to end the pain. Try to remember you were unhappy. Our minds have a nasty little way of forgetting all the stuff that made us unhappy, but clearly remembers all that was good, no matter how long ago it was. I think she is in the same place as you, but you need to take care of you. Best to you, we'll be ok for 2005!
  4. It's all part of healing. At least we're here, looking inside, going through the darkness to find out what/why about ourselves so we can be better people and thereby give more from our lives while we're here. Such a short time in this life, but as someone else said, we feel deeply- and that is a trait to be cherished. I would rather feel this after each failure than to go out with someone else, hoping THEY will be the one for me without ever stopping to look at myself. I did that for the past 35 years and I refuse to do that anymore. I will feel this, live it, then put it down only when I'm sure I've learned all I can from it. I will come out a better man, I'm on my way! Full of cliche I know, but today has been a good day for me, thanks in no small part to this website. Keep it up y'all!!!
  5. Really nice post Michael. Bless you also this season, lets all plan on a truly happy new year. Remember, you are special. Believe it. You don't need someone else to tell you that. Know it for yourself.
  6. Good advice! It's the end of a year, end of the pain! New year coming, new adventure to go on if our heads are up and eyes are open. If we stay looking at our feet crying, we'll miss whats coming! The summer is coming too, get to the gym, workout, look good on the beach! Some things to look forward to! Happy new year to all, it WILL be better than this one was, theres no other option! bless us all
  7. I agree, it is sooo hard sometmes. It seems the busier I get, when I do stop it's like 2 days worth come all at once and kick me in the guts. No tears, I never did cry over it, but just a general s^%^y feeling. Coming here helps it pass sometimes, others......well, I'm trying not to drink.
  8. You can trust people, and there are still reasons to go on. I'm so sorry for you and your situation, keep going to church, open up to the minister and let him guide you. The lord will get you throughthis. Keep posting brother, we care and want nothing but happiness and peace for you. God bless
  9. You know inside what is best for you, but that can change as quickly as the weather here in New England. It's excellent you are seeing a therapist! Keep going to see him/her, even if you decide to go, it will help to deal with it and help you to gain a better knowledge of yourself, which will help immensely with starting over alone. I'm in the middle of mine, not contested so here it means a 4 month "cool off" period involving a few trips to the lawyer and a few signatures. I did leave everything though, so that has something to do with the uncontested part. After that, it's a trip to court, get on the stand and tell the judge you are done. Best of everything to you, my advice is to think long, hard and sober before you decide. Then stick to your decision and get it done. Keep posting, I'd love to hear how it goes for you.
  10. For me the MOST important thing to remember is that nothing we do or experience is a waste. Everything teaches us something, it's important to try to heak and not let it harden your heart, for you are growing into the person you are supposed to become, and when you get there, your mate will be waiting. At least I hope so!
  11. I can't speak for him, but for me learning to show emotion without fear of some repercussion of 'not being a man' would hold me back. A few times in my younger days, even my last relationship, I was told I'm not a man because of opening up and not taking control all the time. It can be scary to open yourself and get hit emotionally for it, so you quit doing it. It's the cowards way out, but it's safer that way. I've learned that theres really nothing wrong with your balance of strength and weakness, the trick is to find someone with similarly opposite traits. Keep your head up, a better day is coming! Have you tried church? A good one can make you feel welcome regardless of what you're going through. They're not supposed to be judgemental, but some are.
  12. Thats good stuff! Ive been reading here for 2 months now(since I left) but this is my first post. This site has been a Godsend! Just to know I'm not alone. Life is too short to be unhappy.
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