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Everything posted by cabralsoth

  1. hey, practice makes perfect let him know this is all new to you and you want him to tell you what he likes, he will prolly say ok, and then say nothing because he is soo happy and in shock that you are actually doing something, but, in time he will...lol.. just study his facial expressions, and see what drives him wild, and what he doesnt give no reaction to at all... learn by doing is my motto
  2. pretty soon hillary duff will be legal!!!!!! and she will be all mine....
  3. frist off, i do not compare the girl i am with to the girl i am watching (though picturing the 2 together has sometimes crossed my mind...lol) but we are happy with you, otherwise we wouldnt be with you... anyhow, i really could care less if the girl i am with digs porn, i think it is great that she can get her rocks off, hell, i think it is hot to watch a girl pleasure herself, as far as toys go, or looking at incredibly endowed guys, well, i know alot of women who like toys, and enjoy them being part of their sex life, thats cool, and if she is checking out a guy with a 2 foot rod, well, she is still with me so i must be doin something right... it really would not bother me... if she checked out lesbian sites, well, then i would be taken her to clubs to pick up chicks...lol.
  4. when she has her back to you one day, pinch her butt (not hard enough to bruise...lol) if she turns in surpise and smiles, go for it... if she turns and has a mad look on her face, apologize and say you were just playin
  5. before i got to your last post i was gonna say maybe she likes woman, now that i read your last post i am almost sure of it...lol... cmon she prolly thinks she wants to be with a man, but she really doesnt find them attractive, you may be nothing more than a tool for her, and your prolly really nice too i bet so why not keep you around, have you met her parents? if so maybe they like you to and she is keeping you around for that reason... you know, you may be the kind of guy a girl can bring home to mom...
  6. hmmm.. if you are in the shower conditioner is awesome...lol. just dont mix it with the water otherwise it runs off, but just putsome conditioner (the more the merrier) in you hand evenly distribute it to both your hands, use one hand to rub and massauge your balls while they other goes to town, and switch it up with the hands, its cool because when you switch at first it is like a stranger doing it...lol
  7. towel... or what you first said
  8. ypu, dont just thionk she is a light switch, maybe set the mood and everything... candles aroma therapy, massauge oils, smooth music (i dig the kenny g, or michael bolton stuff to get the girl in the mood... ) you gotta work it boy!
  9. you will grow hair on your palms!
  10. the best thing i can say (which will wind up being something that will help you years from now with lots of practice) is talk to her and see 'whats up' let her know you are feeling this distancing feeling with her and want to know if everything is ok... communication, it is the most simplest and basic way to understand somebody and yet so few people use it, instead we all try to 'figure out' what the person is thinking rather than just asking.
  11. Panties or thongs: thong Painted nails or not: dont care Regular or sports bra: regular Bra straps showing or not: dont care Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: both Dark or blonde hair: dont care Long or short hair: dont care Curly or straight hair: dont care Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: dont care Long or short nails: short nails Hat or no hat: depends on what we are doing...lol Good or bad girl: both Hair up or down: dont care Jewelry or none: dont care Tall or short: dont care Accent or no accent: dont care Pants or dress: dont care Tan or fair: dont care Glasses: dont care Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: hmmmm.... not sure Freckles or none: dont care Shy or outgoing: outgoing, but shy a little bit Funny or always cool: cool and funny Talkative or shy: somewhere in the middle, i dont want to be the only one having a conversation, but at the same time i would like to put in my 2 cents.
  12. hey redfire, i thought you all were going out..lol.. he is probably finding your shyness attractive, even challanging... i wouldnt be surprised if the less interest you show in him all of a sudden causes him to want you more... it is true that guys usually judge a woman by different clothes, as though it has something to do with who they are i work in a bank, and for some reason when i see the girls at work i think of them as professional and not into the stuff i like, but i have hung out outside of work with a few of them, and when i see them in their home get up it sends a complete different image in my head..lol.. it is not right, but it does happen... he prolly saw you natural and totally dug the look, you are no longer 'just the girl he works with' you are some chick he would check out if he was with his guy friends...lol. but maybe the reason he doesnt want to actually go out with you may be to an insecurity with himself... has he dated before? do you know of other girls he has gone out with? he may be shy, but with you acting more shy than him is giving him the courage to be daring... thats just one to grow on..lol. it is really hard to draw a conclusion from these situations simply for the fact that all we get is the one persons view point.
  13. hey SexySadie7, i think what he may be going thru (which is the same for me at this point) is that deep inside he does want to have some fun, and probably really enjoys what the 2 of you have done, but on some psychological level he may feel like doing this is putting him back into a place where he doesnt want to be ...ie: a relationship... even if you just want to have fun and you tell him, somewhere deep inside he probably feels like you are going to get attached to him and he is trying to avoid it, so rather than talking to you about his fears he is avoiding you all together... but i could be way off...lol
  14. just let him know you are not ready for a relationship. dont say anything like about leaving and stuff like that, let him know everything that goes with a relationship is something you want to save for a few years until you feel you are ready for them... if he cares he should understand, and appreciate your honesty... if not you know he is selfish and is only looking for you to pleasure him.
  15. you gotta listen to what you are saying... he's a nice sweet guy, and honest with me... but... he's cheated on you, and comes over once in a blue moon, usually a couple of hours late, basically just to get a quicky, he is controlling about you hanging with his friends (more than likely because of his own insecurity with himself being someone who has cheated on someone else) he doesnt call, or come by without you calling first... in all honesty i can only tell you by staying in a relationship like this you are setting yourself up for a long hard road ahead of you... IMO cut your losses now and say you need to see other people to judge what a real relationship is supposed to be about... that doesnt mean go around sleeping with people, but i think you need to see how differnt people treat eachother in a relationship, and dont date all of the same kind of guy because then you are just putting yourself back in the same situation. date all kinds of guys and you be the end judge about it, you never know, the last guy in the world you would probably date might have been the one that would have made you the most happiest, and trust me, happiness helps the sex life more than you know....
  16. sometimes i do, sometimes i dont... i dont know if masturbating plays a role, i think more so the atmosphere... are you around other people? are you alone? are you listening to music (music can be an arousal for some people) are you in the next room from her parents, what kind of clothes is she wearing/are you looking down her shirt while kissing.lol...it all depends on alot more factors than just that IMO, but i find that if you masterbate rigth before a date it puts you in a much more sedated state that you may not be so nervous, sort of like taking an aspirin.
  17. hmmm.... i never have and never want to... if i dont finish i am honest and just say i got too much on my head (no pun intended...lol)
  18. all i can say is DONT WORRY... he is a guy, he could care less how good you are, more than likely he will just be to much in awe that he is finally kissing you that he will wonder if HE is doing good enough... let him lead, and it pretty much just happens. if you dont like how he is doing it, well, you know what you dont like....lol... the only real thing you have to worry about is the ever elusive 'teeth click'...lol.. i hate it when my teeth hit against thiers, this usually only really happens when 2 people of different styles of making out try and kiss, or you are nervous, or just a simple accident..lol. but really, dont worry, slip a lil tongue in and out of his mouth teasingly, suck a little lip (not hard, that can cause swelling) and dont keep your eyes all the way open, that just freaks me out...lol.
  19. i have been smiling the past half hour reading these responses, i just got out of a 10 year relationship with someone that didnt care to go down at all, she was more than happy to receive though... i just find it exhillerating that there are girls out there that are into this, and i look forward to meeting them...lol.. look out girls here i ....er....you get the picture
  20. first of all, gimme a call in about 5 more years..lol... secondly, other than the sex what interest do the 2 of you have? i mean sure he loves recieving, but if he isnt into reciprocating then it will be a very long life for you if you ever get married... if you have other reasons that the 2 of you are together besides that than you are ok, maybe the next time he comes over DO NOT DO ANYTHING and see how long he stays for, just tel him that you are not in the mood, or that you have an upset stomach or something... it is sad to say but he may just be using you for his own pleasure and really doesnt care if you get your rox off, you may be more of a pleasure tool, and the longer he can keep you interested the longer he has his fun. i understand you may enjoy sex but take a break and see what his reaction is like, the last thing you want is to be used.
  21. i think about myself, though i dont know why that is a fault... dont yoou know in order for you to be able to help someone else you must first know how to take care of yourself. please specify on what you mean???
  22. hey goldennugget, well... being someone who who knows where you are coming from i can only say this... if you like her and want to see if there is a chance it could go anywhere, ASK HER OUT!!!! let her know you are interested, say "Look, I love being your friend, and i think you are really cool... but do you think there is any possibilty that there could ever be more?" ... i mean worst case scenario is she feels awkward and says no, and says she can still be friends while in the meantime the two of you drift apart because of this new feeling of uncomfortability not knowing what is goin thru the other persons mind (not saying its a deffinate, but it happens), or she says yes, and the 2 of you get to know eachother on a more intimate level. the one thing you should not do is let it build inside, there are several reasons for this: 1. frist of all what you have right now is an infatuation, do not let it build into an obsession... that can be very unhealthy for you and the object of your desire. 2. the longer you wait the sooner someone else will come and snatch her up. the last thing you want to do is say 'i think i will wait for a holiday and make it special with candy and flowers' next thing you know you will show up at her door and her new boyfriend (who had the b@llz to ask her out) answers it for her. 3. she may very well be waiting for you to ask her!!! cmon, talking to you all the time, sitting on your lap letting you comb her hair!!! you claim you dont know, but it sounds like she is throwing out signals left and right for you but you simply are not listening!!! WAKE UP!!!...lol. 4. you only live once... this is perhaps the most important reason i think by far... you never know what life is going to bring you, you have a relativly short journey in the existence of this world, you were given the gift of life to learn, enjoy, and help those who cannot help themselves. you only get one shot at this life.... take a chance.......
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