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  1. just don't hurry up deciding on this matter.. a guy loving his girl straight for three years is very rare now.. dumping him could even be the most stupid thing you could ever do.. net friends are rarely honest too.. i know that it's possible to be attracted with a person just by his words.. but it's just attraction not love.. you could only tell your true feelings when you meet personally.. your feeling of coldness with your bf does not necessarily mean you fall out of love already.. maybe you just need some time away to think over this matters.. tell this to your bf.. remember communication is a big factor in working with a relationship.. and it is still with regards to having problems like that.. ask for some space.. give yourself some time alone... try to ask yourself questions like.. could you really stand with out him by your side? can you see yourself with other guy? and when you're thinking over these.. think of not tomorrow, not next week, not next month.. but the years to come..
  2. i once received an email with a title "Tomorrow's Not A Promise". Though i cannot precisely figure out if your feelings for her is the lasting kind, but i would suggest that you tell her what you feel. there really could be a possibility of rejection but you have to take it. Coz you never know whats goin to happen tomorrow.. maybe today's all you have.. and you never know how much regret it could actually cost you of holding back.. so go up and tell her..
  3. honestly.. my x-bf is there too.. but don't worry we separated not because he'd been there.. it's another matter.. nwei, to tell you honestly, after the training you'll probably miss him more.. for he'll be gone longer.. but OCS is right.. distance doesn't matter in love.. if you truly love each other distance won't hinder you in any way..your faithfulness and trust with each other would be tested.. just think that this is going to be a good opportunity for you to prove to him how much you love him by staying faithful while he's away.. and he can do the same with you..
  4. if you really don't wanna have contact with her.. it really is better to tell her.. just tell her that you just wanna be honest with her.. that her calls are actually bothering you.. and ask her if it'll be fine with her if you ask her not to call you unless it's emergency.. just that.. if she would ask you why.. tell her you believe she knows why or just don't answer.. giving other reasons will just make things worse.. you could shift to another topic or end the conversation.. and of course.. do it all in good manner.. if she's matured enough.. she'll understand.. she may get hurt for she still value you.. but she would soon get over it.. you're far from each other so it shouldn't be that tough..
  5. i once had a bf a year younger than me... i mean there's nothing wrong bout it.. i commend you in not letting anything to happen between the two of you.. ages like you are normally aggressive and would always want to experiment.. knowing the right thing and standing on it is the best possible way to avoid undesirable consequences.. but the issue of having a lasting relationship that's what i doubt.. you're both young.. at your age sudden change of emotion is very common.. woman get matured faster than man.. at your age.. even if he'd be a year older.. it is most probable that you're thinkin about serious things and he not.. so don't expect too much about getting a serious relationship with him.. to avoid getting hurt..
  6. just call her.. do you know what matters in moving on? it's not forgetting 'cuz you'll absolutely fail in doin that.. it's just a matter of acceptance.. accepting the current situation.. if you'll be able talk to her plainly as a helping friend, not feeling the pressure of your past.. that's when you could say that you moved on.. but of course.. it takes time.. what i'm tryin to say is that the no contact thing could not probably work out for you.. since you have all the possibility of having her calls more often since she needs you assistance.. but don't worry on that.. if you could learn to accept things as to how they could only be.. you'll be able to move on..
  7. You're abosolutely normal.. career is totally different from lovelife.. so you can't compare that feeling of contentment in your career with your feeling of emptiness in your heart.. moving on with out her doesn't mean totally removing her from your life.. you two can go separate ways.. but who knows.. maybe your path will meet again at the middle.. i think that's what she mean when she told you she'll try to make up with you the time she cope up with the hurt you cause her. i think she don't want you to lock yoruself under her shadow. she might also want you to move on with your life and when time comes that your paths meet.. that's when she'll try to make up with you..
  8. maybe you've just focused so much in only one thing.. maybe your life have been a routine so you suddenly feel that worthlessness.. so why not try other things?? things you haven't done yet in your entire life... i think its someone you need.. its something.. 'cuz the truth is noone could ever fill you up 'cus we all have this empty side of us..
  9. what happened to you is a sad thing.. it's almost perfect.. but you see timing is also important.. it just happened that she was there at the wrong time.. it would have been better if you met just now that you have all your success in your careers.. well, actually that's it.. why not start all over again.. start from the point like you're strangers.. introduce yourself to her again.. this time a new you.. a you who only wanted is she.. court her again.. make effort in getting her back.. maybe she made all the effort for your relationship before and just get tired.. maybe she felt empty too before 'cuz maybe she thought that it seemed that all her efforts are in vane.. just thinking of the fact that she stand that long years being just the second in your life shows she must have truly loved you.. and its a fact that you could hold on to.. and i believe that that love won't fade that soon.. she might have just felt exhausted of your condition.. that's why she needed some time away...
  10. yah.. there's a saying.. "if you love someone set her free.. if she comes back she's yours.. if not.. she never was and never will be.." you're right too in saying that to live for yourself is to be happy.. but it does not necessarily mean to be given happiness by others.. so, let her be happy by herself.. when she reached the point of contentment, she'll be able to put up with her feet again and will walk back to you..if it is still her path..
  11. simple.. move on.. think of this.. if he really like you.. you don't have to guess until now.. if he's just running out of guts to tell you (i doubt!) its up to him to gather enough guts.. just don't initiate on it.. besides, you're still young gurl.. don't be that damn worried..try to enjoy life with out guys...
  12. now you're making a point.. if she's truly forcing him.. that's what made her bad.. but better check on her intentions too.. we girls don't always try to shape guys up on what we want.. sometimes we do threats out of concern.. its not really just because we want it but because we know it isn't healthy for you that's why we want you to stop it.. but we really don't mean that.. imean the threat.. well, most of the time that what men didn't understand and that's what other girls mistakably do.. but whatever your friend would decided to do.. let him be.. anyway, as i said it would cause him no harm.. he could have enjoyed it but how long? remember the enjoyment that smoking weed could cause you isn't permanent but the bad effects are.. come to think of this..IF out of your knowledge, that girl did that out of concern and love for your friend, i mean she truly love your friend.. then it happened that when you gave your advise to your friend he come to listen to you and broke up with her thinking that she's selfish.. then time came that the bad effect of smoking damaged your friend's health and by that time it is necessary for him to quit smoking.. of course by that time he surely would 'cuz his life is at stake.. then he suddenly think of this girl who warned her before and feel the regret of not listening to her and losing her.. your friend lost bothe his health and the love that could have saved him.. now..you, knowing all this.. how would you feel???
  13. you don't understand.. it's not being a guy or girl.. if a girl would ask me same thing i would say same thing.. actually its not about his quitting this stuff. it is you being his friend who should support him because what he's doin is RIGHT! that you just have to stop being an unreasonable friend.. anyway, as i see it.. you're just after having your enjoyment.. which is absolutely selfish!!! if i am his friend.. though i truly enjoyed doing this stuff with him, but since i knew that what he's goin to do would caused him no harm and he really is decided for that.. i would only support him... because i'm just his friend.. i am not him and i don't have the right to decide for him.. if you wanna tell him what you think.. then tell him.. it's not wrong.. but you don't have to insist what you and only you think is right!!! just be friend enough by respecting what he decided to do..
  14. i really could not tell you that exactly.. it could be and it could be not.. it could be like.. he realized that he wanted you back but taking step by step in getting you back.. that's why he didn't tell you directly that he missed you.. with that.. well, you should give him his time for his plans.. you can't tell, maybe he wanted to surprise you.. if its his personality.. or it could be the other way.. may he somewhat missed you just because he's used to of having ou around and maybe he really just enjoyed talking with you..but it could only be that.. nothing more.. well, at least you've have just talked ones so you can't tell this early.. be patient my dear.. sooner or later you'll know.. the most that you could do now is try to move on.. open yourself to other oppurtunities and enjoy your life with out him.. before, i've received an advise from an experienced one.. she told me that i shouldn't locked my self in my x's shadow.. i should enjoy life and make my self happy and contented in what i am doing.. that happiness would soon shine out of me and for sure others would notice.. if it happened that it is still him who noticed it then i should give him chance and it would be better by that time..
  15. you didn't mention what mess happened between you but believe me you did the right thing.. most of the time it's really better to give yourselves space to realize things.. but i guess its still too early to make a conclusion.. there really are situations like when they're lovers everything was just a mess but everything seemed to be cleaned up when they're just friends.. meaning they are better friends.. anyway, two don't need to be lover to enjoy each others company.. why not give yourself more time and space.. try to put your attention on other things.. see how you enjoy things with and without him.. i am sure he's realizing things too.. and sooner or later you'll know that.. if you both come to realize that you're still into each other maybe you can give it a second try.. taking into considerations the things you've learned from your past and from what happened when you're away from each other..if what would happen is still a mess then probably it's an indication that you really are better friends.. and only you two could know that..
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