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It doesn't really matter if he's legitimately busy or not. A whole lot of people justifiably have very little interest in carrying on a psuedo LDR through the pandemic. Texting and calling gets dull quick for I'd even say most people under normal circumstances, never mind when navigating stay-in-place orders, working from home, and public shutdowns. If I'd been on all of four dates with a woman when this hit, even if I was interested, it'd be a "let's meet up ASAP once this has blown over." Granted he could have and should have been up front, but he hinted to it as obviously as anyone could.


If I had to guess, dude either feels obligated because of the gift or is honestly kinda spooked given you've resorted to sending things to his physical address.

Right. Two good points there...


I mean how much can you like someone after 4 dates?


Sure there's the twinge of disappointment, but I'd venture to guess this has all gotten the better of the OP's imagination and ego. That this guy probably can't live up to anyway.


And then there's his side of things... And if he's not feeling it, the gifts is way over the top... men get creeped out, too.

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I can't go into detail about what he does, but he typically works between 12-24 hours.


He doesn’t work 24 hr shifts 7 days a week.


He might be busy but not too busy to keep in regular contact with people he cares about.


Get back online and start chatting to others with potential.

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From what you have described and now his work shifts he sounds like a lot of fire fighters I personally know. I know them but I am not friends with them because of the way they treat their wives and the women they date on the side. Not all fire fighters are like this but this sounds very familiar.


Either way no one is that busy.


So your attempt to get him to respond was your last one I hope?


It comes down to this: At the end of the day does it really matter why he is not responding or the circumstances how this whole thing when sideways? Sometimes it can all go perfectly with the same result.


You need to accept that he is not into you and does not want to talk, date or have sex with you any longer. Harsh but very true.


Time to turn your attention to things you can have a positive affect on in your life.



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From what you have described and now his work shifts he sounds like a lot of fire fighters I personally know. I know them but I am not friends with them because of the way they treat their wives and the women they date on the side. Not all fire fighters are like this but this sounds very familiar.


Either way no one is that busy.


So your attempt to get him to respond was your last one I hope?


It comes down to this: At the end of the day does it really matter why he is not responding or the circumstances how this whole thing when sideways? Sometimes it can all go perfectly with the same result.


You need to accept that he is not into you and does not want to talk, date or have sex with you any longer. Harsh but very true.


Time to turn your attention to things you can have a positive affect on in your life.




He's not a firefighter and yes that was definitely my last attempt like I said I'm taking a calmer approach. But he's actually been the one reaching out now.

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He's not a firefighter and yes that was definitely my last attempt like I said I'm taking a calmer approach. But he's actually been the one reaching out now.


Is he asking you out on a date -or at least expressing strong interest in taking you out on a date once this pandemic passes?

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