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dias last won the day on November 19 2021

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  1. Thank you guys(gals)! It was really fun. It was so different from the things I had done before. Everyone really liked the show, especially my mother who loves dancing she was dancing on her seat lol. It was a pretty impressive show for a local dance school. Funny thing, turns out many people there (25+) are mostly introverts and homebodies which is strange given the nature of this whole thing (dancing, fun, working with others etc). They are more difficult to open up but once they get to know you they are pretty cool. I also like it because it's a family business and it attracts the same kind of people. There are no punks. I believe stage performances are very beneficial when it comes to being comfortable with exposure. Very valuable skill on every aspect of life.
  2. Nothing interesting in the dating apps. On the dance school, I chatted with a young hot gal, nothing there. Always the same story, they look at me, I start a conversation which leads to nothing. Ok I expected it to be honest, I have come to understand which type of glance is the one that means a woman is really interested and not just want you to go approach her to satisfy her need for attention. I chatted with another one, I thought she might be interested, nope, she is taken. Same old same old. In my experience, which I know it's not the same for everyone, if a woman gives you furtive glances it means nothing. She might be interested in a conversation if you approach her, she might give you her phone number but that's it. It does not go beyond that because she was never really interested in the first place, she just wanted attention. The ones there is a possibility there is real interest are the ones who look at you straight in the eye for seconds or smile at you. Those are the true indicators which happen very rarely at least for me. I asked my childhood friend who is better at approaching women and he has concluded the same thing. I guess it's not only me. This is why dating apps are useful. You know the gals there are (possibly) single and looking, you don't have to approach random women who are not really interested or they are taken and whatnot. They save a lot of time.
  3. I don't like saying this but I find my parents the most energy-draining people. I can't stand them more than a couple of days. They are fussy people, they argue 24/7, they are not fun most of the time, they put me in the middle since I was a little kid. I don't like having them around for long, they exhaust me. I think the only person I could live with 24/7 is my brother and maybe a girl if we were very compatible. The latter I am not sure about as I have never done it for long. This was the only girl in my life I have spent 2-3 days in a row together 24/7. It was draining but it was also fun and peaceful. I asked my childhood friend if he has spent so much time with a girl and he said no, he would find it very difficult. Interesting though because he has slept with half of the female population of Athens and he only had one sleepover and he hated it. He likes his own bed too much hahaha. Both 32 years old and never had a proper relationship, not sure if it's to laugh or to cry haha. I do believe it takes maturity to live with someone else. I am not sure I have it. This girl told me I have everything a woman wants but I am emotionally very immature. Can't argue with that.
  4. Hahahaha I am sure he didn't get it at first if he isn't an introvert 🙂 Absolutely!
  5. I am burnt out physically and emotionally. We had a 8 hours rehearsal for the hip-hop performance which is next weekend. Combine that with work (which thankfully is slow these days), working out, meeting and talking to this girl all day, and I am done. My parents also are staying with me because bro is coming next week and I have to listen to their bs all day long. Worse than Chinese torture. When I was 20 I might had enough energy to keep going, now my brain and body shut down willy-nilly. People are so energy vampires........I need to spend one week alone without talking to anyone to recharge. I am so tired I don't even want to talk. We ended it with this girl yesterday, I think this time is final, it is for me I believe. I don't even have energy for sex, let alone spending time together. At least now I am pretty certain she is not that into me despite what she says, she already hooked up with 2 other guys since Thursday when we had 5 hours of sex. I am still tired from then. She made it easier. Thank God. I don't have more energy to give to anyone or anything. When I am done with the performance, I am doing nothing aside from work and running. I don't want to talk to anyone, friends, girls or parents.
  6. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cljy6yz1j6gt What's with that guys? A couple more times and it's going to become a tradition in the US.
  7. I agree with what she says. I mean I agree because it makes sense. High in testosterone -> analytical, direct, decisive, good in math and engineering and you are drown to the opposite. Tell me about it hahahahahaha. There is a reason I like show-girls, it's proven by science. I also agree about love at first sight. We all have this love map of what we like. So when we see someone like what we have on our mind AND he/she reciprocates the interest then it's love at first sight. I agree. However, I think even love at first sight is when you have spend some hours with the other person and you feel the chemistry, not only by looking at someone. Basically, what she says is that love at first sight is when what we have on our mind meets reality and it's mutual (the key part). Makes sense to me.
  8. We met on Thursday, she was in the city center so I asked her if she wanted to come to my office. We went out for a drink after this and ended up in a hotel apparently hahaha. These were good 5 hours of rough sex. Damn, she likes it rough and she wakes up my basic instincts with this. I haven't done so much hair pulling and slapping in my life. That was good sex. She teared up at some point saying she doesn't want to lose me. I don't want to lose her either and I reminded her we agreed we will stay friends. She said it's not the same and the sexual chemistry she has with me is beyond normal, she wants to have sex with me all day everyday for the rest of our lives. We do have chemistry, mine is more about the communication part as I haven't found this before. I had more sexual chemistry with other girls before from my side but I never had such chemistry in terms of personality with another girl. It's really strange. It's the feeling you have that you know the other person for years whilst in reality we know each other 1.5 months. So far in my life, the girls I liked didn't like me back and with girls that liked me I didn't feel the same. Although now it's not exactly mutual from my side, it's the first time I have so much chemistry with a girl who likes me this much. So this is how it feels like. That's something new to me. She says she is in love with me, I don't believe it, she is a player*. I don't have a problem with this, I like that we talk so transparently. We have pretty good communication and we laugh a lot. I love this part. She is going out with a uni professor now who has a PhD from Cambridge and they work on the same field so I believe it's a better match. He has the social status she so desires hahaha. She is going to move on quickly I think. Although I do like having sex with her, losing the sex part is not that important, but I would like to keep her as a friend in my life at least. Dunno, we will see.... *You would think the good looking people are the players. Nope, usually it's the average looking people who are the players in both genders. Isn't that funny?
  9. No I am not giving any advice, she does it her own way. I tried to explain to her why an active lifestyle is important in the long term and diet alone is not a solution. Regulating your weight with diet alone is usually a recipe for disaster in the long term, you regulate your weight with exercise. But hey, to each his own.
  10. We still talk with this girl as friends. Well, she stayed at my place for the weekend and we had a good time but we agreed it is not going to last. She is dating others so I expect we won't have sex anymore which is fine. We keep it touch though as friends at least for now. Anyway, she sent me the diet her doctor gave her. It's so freakin restrictive, yes it's going to work temporarily because the calories are too low and it's full of supplements but I am sure she will gain all the weight back and then some. Doctors want money, they don't provide sustainable solutions. Sustainable solutions don't need supplements, they need an active lifestyle and making exercise way of life. I showed her my way, sure it's boring as hell, but it's the fastest and more effective way in the long term. To solve this issue for life. Instead she went to the doctor and started crossfit (neither because of me by the way so before you jump in and accuse me: .!. ). Well, I bet all my money she is going to lose weight for a year or two and then gain back a lot more. Hope she proves me wrong. What surprised me the most actually is that on the weekend while we got tipsy when it's easier for truths to be blurted out, she told me she does not like the fact that I am an introvert and that I don't have social status and money. The introvert comment I kind of expected it as she is an extrovert but I didn't expect the comment about the social status and money. I might not have social status as an engineer but I do make very decent money. She dated doctors and lawyers before and her father is a self-made man so I get where this is coming from but I just didn't expect it as she seems very down to earth. Very very interesting. So I am not good enough for her either, I think it's mutual now hahahaha. Well, in the end we want someone like us, we value completely different things. I care a lot about looks among other things, she cares a lot about social status and money. See, all good, we were not meant to be together.
  11. It's 32+ Celsius here, everybody is complaining except ME hahahahaha. I love it, I love the sun, I love when the sunlight kisses my skin. I love it. I love it. I adore it. The summer is not enough for me, I need warm sunny weather all year round. The Russian colleagues who got transferred to the US chose Florida and Texas to live. At first they were sent to Boston but they wanted warm weather. Even Russians want warm weather. Man, what I really want right now, in an imaginary world, is to get transferred to Florida, ask those Russian colleagues to bring me a hot Russian chick to marry and start my own business. This is the dream. The best place in the best country with the hottest girl. The best from the best. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, one can only dream................................................................................................................
  12. Hahahahahahaha yes I get what you mean. Actually I do find him interesting, he is a clever person, but at the same time he is boring too. Very monotonous. Almost all scientists are monotonous though, it's the job believe me. Hahaha. I mainly listen to his guests. But I do understand why you find him boring. You are high energy, you need someone like you to spark your interest.
  13. She looks pretty normal. Or maybe it's a facade
  14. On a different subject, eventually I got hired for the American project. Despite the fact I chased it I am not sure it was the right choice hahaha. There is a lot of miscommunication between the team members. They haven't even gathered the client's requirements. The only entertaining thing is that the team is half Russians who live either in the US or Eastern Europe and the other half Americans. It's interesting to see how those two collaborate hahahaha. Thank God, given my background I can easily communicate with both hehe. Anyway, in the Greek office we played a game. A game to see what each person understands listening to the same things. As we all know, everyone understands something different despite being on the same call and listening to the same things. So, one manager gave instructions of what to draw on power point using simple lines. He had an original drawing from his side and he had to give instructions and we had to listen carefully and draw the same thing. The drawing was a paper boat. You would think simple right? You just follow the instructions and you draw it. Well, out of 8 people I was the only one that got it right, the rest drew something completely different. And I am thinking how is it possible; those people have master degrees and 15+ years of experience and they can't even follow simple instructions. Go figure. I believe from next year I will try something on my own again on the side. I am starting to feel ready again.I am selling my self short wasting my life for those people and the corporate world.
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