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Places are closing early, disinfecting and restocking overnight. Some are practicing social distancing by only letting a costumer in when one leaves to keep a low minimum in the stores. So get to grocery stores as early as possible.


There is way too much hysteria which doesn't help. What helps is common-sense evidence-based personal safety and public safety measures. What helps is people educating themselves on CDC and WHO recommendations. What doesn't help is over-saturating on too many news shows. What doesn't help is hoarding vs appropriate stocking up. Becoming a prepper doesn't help. All the ammo in the world won't kill a virus.


What helps is practicing appropriate hygiene and distance. What helps is keeping your immune system as intact as possible. What helps is keeping yourself together mentally and physically. What helps is trying to go about your business as normally as possible and making the appropriate adaptations and adjustments such as working from home, not going out, etc.


People are freaking over the number of confirmed cased. Even though this number is far from complete as many people are not tested. Some people have varying symptoms from mild flu-like symptoms to respiratory shutdown and death. The number to look at is the death vs case ratio.


I agree we have to look at the science. Still not overwhelmingly joyful though.

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I am feeling....good. Unsettled, but good. Decent.


Two days ago the anxiety was pretty acute, the edginess razor-sharp, while for the past 48 hours it has been more manageable. Can't put a finger on why, exactly, and I suspect many more waves of disruption and disruptive emotions on the horizon. One at a time.


My girlfriend and I were talking earlier today about how this is a moment to get very, very comfortable living with three words: "I don't know." Because, alas, what other choice is there? There was no shortage of comfort in that idea, and in sharing it with someone.


This is a weird moment, a scary one—with the fear, for most of us, being uncertainty, the great boogeyman to the human spirit. Always lurking, some times more aggressively than others. Adapting to uncertainty is a challenge—perhaps the greatest—though I take some comfort in recognizing it as a challenge that humans have risen to over and over and over again.


Sera? I hear you on those frustrations, about where the most petty-seeming of things are still being prized and prioritized by some. Have gone down a number of those wormholes, reacting both to news stories and to ways friends are coping, or what certain friends are deeming "suffering" right now. Gets me angry, defeated-feeling, lonely and frightened.


I've tried, for whatever it's worth, to remind myself that it's kind of just people looking for a toehold, best they know how. For instance, I dedicated some time yesterday to (a) looking for a good book to read and (b) figuring out where I could get (safely) a sprocket wrench so I can replace the brake lever on my motorcycle. It was nice, that time, a little respite. Pedestrian concerns, of course, like a pierced nipple. Something to grab onto when the bottom seems to be falling out.

I hear you people are trying to just cope as best they can. Some of it though leaves me thunderstruck.

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I'm feeling okay, trying to keep myself busy, I went to the grocery store today, some people were not wearing face masks. Phone calls and video chats help me to get through this lockdown, but I do miss going out and just my daily routine. I'm also trying to avoid reading too much about covid19 on facebook, some people are going overboard with their questions.

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I'm so sorry about your mom! Hanging in -honestly found shopping creepy and stressful (totally not crowded, easy to stay away from people)


True. Here you have to wait before they let you in the store. But every trip to the grocery store causes tears and panic let me tell you.

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Same thing here. Crowd control at the door with greeters in masks gloves and spraying down carts, etc. However shelves were well stocked even toilet paper. Got all the essentials. Sadly they had to set up hotlines for businesses who are price gauging. Brings out the best and the worst.


Trying to stay in as much of a "normal" routine as possible. Adding a lot of projects and online courses to the mix to prevent stircraziness.

Just did a morning grocery run. Super creepy. Easy enough to distance, with line control and so on, but just a strange vibe. Inhale, exhale, everyone.
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Same thing here. Crowd control at the door with greeters in masks gloves and spraying down carts, etc. However shelves were well stocked even toilet paper. Got all the essentials. Sadly they had to set up hotlines for businesses who are price gauging. Brings out the best and the worst.


Trying to stay in as much of a "normal" routine as possible. Adding a lot of projects and online courses to the mix to prevent stircraziness.

Store shelves are almost empty here.

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I put in an online order for pick up at the grocery store down the street. First slot available was April 2.

We are not going to stores at all for now, just living on what we have, which is totally fine. It's been less than 2 weeks since we came back from California so we are just trying to be cautious for others.

I've been stress cooking and baking. Really am quite lucky about our circumstances all told.


Blue, when you posted about your kumquat tree and going for the top ones ( in another thread ) that made me smile. I had my first chance picking oranges, lemons, grapefruits this year and I was so happy lol.

Feel grateful I've got a yard, a nice house and trees and space for gardening and the dorky things I like.

Snow is starting to melt which it feels nice but also can't help with the worry that people will be too tempted to throw away caution and we will see more spreading of this. Spring is a time lots get sick even without this too.

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Feeling better today. I did put on a mask and went to the grocery store for a few things I needed. Thankfully the shelves are being stocked again and people aren't running around grabbing stuff and panicking like they were. Tomorrow I have to go out again to pick up a prescription but I can have the pharmacy run it out to me.


Work is stressing me out but no COVID (yet?) in my facility. We will see what will happen. It gives me a lot of anxiety knowing that this cases continue to go up where I am (although not as bad as NYC, thank GOD). I fear that I'll be in an unsafe position with patients and I'll have to see some really horrible things. I have a fair bit of ICU experience. I know how to take care of a patient on a ventilator. I think I'm going to be utilized at some point...just not sure when/where/what. But I'm not exactly jumping up to volunteer. I am keeping my head down and continuing my standard work and hoping that we can keep the virus out of where I work.


There is NOT ENOUGH PPE. I have my own masks, some homemade. I won't disclose what was used to make them or else some more things are going to go out of stock but they do work.


I'm hoping at some point, maybe I'll get infected with COVID and then given my young age/lack comorbidities, it will pass and I'll be okay and then I don't have to worry about getting it any more.


New concern for me: crime. All of the school closed and lots of unemployment. My city has had a lot of issues with violence and crime and it seems to be getting a bit worse. We had two homicides in pretty short order which is very odd for the cold months. People tend to do more of that nonsense when it is warm out.


I am concerned because I am alone in a bottom level apartment. I know how to use a gun (have used them for years) and soon, I plan to retrieve my shotgun from my family's house and take it along with some ammo back to my apartment. My family is in agreement. I need some protection at home.


I'm sad that it has come to this. But I feel that I have no choice. I don't trust the government to continue the course to protect its citizens. I don't trust the police in this mess to stop crime effectively. This is the time to be self-sufficient. I just wish I didn't have to do it alone right now.

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Do you have an alarm system?


I have intrusion alarms in my house. They are LOUD! No way is anyone getting in without the whole street knowing about it.


I received a delivery of toilet paper while I was at work. I don't worry about breakins but I did worry about someone seeing the TP at my front door and making off with it. I live in a nice gated community that is mostly older people, but still! Fortunately when I got home the box was sitting there, albeit with a huge "CHARMIN" on the box!


Thank you for providing much needed medical care.

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Sort of. I don't really have the ability to have a formal alarm system (my door frame would not accommodate those sensors) but I have local alarms on my windows so when my A/C units are in the windows, if someone tries to pull up on the window, whelp, very loud.

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Okay...I have to limit my time on FB, I am starting to get really steamed!


There is one guy in particular who is a total moron. He is inviting friends over, he is going to their houses to drink (of all things) and he is saying this virus is all nonsense.


There are others too, on the buy and sell pages who are still posting things to sell and are saying free delivery or come over anytime to pick up. (hello? self isolation??!!?? social distancing??!!?)

None of them are taking anything seriously..in fact, some were full on laughing saying "don't worry about the news, just come on over".


For the most part, people are being decent, but there are still morons out there, and while they are out there..this situation is going to continue to grow.

I hope they start having fines or charges or something to stop these people. It is making me so angry.


They can't claim ignorance either, everywhere you look there is loads of information on what is happening. There are even pictures of all the caskets from those lost recently in Italy..hundreds of caskets lined up.

What it comes down to is, there truly are some people who are too selfish, too much of A-holes, and too reckless to give a crap!


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need a breather.

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Okay...I have to limit my time on FB, I am starting to get really steamed!


There is one guy in particular who is a total moron. He is inviting friends over, he is going to their houses to drink (of all things) and he is saying this virus is all nonsense.


There are others too, on the buy and sell pages who are still posting things to sell and are saying free delivery or come over anytime to pick up. (hello? self isolation??!!?? social distancing??!!?)

None of them are taking anything seriously..in fact, some were full on laughing saying "don't worry about the news, just come on over".


For the most part, people are being decent, but there are still morons out there, and while they are out there..this situation is going to continue to grow.

I hope they start having fines or charges or something to stop these people. It is making me so angry.


They can't claim ignorance either, everywhere you look there is loads of information on what is happening. There are even pictures of all the caskets from those lost recently in Italy..hundreds of caskets lined up.

What it comes down to is, there truly are some people who are too selfish, too much of A-holes, and too reckless to give a crap!


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need a breather.


I also -just to make you feel a little better -see people saying they will put supplies outside for pick up (just like if you ordered them from Amazon, etc) and my friend offered to mail me TP from where she is! (not needed......yet.)


I'm sorry -I feel you and it's infuriating. Also infuriating to be told never to go outside for fresh air safely (which I do daily at dawn, very very far away from anyone and everyone) and which my husband and son do almost daily for a solitary walk. Our government has a stay at home order but parks and our walking paths are still open. I don't think massive shut-in is the answer either unless people don't show common sense. In my neighborhood I've seen it all but more positive than otherwise (although I am in an apartment building and if I'm outside twice a day it's a lot -typically only the dawn power walk). The other thing is we already do a lot of the extra steps asked for - we don't touch public surfaces with bare hands, we wash our hands a lot, we don't wear our outside clothes inside or shoes inside the house, etc. So far fingers crossed we're healthy and by the end of this week none of us will have been at work or school or any gatherings for over 2 weeks and no cases where we were- that we know of. Whew.

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