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  1. The unemployment thing is 100% true. We have common friends from the same work field and I also happen to know someone from his current company, so I know he was unemployed for sure. I don't want to share exactly what happened while he was visiting right now, I just don't want to think about it again. I'm still trying to process stuff. I just wanted to share with you guys the main reason why I don't want to have anything with him anymore. Thanks again for all your support💛
  2. So what happened was that he told me that he's sleeping with a married woman with three kids (her husband knows about it and it's him who wants his wife to sleep with someone else). And I don't want to have anything with someone who decides to be a part of this mess (sorry if it sounds judgemental but that's just too much for me).
  3. Thanks guys, I appreciate your suppport. I wish I could tell you something else. Sadly he disappointed me and I told him on the third day of our visit that I don't want to spend time with him anymore.
  4. It didn't go well. I don't feel ready to share the details over here for now, maybe later. Thanks for asking though.
  5. Thank you, this is helpful! He's indeed very practical and has a matter-of-fact personality so I think you might be right here. I've been very busy at work this week so that helps me not to overthink my personal life!
  6. I don't think he would cancel, he keeps messaging me so I don't think he would do that. I do believe it's just who he is when it comes to expressing emotions, so it's something I need to take into comsideration. Thank you again guys, I'll keep you posted!
  7. He's from Eastern Europe, just like me, but we both live in Western Europe now. You're totally right that he is reserved when expressing emotions - just like a typical person from Eastern Europe 😁 I think I'm so used to dating men from Western Europe that it's unsual for me to deal with his. So yes, I'd say he's slow to open. Thank you, I'll try not to overthink and just see how it goes when he finally gets here!
  8. He has always presented himself as looking for a serious relationship. He doesn't look like the hookup type to me, he's been a gentleman so far. Also, we didn't have sex yet, we only kissed for now. But maybe you're right and he's changed his mind and only wants to hook up now.
  9. I know it probably doesn't make sense to overanalyze it at this point and I'll just see what happens when he's here but last weekend I texted him that I was excited to see him this week and he didn't reply anything to that message (he replied to other messages I sent at the same time, and this was the last one so I doubt he didn't notice it). I know it's just a message but honestly I thought he would reply something like 'me too'. It's confusing because he's told me several times that he really looks forward to seeing me or this visit. Last time he told me this was last Wednesday, and he keeps texting me other things too but it just makes me question if he's into me since he ignored that message.
  10. Ok guys, so LD guy is coming to visit this week and we've been texting but honestly I'm not sure how he feels about this, it seems that he's not excited to see me. So I guess I'll know more when he comes and we spend some time together, but right now it doesn't look very promising, so I think it's good I can focus my attention sonewhere else too.
  11. Thank you, I'll keep you guys posted about the visit!
  12. Yes, you're right, I've been stuck in the in-between zone with LD guy for a while now. I know he's looking for something serious and we have a great connection but I need to see how he feels about the distance. He's never been to my city/country so there's still sadly many uncertain things. You understand my situation very well, and yes, I'm aware of all the risks. I think I'll know more after the visit and I'll be able to sort out my feelings and decide what to do next.
  13. Sadly neither of us has a car so we have to rely on trains or planes. Again, I don't consider hooking up with the work guy as a waste of time. For now I like it, and even if there's no future, I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
  14. Thanks raimbows, I don't mind discussing it further but it's true I think it doesn't make sense to overanalyze how I call the work guy or other minor details!
  15. I don't see having sex with work guy as a waste of time, for now I enjoy it. We agreed to keep it as secret so I don't think he would gossip about it.
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