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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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15 hours ago, Jibralta said:

Those are not the instances that raise the hairs on the back of my neck. 

Well autocorrect is notorious for making some of what is written look like gibberish, but hey, can't blame everything on that 😂

Guess language is an evolving entity.

This year's OED word of the year is "doomscrolling". Actually they had a few words for 2020 because the covid situation necessitated it.

For example some words/phrases aren't new but have migrated over from epidemiology jargon to everyday conversations like 'social distancing'.


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Second time in a couple of weeks where someone on FB -once was an actual friend, today a total stranger I am not connected to - asked me why I chose to comment on a post with "happy to PM if you want to discuss further".  The friend private messaged me to say that for some bizarre reason it doesn't look good on the internet to want to share thoughts privately instead of publicly, and in today's case the stranger asked why I wouldn't share examples of my point (my point was generally that yes it can be consistent for someone to say they respect your beliefs and then also react in a negative way to how the belief is expressed -because it might be the expression of the belief as opposed to respecting the belief itself) - I told my actual friend I'd be happy to give examples offline -we're friends in real life.

What's this garbage about others criticizing how I choose my own personal/social media boundaries?  I don't post much at all on FB other than commenting and I never comment about politics or religion ever (the latter, yes if it's totally factual like how a certain holiday is celebrated or observed) - or anything sensitive or inflammatory and I don't' post photos or my own posts with the whole "what I ate for lunch today during quarantine".  I love having the boundaries I have - and they're not hurting anyone -most certainly not this stranger.

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7 hours ago, LaHermes said:

LOL. Wrong Wisey.

If used at all it is "youse".


"“youse” and “yiz” in Dublin, “ye” in Munster and the west, and “yousuns” in the North."

We have "yous(e)" in the eastern counties of Long Island, and in some parts of Staten Island. I've also heard it in areas north of Pittsburg--where there is also "yins." We also have "you-uns" in some regions and, of course, "ya'll."

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6 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

The  news about some covid strain in the UK and everything shutting down.🤔

Just when there's a light at the end of the tunnel, some more bad news comes along.😕

That doesn't really surprise me. The flu has many strains, which is why a new flu shot is needed every flu season.

This virus unfortunately happens to be much more contagious and more deadly than other viruses.

I can surmise an updated Covid vaccine will be needed every year just like the flu vaccines.

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That's life Wisey. The strain you mention does not make people more ill, but is more contagious. Yes, restrictions are being put in place, in particular as regards travel by sea and air. "Everything" isn't shutting down. lol

The light is still there at the end of the tunnel.  Everyone will eventually be vaccinated (or should be), and in countries with large populations that will take time. 

Better times ahead!

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What's annoying me? A mom I don't know in person, but she is local, we have several mutual friends and have known each other for a couple of years, who is all psyched about her new blog about parenthood and surviving all sorts of trauma including a drug addicted husband who is now in recovery for quite awhile.  She seems to have little perspective on how competitive this space is -tons of moms blog about parenting and dysfunction (no I do not blog, no desire to ) and I follow a number of them that are very good, very well written. 

She opened her blog to comments.  I've commented very little.  She started a FB page which I joined. I commented a little more there but not a lot.  I did e-mail her a few times with concerns I had about what she posted -not attacking, not harsh IMO and making it personal to me - meaning not claiming I was "right".  Today I was instructed by her via email (because my concerns were expressed that way because I did not want to make it "public" on her blog or on FB) that because writing her blog drains her, because she is so ultra sensitive, only to respond with positive comments. 


I respect her wishes  -it's her blog - and was annoyed to be led down the path of "please comment on my blog" and please share my blog and asking the mods of our FB parenting group to post links to her blog when a couple of times now FB deactivated her account - that this meant that like all blogs she welcomed different opinions, welcomed even criticism expressed in an appropriate way.  What is the point of having a blog on this sort of topic if you only want people to give positive feedback only? How do you grow that way?  I realize I should have made a separate post about this.  I found it very annoying.  I resolved it by leaving her Facebook group and turning off notifications about her blog.  Just not worth doing the eggshell work.  I had clues about the eggshell stuff in the past but, I'm done. Still kinda annoyed though.  Not sure if she will notice -I figured that involved the least amount of drama.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's so annoying when I can't find the stuff I want at the supermarket. No Greek or Icelandic yogurt left...no blueberries...no bananas...*** is happening? The procurement departments are being lazy lately. What I am going to have for breakfast now? 

Total Greek strained yogurt 2% with blueberries and chopped bananas and a nice heart (because we are romantic) cappuccino. I don't think there is something better than this. Even for cheat meal it is awesome. 

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  • 2 months later...

People at work who don't communicate with one another. One department tells me to do something so I do it. Then another department comes in and says, no, that's not what we're doing, change it back!

Y'all need to talk to one another before telling me what to do, K? Please and thank you.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Two things:

People at work who email me demanding to know why something was done a certain way or why it was NOT done a certain way, when said thing was done back in 2014, seven years before I worked for the company. So, maybe they should go out and search for the person who was doing my job seven years ago and ask them??

And, the two young men who stood downstairs, directly below my window, at 2:30 am and had a THREE HOUR long conversation. I didn't know people could talk that long. Also, why not go inside? It was 40 degrees. And they didn't appear to be homeless given that they had their phones out and were laughing at videos or something. Some of us have jobs and need to sleep.

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One more:

People who send emails demanding to know where the thing they asked for is, when you already sent it (usually more than once). Then when I reply, attaching the original email(s), they come back with "well, I get so many emails!!!" 

You not reading your email does not equate to me not sending it.

And now I need to go find my "Post a happy thought here" thread before I permanently turn into that cranky old lady from the greeting cards.

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I seem to pay attention to individuals speech patterns.   Not sure why I hear this and why it irks me, because I have no room to talk.

My bf uses the word "Anywaysss" several times within a conversation.  It can proceed the sentence or be a filler at the end of one.  I am so distracted by it, I am guilty of not listening sometimes. 

During the holidays, I hear his mother do the same.  It must be family thing.  I even googled the proper use of Anyway.  Anyways is an informal use of Anyway.  I let it bug me every time he says it, I can hear myself correcting him in my head.  Petty, I know.

My 30 yr old son uses the filler word "Per se" ??   It sounds so odd from a millennial, wondering if half the kids his age or younger have any idea what that means.  "I was going to go to work, per se. . "   It's sprinkled throughout the conversation, without fail.. .. or years.  It doesn't irk me like my bfs use of his buzz word.  Afterall my son is my baby and I think it makes him complex and interesting.  lol

I now catch myself listening to everyone for their buzz word.  I catch them, but can't recall any more examples at this moment.  I am sure I have mine.  It might be "like"  Which I am working on.  I think it makes me sound immature or insecure.

I am clearly overthinking this. But it's my thing and I am trying to shake it off because I am letting be super distracting.

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