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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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Naked cake technique, noooo.... Give me the frosting!!

See, it's very easy to misunderstand when you are not a native speaker. I pictured something different on my mind than what you probably meant (or not?)


Happy to hear I make the most kind-hearted member of ENA chuckle :)

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See, it's very easy to misunderstand when you are not a native speaker. I pictured something different on my mind than what you probably meant (or not?)




Naked cake technique, noooo.... Give me the frosting!!

I want it piled on there, no sight of cake!


I used to feel this way, too. I used to LOVE icing. I wanted ALL ICING.


I remember talking to my uncle about it when I was a little kid. He didn't like icing at all, and I thought that was CRAZY.


But as I've gotten older, I prefer less icing, more cake.


Go figure.

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Life is unfair and we might as well accept that fact.


"'Fair' is not a useful concept. Life is not 'fair.' You can't make life 'fair.' You can get angry. You can complain about life not being 'fair.' You can attempt revenge—perhaps violently. You can inflict great suffering upon yourself in the name of life being 'unfair.' And life is still not 'fair.'""


Or, as the husband of a friend of mine often says: "What you ask for and what you get are two different things (in life).


Jibralta. The icing on Christmas cakes. Prefer the cake, less icing, though I love what is called almond icing (which in effect is marzipan).

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I wasn't sure if a colleague said "I love you" or "How are you". I wasn't thinking and in the middle of something else so I replied "I love you too". This was hours ago and I'm laughing about it now realizing I said that. We know each other very well so it's not an issue but more comical than anything.

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So many questions. Some are ignoring social distancing and whatnot. But those that aren't, how does a date look like? Can you even really date without putting others at risk? I'm talking kissing and all that jazz. Then, there's texting. Will someone who is interested in you text you regularly? I mean, if they can't really date you at the moment because of coronavirus, then what'd be the point of texting someone you can't date?

There's the believe that when someone's interested, nothing (including a pandemic) will stop them from pursuing who they like.

Crossroads. Questions. Life is crazy!


SherrySher, virtual hugs to you!



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The new forum template is versatile but not intuitive and more time-consuming to navigate. 

I am impressed how fast the migration happened though and without any major issues. Usually something goes awry, you know like "the data disappeared - where? - I don't know, somewhere in the fifth dimension of the cloud database, lost in the database outer space forever - who is responsible for this? *everyone pointing the data astronaut to the right/left*"

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50 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Tap on your profile, tap on the picture icon and upload your avatar again. 

The emojis are good 🌞☃️🎅🥂🎉

Thanks Wiseman.  I've tried that a million times and for the life of me I can't find, or see, my old avatar anywhere.  No matter what I try, what I do, I have zero success.  I know, I know ..... I have a pea brain, lol.

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4 hours ago, Capricorn3 said:

Thanks Wiseman.  I've tried that a million times and for the life of me I can't find, or see, my old avatar anywhere.  No matter what I try, what I do, I have zero success.  I know, I know ..... I have a pea brain, lol.

Ok, you'll have to upload a pic/file from your computer. The avatars were lost in translation, so not on this site's server.

Tap on the picture icon, when prompted select pic/file from your device and upload it to your profile.

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I hope Santa brings me a wheelbarrow load of chocolate for Christmas.  I think I've been a good girl, at least good enough to deserve a chocolate.  I mean, I am not asking for, nor want diamonds and fancy jewellery.  Just a ginormous wheelbarrow load of chocolate!  Wonder if my wish will come true....hmmmmm. 🤔 🎅

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