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Why do people continue dating, relationships, and sex, over 30?


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Age is just a number, and just because you may be e.g 40 years old doesn't mean you don't still feel like a teenager from time to time.


It doesn't matter what age you are, if you have a chance to find happiness why would you not take it? And love is the highest form of happiness there is

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Age is just a number, and just because you may be e.g 40 years old doesn't mean you don't still feel like a teenager from time to time.


It doesn't matter what age you are, if you have a chance to find happiness why would you not take it? And love is the highest form of happiness there is


Why is it never too late for a guy to get a girlfriend? I feel if a guy didn't experience having a girlfriend in his teens or all of his 20's, he missed out on one of the most important critical growth stages of a human beings life.

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Why is it never too late for a guy to get a girlfriend? I feel if a guy didn't experience having a girlfriend in his teens or all of his 20's, he missed out on one of the most important critical growth stages of a human beings life.


When you hit your fforties you will still have the same basic needs as you have in your twenties. What does age have to do with it?


You may feel you missed out in your teens but don't let that warp your perception of your needs as you get older. Like I say everyone has a basic need to feel loved and be loved no matter what age they are.

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When you hit your fforties you will still have the same basic needs as you have in your twenties. What does age have to do with it?


You may feel you missed out in your teens but don't let that warp your perception of your needs as you get older. Like I say everyone has a basic need to feel loved and be loved no matter what age they are.


Ya that's why I'm often jealous, envious of how women are valued for their youth more than men are

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That's why I often feel unmotivated to get a girlfriend, because I feel if I ever do get a girlfriend, and I'm out with her holding hands in public, and I see all these younger couples than me, I will be jealous, envious, bitter and resentful towards the guy who is younger than me who has a girlfriend, because he got to have one before I did

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Why should i fix my issues when in reality I will be behind most other people? I hate it whenever people say "who cares what other people are doing?" Ya well i care because if I can't be like them, why bother to continue?


Well, if you are so desperate to be like everyone else, then you're just going to have to do what everyone else does: quit complaining and fix your issues because nobody is going to do it for you. There's seven billion of us on this planet and we just don't have the bandwidth to spend our lives emotionally babysitting other adults - for free. That's why you need therapy: you have to pay a trained professional to help you out.


Stop counting other people's money, get your nose out of other people's relationships, and get it into your head that what other people do with their lives is none of your business. Whether other people have been having sex and relationships from the age of 20, 40 or 12 has nothing to do with you whatsoever. It plainly and simply doesn't. Nobody cares.


It also often pisses me off that no man has the divine right to have a woman in his life.


No no no. No. No.


You will NEVER be happy until you truly learn that women aren't here to service or compliment you in any way. Once again, therapy will help.


I often feel it is too damn late for me to make these changes


You are 27. You are a spring chicken. But it's really your call -- you have about 50 to 60 years of your life left if you play your cards right, so whether you condemn yourself to half a century of mental torture or treat yourself to half a century of happiness is your choice.


Start with this, it's easy and cheap: link removed

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27 is too old to have never had a girlfriend, I don't care if it is a young age, and I hate it when people say that men reach their peak attractiveness years later then women do, supposedly become more attractive with age, because the majority of guys in their 30's and 40's who are successful with women, are men that had success with women when they were either in their teens or 20's, as in they got to experience having a girlfriend before my age, and since I can't be like them since I'm only getting older, it often makes me bitter and angry, frustrated, that's why I'm often jealous of how women are valued for their youth more than men are, because since women are on the receiving end of sexual attention, their youth gives them an almost for certain guarantee they will not miss out on their youth, men have the burden of having to actively pursue, and if men have any negative experiences that deter them or are very shy, quiet, socially-awkward, they can be involuntarily celibate, perpetually single very easily.

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That's why I often feel unmotivated to get a girlfriend, because I feel if I ever do get a girlfriend, and I'm out with her holding hands in public, and I see all these younger couples than me, I will be jealous, envious, bitter and resentful towards the guy who is younger than me who has a girlfriend, because he got to have one before I did

Okay, you know teenage relationships don't last. As a teenager and early 20s you have no clue what you want from a relationship and people grow and change and they don't last 99% of the time. As you get older you know what you want. And those relationships have a greater chance of survival.


So ,basically you're jealous of people who don't know what they want?

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So here you are: a man of 27. You have it made as far as the dating world goes. You have your pick of dating all kinds of women, spanning from the early twenties all the way up. The only thing off limits really is teenagers!


And yet you are still thinking like a 21 year old sexually frustrated dude.


You need to update your brain for where you are actually at.


If you feel you couldn't enjoy a woman now because you couldn't get one before (and I don't know why that is, sometimes it's luck, sometimes it's partially because of the choices we make), then you have basically decided that you are not ever going to enjoy a woman.


I dont' see anything in your posts here that suggest you are even thinking about the fact that these 'women' you are so mad at, are actually individual people, with thought and feelings and experiences of their own.


Are you able to be friends, or even friendly, with women?

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That's why I often feel unmotivated to get a girlfriend, because I feel if I ever do get a girlfriend, and I'm out with her holding hands in public, and I see all these younger couples than me, I will be jealous, envious, bitter and resentful towards the guy who is younger than me who has a girlfriend, because he got to have one before I did


Your words here as well as another post where you said something about it making you mad that it is not every man's right to have a girlfriend indicates that you view "a girlfriend" as an object to be possessed. Rather than being happy to share experiences with a person that you care about and enjoy spending your time with, you say you would feel jealous of another guy for "having one" before you did. It seems to not matter to you who that person is that you would theoretically be dating. What seems to matter to you is simply "having one".


Maybe your perspective would change if you were to get to know someone and start a relationship. But I have to say, I would never ever begin dating someone if I thought that they thought that they should have some sort of inherent right to me. A woman is an individual person just as you are.


I am sure your attitude and opinions about relationships is a result of your frustration from not dating so long. But I also think your attitude and opinions are preventing you from potentially forming a relationship now. You have to figure out a way to break that cycle if you want it to change.

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You feel entitled to a woman and you act accordingly. That's a major turn off. No one with an ounce of self respect would be with a man who thinks he's entitled to have a woman, like some sort of possession.


People have sex at all ages. Get over it. You need to concentrate on your own life and worry a little less about others. If you're looking for people to say it's okay to give up, then I'll say it: if you want to give up and be a bitter hermit, have at it. No one is stopping you and in the end, it won't matter.


But if you want to find something worthwhile, you need to make yourself into something worthwhile as well. Life isn't fair,sucks I know. What are you going to do? Spend your finite mortal days whining about it until you due? As my boss says "suck it up, buttercup".

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Okay ,so really this thread has a misogynistic basis. You hate women feel they should be forced to be in relationships with men regardless of what they want.


More so because me being a guy, I was dealt with the card of having to make the first move, be the initiator, I hate, despise, loathe that gender role with a huge burning passion

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More so because me being a guy, I was dealt with the card of having to make the first move, be the initiator, I hate, despise, loathe that gender role with a huge burning passion


Then don't do it. There are many women who initiate. You also don't have to ask out of the blue. If you get to know a woman just as friends and enjoy each other's company, it can grow from there.


Gender roles suck, but in our generation, it's not a big deal anymore. Many people go against them. I'm one of them. I've always been more of a tomboy and more direct and aggressive and I think most of the guys I've been with have been more of the soft spoken type. It really takes all types!

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More so because me being a guy, I was dealt with the card of having to make the first move, be the initiator, I hate, despise, loathe that gender role with a huge burning passion


There are many women who initiate today.

Just remember just because someone is nice doesn't mean they are entitled to have someone in their life just because they're nice. You can't force someone to be with you. People are not objects.

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Okay, you know teenage relationships don't last. As a teenager and early 20s you have no clue what you want from a relationship and people grow and change and they don't last 99% of the time. As you get older you know what you want. And those relationships have a greater chance of survival.


So ,basically you're jealous of people who don't know what they want?


I guess I would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, even if it means getting cheated on, and just jealous of people that got to have certain life experiences before I did

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I guess I would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, even if it means getting cheated on, and just jealous of people that got to have certain life experiences before I did


Okay, but here's the reality check there's always going to be somebody that did something, had something ,anything more than you ,before you, whatever. It happens to ALL of us. Every single person on the planet. This is reality so being angry at it won't change it one little bit. But it will destroy you.

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Rather than being happy to share experiences with a person you care about, and enjoy spending your time with, you said it would not matter who that person is as long as I have someone, that is false, I won't just accept literally any woman, and being haply to share experiences with a person I care about and enjoy spending time with, well that's what I want and wish I had 5 to 10 years ago, while it seems most guys have, I don't care if people say it is not a race or never too late, it matters to me, the fact I didn't have one earlier makes me mad and angry over my past, hate all the bad, negative, horrible experiences I've had in mg life

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Wow! This can be a frustrating thread. OP after all these responses, if you still believe that you have a right to women and not improve your attitude then good luck to you. You are going to continue to perpetuate the same sh1te that you have right now.


We all have crosses to bear. There are physically challenged people (little people, paraplegics, MS, etc), mentally/emotionally challenged people (bi-polar, depression, anxiety disorder), ethnicity/socially challenged (various people of color) who have dating challenges which are totally out of their control. They still date. They don't let these get in their way.


Unless you share something here that refutes the above, it sounds like you don't have any of these limitations. The above limitations can not be changed. You sound like you have things you can actually change and won't do it.


Again, it is up to you.

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I'd suggest you aren't cut out for a relationship and should seek your pleasure in life elsewhere. Take up a hobby, travel, audit some classes at the local university.


Not everyone is meant to be with someone. You may have to accept that you are meant to be single

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Wow! This can be a frustrating thread. OP after all these responses, if you still believe that you have a right to women and not improve your attitude then good luck to you. You are going to continue to perpetuate the same sh1te that you have right now.


We all have crosses to bear. There are physically challenged people (little people, paraplegics, MS, etc), mentally/emotionally challenged people (bi-polar, depression, anxiety disorder), ethnicity/socially challenged (various people of color) who have dating challenges which are totally out of their control. They still date. They don't let these get in their way.


Unless you share something here that refutes the above, it sounds like you don't have any of these limitations. The above limitations can not be changed. You sound like you have things you can actually change and won't do it.


Again, it is up to you.


Asperger Syndrome, I will admit I have it, so my social-skills have always been below average, and that's obviously not fair since we live in a social world, where high social intelligence and confidence pay great dividends, being very late to the party is a never ending pain for me

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