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Why do people continue dating, relationships, and sex, over 30?


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My son was socially awkward. He had no "game" at all. Zero.


So, in high school, he joined Key Club and met lots of people there while being involved in community service projects. He even ended up taking a cooking class at the community center!


He now has a small but great group of friends. They do just about everything together. He doesn't have a girlfriend (hasn't since a brief relationship in high school), but he's so busy doing fun things with his friends that he doesn't seem to mind not having one woman to date.


He could have sat at home, feeling angry, bitter, jealous and resentful of all the other kids at school who were dating and going steady. Instead, he decided to DO something about it.

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In my experience (and a lot of people I knew) any relationships they had at a young age ended badly. I'm not saying this happens to everyone, but back when your young, if you do get to date...things really arn't set in stone yet at that age. People like to test the waters so to speak, like date different people...break up, cheat...try and find a decent job/career at the same time...I actually hated dating when I was 22 and up. I got cheated on ...broke up..met people who didn't have jobs and I had to pay for them..lol. It was terrible. That was probably the most depressing time of my life, because of all the craziness. I much preferred 28 and up. At this point I was a lot more confident in knowing what not to tolerate, and find dating a lot more enjoyable now then before. We live and learn. Just because people are young, doesn't make them "better" and you're not missing out trust me. If I could erase some of the relationships I had when I was younger, I'd do it in a second lol. There were times I wished there was memory removal just because of how much break-ups effected me. I'm not trying to catagorize ages by the way...what I mean is, I've seen SO MANY successful relationships begin to take hold at around 30 and up. I found the 20's to be trial and error...and I didn't like it one bit. I wished I had focused more on myself at the time. Don't worry about it. The moment you stop worrying about it, you meet someone great You didn't miss out. Also, don't fret on the past, or else you will miss the "now". I'm sure your a great person and I understand you to be honest, it would suck, but to give up just because you are older is silly. I think older couples are cute People finding each other in their 30's/40's/50's is so common now. I live in the city and see it everywhere. Some of these people never dated when they were younger (some of my friends) and are now happily married. Plus lots of people date older people because they are attracted to a more stable life...although it's different for everyone. It's just my own experience. My friend's parents who are now in their 60's just celebrated their anniversary together and still are REALLY attracted to each other. It's cute. Just stop worrying so much about it, in my experience, that's when something happened!

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Your username is H8reality and yet it doesn't seem as if you see reality for what it truly is. Unfair. The premise of life and evolution is built around the concept of "unfair". To me, deep down you believe that there is someone out there for everyone hence your entitlement, impatience, and frustrations. There isn't and the most damaging thing is to believe in serendipity as it will only breed passivity. "Life is cruel brutish and short" that is reality and yet I don't want to die and find so much joy in it. I choose to struggle. I understand that life sucks but before my time is up you can be damn sure I will take as much out of it as possible.


You're hung up on not having enough experiences and that you are behind? Well find a woman and **** as much as humanly possible until the day you die. Reality is cruel and the odds will always be stacked against you. However every step forward no matter how small will always be a step forward, that is a fact reality cannot distort.

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