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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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hahah, will have to do that.


in happier news, i've just got 2 tickets to see one of my favorite musicians in 2 weeks. i invited a female friend of mine (we just had some wine earlier this evening together). I think she would enjoy it.


and my good friend from grad school just got engaged. i'm going to see him and his fiance this weekend hopefully. it's so funny, i met her when i went out to the city on a weekend about a year and a half ago. him and i were supposed to meet up for dinner, and then he told me he had a surprise. i was like, 'yay!' then he said his surprise was his date, i think at that point, they had been on maybe 3 or 4 dates? hahah, they met on plentyoffish. i think. anyway, it's funny that i was the 3rd wheel on their 3rd date and now they're engaged!

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One really interesting guy on link removed wrote me, R, and I wrote him back. it feels really strange to even write to another guy on match, considering how much I like M. but you all keep telling me to keep my options open.... i dunno. i guess we shall see what happens. going out to dinner with M tomorrow night, got my nails done tonight. have my dress and shoes picked out as well. M notices, and has complimented me on my choice in clothes. He's no fashion plate, but he notices those "feminine details."


My descent into madness continues - I ask the magic 8 ball what the future holds. I'm a scientist, what the heck am I doing??!?!?!?!!

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Yeah this is normal dating behavior. This is always why I really don't take on more than one woman at a time. It gets...confusing. Especially when you're looking to have a relationship with someone, second guessing yourself is always easy.


Like sophie said, my ultimate goal when dating someone isn't just to make friends but to get to the meat and potatoes of why you're dating. Finding out if there's compatibility and more importantly, a future. Otherwise you're just having a good time with no point beyond that and the worst is, you can get yourself attached to someone who's completely wrong for you!! It does take time though.


Personally I don't date to just "have fun" anymore (it's a bonus!), I can go golfing with my buddies or get in my sweats and watch the Rangers if I want to have fun. It's cheaper too and less stressful.

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what did the magic 8 ball say?


That's the funny thing - I have an 'atypical' magic 8 ball that gives lots of different answers. (it's a magic cheezburger from the LOLcat site.) I think i asked if it we would have a good next date and it said SRSLY!? (Like, am I seriously asking it these stupid questions?!) or "zzzzz....i iz sleeping"


link removed


sometimes the magic cheezburger has been right, but often times I have to shake it a few dozen times to get the answer i want!!!

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I'll post more later, but we had an amazing date, and have decided to be exclusive. We talked about all sorts of things, we told each other we really like each other, and that we want to see where things go.



Oooooh! Oh my goodness! Now you can show me his pictures

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yeah, it's good.... there are some caveats.... well, i took him out to dinner, and he really liked the restaurant i picked. he was really happy with the meal. we then went to his house. we drank a ton and were pretty toasted. we were fooling around in his bed, and he said, 'when do we get to have sex?' and i, being honest, said that i don't feel comfortable having sex outside of an exclusive relationship. i said that i'm not good at this multi-dating thing, and i'm a microbiologist, so that's even yet another reason why i'm REALLY not into multidating. he told me how much he liked me. he said he's a bit .... i don't remember what word he used, but i'll paraphrase - skittish. he said his last gf he dated for a year and a half and she cheated on him - he found out through friends. this was a while ago, but he said he was angry and bitter for a long time and wasn't in a place to date for a while, until recently. i told him that is not in my nature, i told him if i'm ever unhappy with him, i'll talk to him about it, or i'll break up with him, but i won't cheat. i said this goes back to me not being able to be with more than 1 man at a time. the second thing he said was that he was nervous to be "tied down" (and not in the bedroom way!! haha!) he said that he has his routines, he likes being able to do his thing. i told him i liked being able to do my thing as well, and that i wasn't going to try to get him to be tied down or whatever. he admitted that maybe it's time he try to get over that fear. i told him that i'd like to see him 1-2 times a week. he agreed.


i told him, if he was ready, i'll take down my match profile and he can take down his. he said he rarely uses it, and that there is no other woman in the picture besides me (both in real life and match). he asked me if men messaged me often, i said yes, and that i was kind of starting to get confused with what to do about them - whether to keep writing to them or what. so, we agreed to take them down. i haven't "checked up" on him yet. but i believe his words.


so, i guess overall, it was positive. the downside is that he was drunk, well, so was i, but i remember everything very well and was fairly lucid, i'd like to think he was - i hope he remembers our talk, and it wasn't drunk!! my friend tells me when she is drunk, she can have what is a normal sounding conversation but not remember it the next day.


he said for sex, he is happy to wait as long as it takes until i feel ready. i told him after we have sex, i'll probably get more attached to him. he said "good."

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Exciting news.


It isn't uncommon (as you know) for people in their 30's to be set in their ways and just do their thing. My fiance was much the same, he had been single for 4-5 years before we met, and although he did 'date' it wasn't really anything serious, and he had not been attached for quite a long time. Living alone and doing your own thing molds you into the person you are - and often we become set in our ways. It took my fiance a bit (and he said as much) to open up, and really let someone that deep in because of being alone for so long. When you're single you've got all the freedom in the world and once you get serious with someone, there is no more alone or doing your own stuff every time you want to because there is someone else to consider - this can be tough on some people - I find it harder on men than women.


It is good that you're flexible and 1-2 times is absolutely fine for the beginning of new and exclusive dating.


I think you're on the right track with this guy.

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well, i'm kind of feeling insecure again. his bday was thursday, i texted him to wish him a good day, he responded back a few hours later. i went out of town friday-sunday (got home a few hours ago) and haven't heard from him since thursday night. since i'm the one who initiated the last few texts and last date, i feel like it's his turn. especially considering he said he doesn't want to feel 'tied down' - i want to give him the space to call me and miss me. on our last date, he suggested an date activity he would like us to do, but we didn't make any concrete plans. it just makes me wonder about his interest level, etc....

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