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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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Sounds like a great third date! So excited for you that you have this cooking.

Personally, I think third date is pretty early. But you know me. I think if there's great chemistry now, there will be great chemistry in 5 more dates when you know him better and can bring up exclusivity and stds and all that yummy stuff.

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Sometimes I wonder if being on ENA contributes to this relationship anxiety...? Reading threads about relationships falling apart all day can make you feel like all relationships have an expiration date. some people come here with happy topics, but not most.

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Sometimes I wonder if being on ENA contributes to this relationship anxiety...? Reading threads about relationships falling apart all day can make you feel like all relationships have an expiration date. some people come here with happy topics, but not most.


I think it's a too each his/her own type of interpretation. If anything, this site has helped me to look at the full picture of things and to understand that everybody processes information differently. I used to so one sided on things and I had my own way of thinking but not so much anymore. Not to mention it also keeps me involved with things that are happening in relationships and helps me to see that it's not always just me, we all share the same relationship struggles.

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Sometimes I wonder if being on ENA contributes to this relationship anxiety...? Reading threads about relationships falling apart all day can make you feel like all relationships have an expiration date. some people come here with happy topics, but not most.


I question this myself. I have a feeling that reading about others' problems (while making you more educated about them) at the same time makes you more aware of things that you otherwise would have overlooked if you were more "ignorant". The statement, "Ignorance is bliss" is usually more often true than not. I've found that since I've started reading these threads more over the past few years, I'm much more aware of signals in general but at the same time I've picked apart relationships I've had a little too often. Kind of defeating the purpose of "going with the flow". Self-awareness is a * * * * * .


Overall I have to say that posting here has probably given me back more than not though. What I've learned from reading others issues has definitely prepared me in ways that would have taken years of first hand experience. Although, reading about others' problems is also draining at times, that's when you take a few steps back and take a break from the board for awhile. Plenty of people "left" these boards because it kept reminding them of their ex, or of a perceived problem that doesn't actually exist in their own lives. I think it all just lies in moderation, like everything else.

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I hope tomorrow happens. I went to the ER last night because of major back pain. this has never happened to me before. they think I pulled a back muscle dancing, and i was in so much pain i couldn't sleep. walking and sitting up really hurt. i hope i am ok by the date. i definitely can't go to any dance classes this weekend. they gave me pain killers and muscle relaxants. i hope i am ok enough by tomorrow night to be able to sit for a few hours!

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I hope tomorrow happens. I went to the ER last night because of major back pain. this has never happened to me before. they think I pulled a back muscle dancing, and i was in so much pain i couldn't sleep. walking and sitting up really hurt. i hope i am ok by the date. i definitely can't go to any dance classes this weekend. they gave me pain killers and muscle relaxants. i hope i am ok enough by tomorrow night to be able to sit for a few hours!


I hope you feel better quickly!!

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thanks guys, i hope i get better. i do want to see this show and see M!! but right now, i'm a total mess. M texted me today to wish me a happy st. patrick's day, i wished him that too and told him what happened. he told me if i needed anything to let him know, which was very sweet of him. i remember dating this guy from a few years back, when i told him i couldn't make our date because i went to the ER, he just got all huffy like, 'but i'm leaving on a trip for a week.' nevermind the fact that i was in the ER!

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That stinks annie, feel better. I have a story for you! Last time I was sick (ER sick) I was having abdominal pains...turns out I needed my gall bladder removed as I had stones. The attacks were fierce when they came, doubled over in pain for 2 hours or more at a clip, took 3 ER visits and 5 doctors before they figured out it was gallstones. Anyway, one of the girls I was dating took me to the ER as I had an attack after some pretty fatty foods we had for dinner. The girl was laughing at me the whole time I was basically gasping for air due to the pain. Needless to say, I thanked her for the ride then told her to take a hike!


Take it slow, don't force the date if you aren't feeling well or in pain. If you do go, best of luck!

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wow, what a not nice date!! glad you ditched her.


Yes, i'm going to try to go to the show tonight. I'll bring an ice pack, just in case. i guess i can always leave too if I am in massive pain. he's been texting me every few hours to see how I am doing, so that's been nice of him.

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so, the date was ok. we met up at the show, i was still in a lot of pain. he massaged my back and i managed to make it through half the show. i told him that early on, i wasn't feeling well, and suggested we leave halfway. he said ok, that actually his favorite team was playing that night and wanted to watch the game on TV. I was surprised because i knew that he was a huge fan of this team and that he was ready to go the show i wanted to see and he would have missed his game. he was like, 'it's ok - i haven't seen you in a while.' so, we went back to his place, and we watched part of the game and kissed for a little while, and then i went home because i knew he had to work early today, and he was tired. so it was nice catching up with him.


his birthday is in 2 weeks, i suggested to him that i'd like to take him out for his bday. the actual day, it sounds like, he is going to be out of town on a boys' weekend he is trying to organize.

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