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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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i have to say, i love to cook, but with all the unpacking and other stuff, have mainly been living on take out and microwave meals the last 2 months. i wonder if i still remember how to cook!!! yeah, no way i would have a guy over now, not even the plumber, it is so messy, but maybe if i can do some real cleaning over the weekend, and then just stash like 4 boxes in the corner, that would be fine.

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got another text from M, and I decided to call him back instead of playing the texting game because i have time to talk and i'm guessing he's probably free. went to vm, left a message, lol, sigh.


in other news, A, who I used to have a crush on, just told me he is in town and wants to get lunch. i told him i am free anytime. it will be nice to see him again!! he gave me a book as a going away present, i should start reading that right now!

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i was thinking that maybe M thought it'd be better to let you recuperate this weekend?


deep tissue massage ... sounds heavenly!


yeah, he said he didn't know how my back felt, or if i would enjoy the game. so, that's good. i guess that makes sense. i was not in good condition last time he saw me! i told him i feel a lot better after the massage, i hope it holds up tomorrow!


no. deep tissue massage is painful. and aggressive. but i feel a lot better now.

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I'm so glad you're feeling better Annie!

Things sound good with M. I think it's probably difficult for him to figure out exactly how to proceed with the pain you've been dealing with - maybe he thinks it would be insensitive to ask you out or doesn't want you to force yourself to go given how you're feeling.

I don't think you should invite him to your place, just because it sounds like you're still under the weather, and that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself, to get everything cleaned and put away and looking good by the time the date rolls around. You don't want to be scrambling. Plus moving all those boxes doesn't sound like the ideal recovery for your bad back! I say take him out to dinner, and invite him over once you're feeling better and are all settled. It took me forever to get my apartment all set up.

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Hi Sophie - thanks, that makes a lot of sense. yeah, i'm still not 100%, and between that and march madness, i understand why he may be hesitant to ask me out. i told him i'd like to take him out for his bday. he suggested wednesday and i suggested a few restaurants i've heard good things about. we'll see what he says. my back feels better today, i just feel massively sore instead of being in massive pain.


I had lunch with A today and walked around a bit. Sitting was definitely uncomfortable, i hope i feel better by wednesday!! we saw some of the local sites, and then he went on a tour of the city while i went to the grocery store to get some stuff.

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I've been doing a lot of reading about stress, muscle spasms and anxiety. Many sources say that stress can lead to muscle spasms. Did I worry myself about dating/M so much that I caused my own back issues???? it wouldn't be the first time my anxiety manifested itself in physical symptoms. I am off the lexapro, have been for over a year now. Of course, it could also be the stress of a new job, moving, making new friends, etc...


I am not in searing pain anymore, just feel really sore. Sore as in my upper body feels like I was weight lifting for like 8 hours yesterday. I tried to do some gentle yoga and am surprised how tight my body is. Before this happened, I could bend over and touch my toes. Now I can barely touch my knees!! It will just take a while to stretch my muscles back out. so scary. ulk.

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eh, it wouldn't be sciatica because it's not in my leg. the dr. didn't think that this was caused by any bones being out of alignment. he just said based on my history that it was just likely a stress/muscular injury. but.....My massage therapist said that my muscles were pushing on a nerve in my rotator cuff which is what was causing all the pain. i do feel a lot better now that she worked on that area strongly. it was a 1 hour massage and she only did my back and arms.


wonder if cute dr. will call again to check up on me, lol?

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Ok, it's not that I don't believe that the mind has an effect on how the body works, but I say a BIG FAT NO on you worrying yourself into this kind of pain. I'm no doctor, but it seems obvious that you pulled something or pinched something or bruised something if one day you were fine, and the next day you were in searing pain and unable to move. Please don't blame yourself for your back injury! I'm really glad you're on the mend though. Keep on taking it easy.

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I think mental/emotional pain/worry can manifest intself ito physical stuff but I think there also has to be a medical underlying cause. So I think you physically did pull a muscle but all your anxiety with M might have propelled into being worse than a normal pulled muscle if that makes any sense. It's your mind way of targeting something and trying to take the focus off what's making you anxious onto a physical pain.

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Thanks guys.


I have a book, "Yoga for Wellness." It has a lot of yoga poses for specific medical conditions and concerns. I did the "shoulder and neck" practice tonight. It's not very long, only about 15 minutes. I feel a lot better. it felt uncomfortable at the time, but afterwards, i felt better. I think I need to do this every day, maybe it will help speed up the healing. I kept hearing my left shoulder have these little pops. ugh. drinking lots of fluids.


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I spent a lot of time today thinking about anxiety/dating/etc... I'm going to try to adopt the mindset to try not to overanalyze. "This is the data collection stage, not the analysis stage." I will try to say that to myself. Now is the time to get to know my date better and see if I enjoy spending time with him. At some point in the future, I can choose to figure out "where things are going" but now is not the time. Of course, our next date could even be our last date, so there is no point in wasting time with the "where are things going" analysis now.


His team is in the final 4. I suspect M is very happy tonight, lol.

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Ack, I worry so much sometimes. When sending a text message to a friend, I never sit around wondering why they haven't written back. I just kind of go on with my day until they write to me. With dating and M (who usually responds to me within 2 hours, but now it's been longer), I wonder if I said/did the wrong thing and he's lost interest. ugh. I know he has told me he is super busy at work this week, but somehow my insecurities creep up.........

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Maybe from now on limit texting to confirming or changing plans?


hahah batya, that's the funny thing. the texting was about confirming plans for wednesday. basically, on saturday i texted saying i'd like to take him out to dinner for his bday and asked him to look at his schedule and let me know what day works for him. he suggested a few days, then i wrote back suggesting a few restaurants, and he said any of those were fine. i texted back today that i made reservations for wednesday at xxxx and that i'd see him there. ....... And then I didn't hear from him for 2.5 hours and was worried that i was too pushy - i know he is very busy with work right now. but then again, he's an adult, so if he doesn't have time, he could have just told me that - afterall, i did ask him to suggest a day. SEEE!!!! this is what i'm talking about - the crazy talk in the head. on black and white, it's a completely normal exchange and not very unusual for someone to take 2.5 hours to respond to a text confirming dinner plans. my brain is nuts.


i also accidentally pocket dialled him a few times (juggling my phone and coffee and papers down the hall) and accidentally called him, so I texted apologizing if he got any hang ups. Luckily, he told me he didn't get any calls from me and that he sometimes turns his phone off at work, phew!!!!

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I doubt anything said this early in a relationship is relevant really. Unless you told him to stuff his head in a sock, I wouldn't worry about it!


I guess you are right.....


It's just becoming really clear that this is my own internal struggle that i have to deal with, and has nothing to do with M or any other guy.

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Well um...did he get back to you saying if Wednesday was okay yet? I mean...it is Monday.


oh yes, he did. well, he told me on saturday "maybe tuesday or wednesday" and then I wrote back on saturday suggesting "wednesday" and a few restaurants - he said any of those restaurants would be fine. I texted him today saying that i made reservations at xxx at 8 PM on wednesday. he said "sounds good." so i guess it is ok with him!

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oh yes, he did. well, he told me on saturday "maybe tuesday or wednesday" and then I wrote back on saturday suggesting "wednesday" and a few restaurants - he said any of those restaurants would be fine. I texted him today saying that i made reservations at xxx at 8 PM on wednesday. he said "sounds good." so i guess it is ok with him!


Nothing to worry about then!

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