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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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It's definitely not a coincidence that he e-mailed you minutes after you put it back up. If it is then it's an uncanny one....but still I wouldn't assume either way since the whole ass u me thing is always in play.


Trust your gut Annie and try to ignore "the dream". Just go by what you see in front of you. Try to give him the benefit of the doubt of course, but trust that if you feel there's a problem, there probably is one.


This isn't a guy that's jumping head over heels into a relationship with you...there's a reason why. I think all the "what-if's" have been covered at this point, just try to objectively see this relationship from a 3rd person point of view and try to come to conclusion based on what you see in front of you rather than just how you feel. Use that scientific mind of yours!

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Well, he actually invited me to the rooftop terrace of his building but I don't know it's still cold at night!! I guess then we would go to the bedroom??? I can't meet him tonight, I'm too angry and confused. Maybe hurt is better word.

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Okay at this point you are just confused and interjecting what you THINK he means rather than fully knowing. You can't exactly get it on on the rooftop (you can but that's another story). Simply because he invited you up there doesn't mean you will end up in the bedroom. I think all your anxiety toward him and him being kind of standoffish is starting to create issues that MAY or may NOT be there. You need to sort it out once for and all. Sure, there is always the chance he's a jerk in disguie and is using you for a booty call or trying to - or, it could be he genuinely doesn't want to jump into a relationship and wants to take things slowly and assuming he only wants you for a booty call could possibly push a good guy away.


Keep an open mind but don't assume either.

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Just be careful about the whole giving him slack, you don't want him or any guy really to think they can just do as they please and that you're okay with it.


Personally, if he does not respond to the email by noon I'd mention it via text. One thing I've never liked about dating is the whole texting in the getting-to-know-you phase, I just call and go from there.

I too don't think it's a coincidence that he emailed you 30 minutes after you put your match profile up. At some point you need to really know where you stand, it's either just dating or it's exclusive.

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Just from your posts you're making yourself crazy over this guy. Why all the games and what if's? If you don't want to talk in voice just send him a text that says hey I sent you an email not sure if you read it but would you like to go to the movies on Saturday?




I agree. I don't want to play games. I will send him that text today. I know he is off at noon.

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