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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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I agree - I think stubble looks nice but it hurts when you kiss!!


i most hate the beard without the mustache. Chin strap? I dunno. Don't like it.


Hahaha yes I always thought beards without moustache looks weird.


Yea if the stubbles are kept very short, it's not scratchy but once it gets a bit long it starts to scratch. That's when I would request a shave haha...although my boyfriend is pretty good with keeping it short, only get a bit lazy when on holidays haha...

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There is no way that is comfortable. Also, these ladies would be shedding glitter... How considerate for their hosts/friends.


Hahahaha yeah, as a host, it would be so gross to have to clean up pube glitter off chairs...and out of the carpet! lol.

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My guy refuses to do any costuming that involves glitter.... he's petrified of getting it in his beard!!! Hahaha!


he'd have to shave it off!!!!


I had margaritas tonight with my friend Charlene - she's my dating twin - accomplished woman and these ridiculous dates/guys that go no where.


I chatted with a few guys today on Tinder. Neither would be a good match (one is a rampant pot smoker according to him) so I just told him we're not a match. I don't mind if someone does it once in a while, but I don't want Logan v 2.0.


I've had a really frustrating week at work, so I really needed to just relax and have some drinks. Blargh.

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I've had to return a birthday card just recently because I didn't realise it had glitter on it lol...as soon as you touch it, not even the glitter part, you get glitter all over, it's like how??


lol, the herpes of the craft world. You should give that card to someone you don't like.


I went to my weight watchers meeting today and was up on the scale today. I've been very good all week with tracking and eating well and exercising, except last night, I had quite a cheat meal with my friend Charlene. I had a black bean burger, fries, and a margarita. I was so thirsty when I came home last night, I drank like 6 cups of water. I think there was just a lot of salt in everything. I'll try to stick more closely within my limits this week.

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Don't give up- i bet you will see your results next time!

Maybe do the cheat meal right after your weigh in.


Thanks. I think I will do that next time! Kind of disappointing, but I really thought the scale would be down because my pants felt just a little looser.

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It's probably not a good idea to splurge just before the weigh in, not that it has any real impact on your progress but just makes you feel like there hasn't been progress.


If you feel your pants get looser, I'd go with that as an indicator rather than the scale. I'm all about focusing on how you look and feel instead of the number on the scale these days. I haven't weighed myself for a bit over a month now (previously almost daily) and it makes me feel so much better. Still going to the gym and eating right, and I can tell my progress by how I feel, even if I did splurge sometimes, it doesn't feel as bad without seeing the number go up (which ultimately comes down a couple of days later). Seeing the number go down is a motivation but seeing it go up sometimes can hurt more than the motivation you get when it goes the other way.

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This week has been shot weight-wise. Well, I had to cancel a weekend trip because I got sick, I think I had the flu. I had the flu shot back in september, but protection might have worn off. I've been feeling terrible since Tuesday/Wednesday. I'm starting to feel better now, but not fully back. No gym, obviously, takeout food, but not for all meals as I've been mostly sleeping all day with NyQuil. Next week i'll get back on track. I finally made some chicken and vegetables in the slow cooker and bought salad yesterday, and I'm nearly done with the pile of dishes in my sink, so I'm almost a functional human being again. I was actually invited to 3 different parties tonight, obviously, will not go to any of them because I'm still not feeling great. I'm going to continue to sleep. Maybe even do something crazy like the laundry. Who knows.


Dating news, there are a couple of new candidates:


"Kyle" 35 is a new guy, he's really interesting. Went to college but works in a blue-collar job. We had very different childhoods. Because of the east coast storms, he said he worked 80 hours this week and is finally catching up on his sleep and dishes as well. He moved around a lot as a kid, living in some interesting locations. Also, kind of into nerdy things. We texted just about all day yesterday and then this morning. I asked if he would like to meet and he said, 'Yes! Or at least talk on the phone." So, we talked for an hour on the phone. He's an interesting guy. He mentioned something in passing, "Oh I'll show you that book sometime" but didn't set up a date. I'm a person who would rather meet sooner rather than later, so.... hm. we'll see what unfolds here. I'm not sure why he didn't take me up on meeting. I'll give it a little time.


"George": 33 but his photo is full of grey hair. I don't know if he's just a guy who went prematurely grey, or if he's lying about his age. I'm really not that interested in this guy but he seems keen of me. Hm. He asked me out and I told him we could talk on the phone first.


"Sam": 35, works in IT. Cute and we had some nice conversations, I like him but I get the impression he's not too interested in me, for whatever reason. Our conversation was polite, several times I thought he would ask me out, then didn't. Of course, I could ask him out too, but my impression is he's not too keen on me. I see that someone from his company viewed me on "LinkedIn" in the past week. It could be him, or it could be someone else, who knows. I didn't give him my last name, but he's in IT and is smart - He knows my first name and where I work so it's not too hard to track me down with that info.




#1: Some guy who contacted me last year about wanting to cuddle with me and then I said I wouldn't unless we met first. He seemed put off by that and disappeared. He came back and said he really wanted to "cuddle with me and kiss me" or some crap like that. I basically said that I'm not going to commit to such a thing with a guy I've never met - I said I'm not a prude, I just want to get a glass of wine, maybe some dinner with a guy before I start making out with him. He said, "Ok, let's go on a date." However, when I tried to pin him down on a date/place/time, he was evasive. I called him out on it and said, "Why did you even bother contacting me if you don't actually want to meet in person??" No response, he read it, then took down his profile. Pffft.


#1b: Same sort of nonsense as in #1, seems interested in meeting, but evasive when setting up a meeting. I showed Carol the emails, she said I wasn't being flirty and wasn't showing my interest in him and that she too, would have stopped writing to me. From one perspective, i can understand. From another, how am I supposed to show great interest in a guy before having even met him? Ewok just thinks this guy was just messing around and was hoping for sexy texts to jerk off to.


#2: Chatted for a few days. I asked him what was his plan for the evening and said netflix, maybe smoke a joint. I asked if he smoked a lot. He said, "that's subjective." I said, 'how many times a week?" he said, "5-7". (HOW IS THAT NOT A LOT???) I said that was a deal breaker for me. He said that he has a stressful job and it's his "after work wine." Then he said he felt sorry for me. Then I blocked him. This is nonsense. No more pot heads. No more men who are self medicating for whatever emotional/mental issues they are having.

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Yeah, Kyle is interesting. He's very interested in me it seems, he's texting me every few hours to see what's new, lol. But when I asked if he wanted to hang out tonight, he kind of hemmed and hawed. He had an intense week at work so I'll give him a pass, I can understand if he just wants to spend time at home and decompress. I'm out of town next weekend so we agreed to meet 2 weeks from now. I would have preferred to meet tonight, but oh well.

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I have a date in 10 days with "Joe." Also an IT professional, 33. Seems nice, though we haven't really chatted a lot.


No forward news on the job hunt. The two places where I interviewed, my application is stalled. I know why for one of them, don't know for the second. The recruiter was not specific with me. I guess it could be anything from they are interviewing other candidates first, to they are currently restructuring the dept, to maybe the hiring person is just on vacation. Who knows.


I'm really mad on Ewok's behalf. He's been dating a guy for about 6 weeks. Apparently, the guy got drunk last weekend and texted him something along the lines of "he was attracted to other men, but not to Ewok." What he said was far more crude and rude though. I am livid on Ewok's behalf. Ewok took it in stride and was just like, "whatever." But I'm like how do you say something that rude? I guess he was drunk but still. Ugh. I guess it's better to know sooner rather than later, but still, ugh.

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Ewok and that guy sort of made up (ugh). I don't think Ewok is taking it seriously. He'll be moving in a few months for a new job anyway so I don't think he really cares much about this relationship anyway.


In weird news, Hot Gym Guy asked for my number. Him and I and another person went to the bar for happy hour last week. We've been chatting a little bit. I don't have my hopes up with him though. I asked why he and his ex broke up (I met her a few months ago at another happy hour). He kind of was vague and said generally not a good match, but then he also said he's not the best at relationships. So.... yeah. Neither am I though.


We were at the bar and this guy at the table next to us kept looking over at us/me. He asked me if that guy was mad at our table or something. I said I wasn't wearing a bra and had a low cut top on, that's why the guy kept looking over, lol. He's like "ok, makes sense, haha." (I wasn't wearing a bra because I forgot my sports bra at home so I had to wear my normal bra to workout and it got sweaty, so I just went braless to the bar.)

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I have a date tomorrow night with "Joe." He seems keen. Been very good about staying in touch over text. He's not too attractive though, but maybe he will look nicer in real life.


Kyle has been kind of MIA. Texted me over the weekend, but hasn't replied to my text in over 24 hours. I'm betting there's only a 30% chance we meet on Friday.

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I have a date tomorrow night with "Joe." He seems keen. Been very good about staying in touch over text. He's not too attractive though, but maybe he will look nicer in real life.


Kyle has been kind of MIA. Texted me over the weekend, but hasn't replied to my text in over 24 hours. I'm betting there's only a 30% chance we meet on Friday.


Why on earth would you go on a date with an unattractive man? What's the point?

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Why on earth would you go on a date with an unattractive man? What's the point?


It's not a date, it's a meet. People after look much different in pictures...being animated (talking/laughing/facial gestures) can make or break a persons level of attractiveness.


It's funny, the most attractive (in photos) men that I met were often not as attractive in person...they had weird laughs or made awkward facial expressions...I didn't think my husband was my type at all from his photos, but then I met him...and he had the best smile ever- and his eyes were so kind...he was totally my type in person...he's just very awkward in photos lol.


So...it's good to meet and then determine attractiveness....as long as you don't think the person is repulsive from their pics anyway.

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