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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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Yeah I felt a strong connection with him. I don't think that was all in my head, though he's probably not in a great place to start a new relationship right now. In positive news, I just got offered an interview about a position I am very excited about. I have a phone interview next week.

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I don't think you did anything wrong. All indicators point to the fact that he's not ready to date or be in a relationship. Maybe someone to casually hang out and take mind off things, but definitely not dating.


I mean, comparing you to his ex? Come on now, how much more obvious can it get?


I'm glad you resisted the urge to message him. It would only push things along and delay the inevitable (where he has to face his unavailability and his need to heal).

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Wow. Shortest and worst date ever. I took a train to his city and met him at the bar. I got there early (because of the train schedule). I had a drink. He got there on time at 5. He started just talking about himself, and ten he started getting texts from work. He apologized but answered like 5 texts in 15 minutes. So at 5:15, I just got up, left money for my drink and said, "you're busy, I'm leaving." He's like what?!? We can go get some dinner. Are you serious? I'm like yes, you are busy. So I walked out and now I'm sitting at a Starbucks waiting for my train back to the city.

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Sigh, yeah definitely a let down. I just couldn't stand to sit for another 5 minutes more. I don't see what's so important on a Sunday night either. Good riddance. I've never walked out that fast on a date before. The shortest before was 45 minutes. The only other time I really wanted to run away was about 7 years ago when I had a date with a guy I had a crush on for a while - but he spent the whole time talking about his ex. I wanted to run away screaming but didn't amazingly. He wanted to go out again and I said no because he seemed hung up on his ex.


Speaking of which, I'm not sure why I didn't run screaming from Tom either, seeing as how much he talked about his ex. Not positively. Necessarily, kind of neutrally. But geez. Damn. I'm really rather disappointed over the whole Tom business. It's been years since I had such a good first date as I had with him. Not since Logan for sure.

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I got a job offer today from that place I interviewed at last week. I turned it down. The job wasn't exactly what I'm looking for. I'm looking forward to my phone interview on Wednesday.


Hot gym guy and some other folks from the gym are going out tonight. I may or may not join them, depending on how I feel after dance class. Maybe I will, need a bit of a pick-me-up.

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I was contacted by a recruiter from a big name company in Paris. I don't speak French. Though I think the job would be in English. Let's see what happens now. Looking forward for my interview tomorrow.


No word at all from Tom. So that's that I guess. Hot gym guy and I and some other people went out last night and had a great time.

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Poor Bodhi - Texted with him a bit last night. He was crushed and was writing to me because a girl he really liked and took to a concert this week .... is actually dating another dude. He's super heartbroken. Says he's better off single. He thanked me for just telling him after 2 dates I only wanted to be friends instead of finding out some other way that his date to the concert was spending V-day with another guy. Ouch. I told him to hang in there, keep trying, he's like, no, some of us are just meant to be single.


My interview yesterday was tough but I think it went well. I won't hear for another month or two if I have a follow up interview. In the meantime, I have an interview for the Paris job next week via phone. Maybe they will want an in-person interview??

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Thanks WithLove! The interviews are exciting for sure.


Oh man, I was annoyed last night with a friend of mine. She and her husband run a dog sitting service and they are going out of town today and they took a client last minute, but then they realized that their staff couldn't take care of the dog this weekend so she was asking if I could go to her house and walk the dog. Thing is, I already have plans this weekend and didn't want to bounce around between downtown and my neighborhood all day. She called really late at night and was trying to work out a plan with me, but it wasn't really meshing with my schedule. I suggested she drop off the dog at my place on the way to the airport, but she didn't want to do that because it would be difficult for her with the airport, she'd rather her cousin drop the dog off to me? Ugh. Anyway, her husband told her to get off the phone and pack and go to sleep. She said she would let me know. Thankfully I did not get a phone call or text from her today!! I guess they found alternate arrangements for the dog.

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Good luck on the interview! Its great that you will be interviewing with a pharma company.


Thanks! I actually turned down the pharma job for a few reasons. I have an interview tomorrow with a big company but it is not pharma. But still in my speciality area. I'm actually excited about this one.


I had lunch with Bodhi today - poor guy is having a rough week. Right after lunch, his car broke down and he texted me saying he was waiting for AAA. Then he saw a photo of the girl he liked with the new guy she is dating on Facebook. ugh. I felt bad for him. He said he is going to "unfollow" her, I said good. I suggested he try going to a book club or something - somewhere he can meet women in a place where they can see his nice personality and get to know them over time, without the kind of high pressure/flakiness that comes with online dating.


Carol and Ewok both think I'll hear from Tom again sometime in the future once the dust has settled in his life. Maybe a few months down the road or something. But by then, I could be living anywhere! I could be here, or abroad. Who knows. Who knows if I will even have the same phone number?

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I'm thinking about how good I am at overthinking things. Anywhere from my love life... but i noticed it in my job search as well. I'm excited about the interview I have coming up and in addition to the typical research about the company, I'm also looking at apartments and dance classes in the area. Nevermind that I don't even have the in person interview yet...

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Yesterday I felt quite sad. It was a really beautiful day and I was thinking how nice it would be to have someone special to go out with that night for a date. Instead, I went to the gym, went home, made dinner, cleaned my apartment. Oh well.


In the meantime, I'm waiting on the results of the interviews. One job said they will get back to me within a month or two. Another job said they will get back to me by the end of Feb. Now just wait.


In the meantime, at my current job, I've been tying up some loose ends - projects I started months ago and never finished... so it will feel good to have some of those things wrapped up.

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Yesterday I felt quite sad. It was a really beautiful day and I was thinking how nice it would be to have someone special to go out with that night for a date. Instead, I went to the gym, went home, made dinner, cleaned my apartment. Oh well.


In the meantime, I'm waiting on the results of the interviews. One job said they will get back to me within a month or two. Another job said they will get back to me by the end of Feb. Now just wait.


In the meantime, at my current job, I've been tying up some loose ends - projects I started months ago and never finished... so it will feel good to have some of those things wrapped up.


I'm sorry to hear that. The past few years (and never before really) I feel really accomplished when I do certain cleaning tasks -like changing all the bed linens and especially when I scrub the floor. Weird because that never used to be a thing for me. I hope tomorrow is much better.

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