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My weight-loss journey - Getting back on track....


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I think eating a clean diet is helpful too. Less chemicals, more natural food. I find it way too difficult to do 100% of the time. But I try as hard as I can. I really try not to eat processed food. With that effort with my food plus running, weight lifting and yoga, I've recently lost over 10 pounds after YEARS of no weight loss. I would add on muscle and probably reduced my body fat percentage, but I wasn't really seeing as much of a difference as I wanted. Finally, something has worked. I'm just super paranoid that it'll come back on. Especially since I've been so busy with summer things that I can't workout as much as I usually do.

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  • 4 months later...
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ah, here we go again. i swear, i think that new years resolutions are so cliche. but after all the holiday cookies and snacks and parties, and then my mom nagging me for days, and then the frustration of clothes not fitting, yeah, it's time to get back on track. on Dec 31st, i took a 7 day meal plan from weight watchers, and went to trader joe's and bought pretty much everything i need to make those 21 meals + snacks. even though it's only been 4 days, the scale is showing a difference. so, i am encouraged. i don't feel skinnier yet. but i've lost a few pounds. am at 192.3 now. i went to WW yesterday and weighed in. i don't really know where i was last week - maybe around 195? eek.


so, in some ways, i am discouraged that i've gained SOOO much weight over the last few years. but on the other side, beating up myself about yesterday doesn't help nor is it productive.


i've been ok with eating on the meal plan this week, not been overly hungry (though sometimes a bit, so i've dipped into my extra weekly points). however, i've also been sick so been doing NO physical activity.


there are a lot of fruits and vegetables (about 6 servings a day) so that is helping keep me really full. I also discovered a new fat free vinegarette. It is called Hendrickson's fat free vinegarette. Potbelly's uses it on their salads. i bought it on link removed. it's basically vinegar, sugar, water and spices. it is so delicious. it's natural too, no preservatives. usually i hate fat free dressings but not this time. that's helping me.


so, yeah.... gosh, why can't i just lose 10 pounds a week? that would be nice.... ha.

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I also discovered a new fat free vinegarette. It is called Hendrickson's fat free vinegarette.


Thanks for sharing this. I'll have to try it out. I'm on the same path you are, trying to lose weight and get back into better shape. I really let myself go from July 2012-present. I have not looked at the scale to see what the damage was. Not sure if I ever will because I know I will beat myself up badly. I think I will track progress based on my clothing. Right now all of my waist bands are tight.

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link removed


Here it is on link removed! pricey though. i bought it, only because i am obsessed. Maybe you can find it in a store near you?


If you want to try it out, go to Potbelly's. I love their salads.


you could make your own too...if the cost ever becomes an issue. few things in this world are as easy to make as salad dressing. and then you know exactly what you're getting!!


i really liked dali's post. clean...and unprocessed. i've met some people who this has worked well for. people who have had long-time struggles with weight/well-being. what i noticed most, is that there's a shift in focus from deprivation to enjoyment. enjoying good food. real food. personally...i think it's the ultimate diet...because it takes the worst part of dieting out of the equation: deprivation. you can't deprive yourself when you're too busy enjoying things to worry about what you might be missing!!


well...my two cents at least. hope you find what works for you!!

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It is so easy to make salad dressing. But there is something about this one in particular I really like! I should try to figure out how to replicate the taste. It's a mild vinegar - maybe rice wine vinegar? With sugar, lemon, and some spices I can't figure out.

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Hi Annie,


Good luck with this! I know you can do it


I've lost about 150 lbs over the last three years, sort of through Slimming World, but it's gradually evolved into an eating 'clean' kind of diet. I've noticed that I do better if I eat food that's recognisably food, and try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. I don't think it's a million miles away from weight watchers, but it works really well for me. Just got to get rid of the last 25 lbs this year, sigh.


Love a weight loss journal, I must say!

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150? Amazing!!!! good job! the last little bit can be hard, i know. our bodies are programmed to hang onto fat.


i feel like ww has been shifting to eating more unprocessed foods. just the things in my sample 7 day menu i have been eating off are i think, more natural stuff than what they recommended a few years ago. ie - black coffee instead of artificially sweetened coffee. before, bananas were 2 points, most other fruits were 1 point, but maybe a 100 calorie snack pack was 2 points (as was a glass of wine.) now fruits are 0, the 100 calorie snack pack is about 2-3 points and wine is 4 points. boo. but it's to encourage you to eat more fruit, instead of the packaged 100 cal snack packs. the wine just ticks me off, lol.


i do feel more encouraged when the scale is going down. it helps me to feel motivated. the scale is going down now, it usually moves quickly the first few weeks. hopefully that will be good momentum to keep me going...

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lunch today is lenitils + quinoa, with steamed snow peas, chopped celery and red pepper. with 2 tbsp of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of chicken broth. i also have some garden vegetable soup, as well as an apple. and a fiber 1 brownie if necessary. 90 calories/2 points.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello friends - well, it's been no secret that I've had lots of struggles the past few years. It's so frustrating, everytime I try to get back on track, I get another set back. I've had bronchitis 2 times this year. just as i started getting better, I started going back to the gym, and then got hit with a horrible virus this week. and i spent the entire week working from home. ugh. just as i try to get back on track... no. The last month, I've been traveling a lot, so lots of yummy (and unhealthy foods). and obviously, when you are sick in bed, you aren't thinking of what is the healthiest option, but rather what will make you feel happy (sometimes that's salad, but sometimes it's a bar of chocolate!) By the way - Starbucks new salads are really really good!!


Anyway, I need to keep trying - can't stop, right? sigh....


i just went through my cholesterol lowering cookbook last night. picked out some recipes and went to trader joe's today. I just made a really yummy pasta salad for lunch:


Chicken, arugula, sundried tomato, olive, and feta cheese pasta salad.


2 cups bow tie pasta, preferably whole wheat

2 tbsp olive oil

8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breasts or tenders, any visible fat removed, cut into 1/4 inch dice (I made this in my george foreman grill)

1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained and cut into small dice

1/2 cup coarsely chopped pitted black olives, preferaly Kalamata

1/4 cup crumbled reduced fat feta cheese, cut into small dice

4 cups lightly packed baby arugula

2 tsbp pine nuts

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar.


Makes 4 servings. 221 calories, 18 g protein, 8 g fat


I tossed everything in a big bowl, and then split it into 4 servings - one for lunch today, others for meals this week.

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it is frustrating...isn't it. trying to be healthy in this modern world. the vortex of contradicting information out there. who...or what...does one put his/her faith in? the fact that we're constantly bombarded with toxins...even from those things which are seemingly innocuous. *grumble*


i feel a bit of your frustration, annie. i've had a strange few years in the health department. only popped in to share a few things that i've noticed positive results with in the most recent months.


are you sensitive to dairy at all? i've been tested for lactose issues recently, and accross the full spectrum, i essentially have no intolerance. BUT...i've been doing a bit of an experiment for the past couple of weeks after someone i trust mentioned that dairy tends to stimulate mucous formation. and...excesses of mucous can/do contribute to certain infections (think sinus, lungs, throat, any mucous membrane essentially). i've had a problem with sinus infections in the past...so this intrigued me. anyway...for about a month, i abstained from dairy. i noticed something subtle...virtually ZERO excess mucous in my nose/sinus cavity. nothing. i woke up each morning breathing clearly. maybe that's normal? well...for me it was a noted change. i've never had that experience consistently. anyway...i started eating some yogurt recently (plain, bulgarian yogurt with nothing added). and i discovered that my nose/sinus area started acting up. i've gone back and forth a bit...and there definitely seems to be a correlation. now, i'm not planning to give up yogurt completely (i get too much out of it to cut it out entirely)...but i think it's worthwhile to know that on some level...it affects me. and...maybe if i feel the symptoms of a sinus infection coming on...i should cut the dairy out. something to consider anyway.


i've learned some things about what happens when we shed some weight too. you may already be aware...but excess toxins in the body are typically stored in fat cells. when we lose weight (ie. fat cells are broken down) the toxins are re-released into the body. this can contribute to a pretty poor state of well-being. we're doing all the ''right'' things...and yet we feel worse (or we get sick). it's like a toxic shock almost. i mention this because for the past two months, i've made some lifestyle changes that are definitely causing a toxic effect. so, i've also been doing some things that aid in detoxification. the body seems to adjust itself to a toxic state, and when the influx of toxins is removed, there's a period of adjustment...that awkward in-between stage where the body is trying to get back to a sort of homeostasis. it needs a lot of support when that's happening.


the things we do every day are more important than the things we do once in awhile. new habits are hard to solidify though.


anyway...dunno if you're interested in any of this. i've started to feel a sense of 'healing' recently with some things that have felt rather chronic for quite some time. little changes that have made a big difference. it's been a slow process...but things are beginning to look up. my energy levels have improved. my sleep has improved. my skin has transformed. never struggled with weight, but that stubborn little ring of belly fat (spare tire?) has more or less disappeared.


your lunch sounds delicious. time to eat!

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thanks for your input! i've heard of several people cutting out dairy, and now their skin is clear, etc... i guess it is worth it to try the experiment - though it is so hard for me! i can't start today, i just bought tons of yogurt and milk. but yeah, maybe when these are out, i'll try going dairy free for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference.


the thing is, i have asthma and allergies, so i'm pretty suscpetible to getting respiratory illnesses. i wonder sometimes if it's my building or city. hm. i've been having a rough allergy season this year, as have most of my friends.


i got flax seeds and chia seeds, i have frozen fruit, and yogurt, going to make smoothies...

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i don't think the dairy was what did it for my skin (i still have a soft spot for the stuff). but it's possible. i suppose i'd wonder if your asthma/allergies are potentially intensified (not caused) by excessive mucous? that's the link that i'm curious about myself (not informed enough to call it conclusive). my girlfriend has some pet allergies...and i have two cats who typically set her off. she decided to hop on board with my diet changes (yogurt is just the tip of the iceburg...so there could be all sorts of other things that are contributing factors...) and noticed a fairly dramatic decrease in pet sensitivity. again...not sure this is directly related to dairy...as we cut out a host of other things as well. her changes were almost entirely dietary though...so it seems likely that there is a least some dietary link. obviously not a one-size-fits-all scenario...but worth some consideration.


hard to waste food though! i hear ya. i'll be curious to hear your results if you decide to give it a try. did you get ground flax? you probably know, but it's best ground (undigestible in whole-seed form). coffee grinders work (i'm lazy...so i just buy it ground). and store it in the freezer.

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I bought it pre-ground.


yeah, it's worth a try! i'll probably go through the yogurt and milk i bought in 1 week or so, and then i can try after that.


i've had allergies my whole life, and they are pretty bad. i know, i shouldn't even be volunteering at an animal shelter but i really love animals.

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Have you ever tried running? I struggled for years to lose weight. I was working out doing cardio and weights and the scale just wouldn't budge. When I started running I suddenly dropped at least 10 pounds. I got down almost 20 pounds by last fall, but put almost 10 of it back on. I'm wondering how much of that is muscle weight though because I was definitely slacking on the weight training over the summer. I've kept it off for over a year and a half now. I have exercise induced asthma, so running is a struggle. But I do it anyway since it works for me lol.

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Ugh, virus' are the worst! Hope you are feeling better. Something about the vagueness of getting a virus is particularly stressful to me, and I'm prone to getting weird virus' it seems (sometimes I have thought they just aren't sure why I am getting sick when I have). Stress seems to play a huge role in all of it though. I hope you are taking it easy and I wonder if you have noticed a connection too in your stress levels and getting sick?


do you have high cholesterol? I've got a secret - oat bran. Kay not really a secret but it is super effective and I love the stuff.


You can do it annie. Remember you are awesome no matter where you are on the journey. And you are proving you are in this for the long haul. That is something to feel good about.


I haven't struggled with weight and I think that is only because I found an activity that I love as much as ice cream. And I really love ice cream. Ask anyone who ever dated me. The secret to my heart is food. But I love swimming as much as ice cream and sometimes love it more. If you have that something, life gets a hell of a lot easier.

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Ah yea, I have the opposite of your situation so that's not an issue for me when it comes to running lol. Having clothing fit properly on the other hand...


I have to say, since I started running I don't think I've been sick more than once or twice. And I used to get sick all of the time as well. I'm going to go find some wood to knock on now.

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  • 1 month later...

the number on the scale.... lets not talk about it. seriously, yikes. i've been gaining some weight, for no reason. one of my coworkers notices i eat so healthily, it doesn't make sense. well, the calories sneak in here or there i guess...


i've previously tried going to a WW meeting near my house, but i can't really make the hours they are open. I am just NOT a morning person and can't go before work. i complained about this last week, and the lady at WW told me that there is one near my work - actually, at my work! so i went there this week. it was ok. not many people. not very structured. but, it will be good. i was the youngest woman there. the other ladies seem to be doing well, and are friends and are very supportive. so that is good.

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the number on the scale.... lets not talk about it. seriously, yikes. i've been gaining some weight, for no reason. one of my coworkers notices i eat so healthily, it doesn't make sense. well, the calories sneak in here or there i guess...



I have the same issue. I think my metabolism has slowed down terribly since I hit my 30's. It is so maddening. I am at the point that I just want a tummy tuck. There has to be an effective weight loss drug in this world. I plan to ask my doc. "Diet and exercise" are not working like they used to in my 20's.

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Hi Annie, I too have suffered from allergies for a long time though atm, it's okay. I know that I am allergic to some types of grasses, and as I have 3 equines, I often have to feed them hay. Some years, the allergy is much worse than others - depending on what is in they hay.


I found a HUGE difference if I would keep my hair covered while feeding them, then taking my bath and washing my hair, and to take care with clothes. The clothes would go straight into the wash.


I recently heard of another tip for allergy which I have only used once so I can't really report on the success. Get some raw organic coconut oil, put it on a cotton wool tip and cover the inside part of your nose with the oil - not as gross as it sounds.

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