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My weight-loss journey - Getting back on track....


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Down 1 lb at this week's weigh in. Probably more, because I was wearing jeans, lol! It's my last WW meeting for a while, because i'll be on an extended vacation soon. so, i wanted to see everyone before i left! i think i'll probably wind up losing some weight while on vacation just because i like to stay active and walk and see the sights and will be doing some outdoorsy stuff too. alcohol will be bad though!


size 12 jeans - loose everywhere but in the waistband. sigh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Annie, keep us posted! It's your progress and determination that keeps me going too. After a long period of carelessness and not trying hard enough I started over again. This time with a pledge to never gain anything I lose back. I think what triggered it was hearing about your process. Keep me posted! And keep going!

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, am back from my 2 month long vacation. I even lost some weight! I lost 2.8 lbs according to WW, probably more since I was wearing my jeans at weigh in. I'm 189.2 right now. So, I could have lost a lot more, but I didn't really try. I ate whatever I wanted, drank a lot too. But, I was very active, going swimming, hiking, kayaking, rafting, walking, dancing, etc.... I didn't snack too much - we were always busy and on the go. I think I probably lost more, up until the last part of my trip which was a cruise and they fed us soooo much! Even though we went snorkeling 1-2 times a day and did a lot of hiking, I think that was where i gained some weight back, lol.


went to my WW meeting this morning, it was so nice to see people again. sorry that i will have to say goodbye to them soon and find a new WW meeting in my new city.

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Annie, my husband just started Weight Watchers, and it made me think of you. He really likes it so far-- it's much easier for him to track points than calories. I think it's cool the way not every calorie is equal so 100 calories in cake is more points than 100 in fruit. It helps him make healthy snack choices.

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Maybe I should eat more like I did on vacation? Now that I'm home, I find I graze more. On vacation, I basically only had 3 meals a day. Large breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast might be around 7 or 8, then lunch might be something lightish and dinner kind of big. But usually not dessert. But I drank a lot too. Then again, we were constantly active, on the go, walking or hiking or swimming or whatever, and I NEEDED that food for energy. Breakfast might be at 7, and we might not have time to get lunch until 2. Lunch might have been an empanada and a coke and that's it. Dinner would be big. Argentinian steak, salad, french fries, bread rolls, tons of wine. I find myself grazing here more. Maybe focus on having real "sit down meals" instead of making a sandwich and taking it with me to my laptop....

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I have heard arguments for both -- 3 "real" meals VS grazing to keep metabolism up.

I've recently heard that it's not good to graze bc your stomach is exposed to excessive gastric acid.


My job requires me to be pretty much stationary so 3 big meals do not really work for me.

I eat two real meals and snack a bit in between.


Annie, I know you like to keep active during the day -- do you think it's feasible to keep up the level of activity that you did on vacation -- well, maybe keep it reasonably close enough by ... walking, taking stairs, exercising, going to dance class, etc?

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Regardless of the many small meals/a few "big" meals debate, I've always heard that your mealtimes should be 100% mindful - ie, no eating in front of the TV or computer, or while reading a book. People tend to overeat and not pay attention to the cues their body is sending them when they're not focusing on the meal, but on something else instead. It becomes more of a mechanical "approach sandwich to mouth" thing rather than really thinking about what you're doing. That being said, I live alone, and I have to admit that I find it really hard to JUST eat. It's too sad and boring. And then when I eat at work with my colleagues, I actually tend to eat more, because I'm at the table for longer and don't really want to leave and go back to work, so I'll get seconds ... Hmmm


(Personally, I like 3 "big meals" and no snacking in between. When I graze all day long, I find that I'm just thinking about food ALL DAY, and constantly plotting about the next thing I'll put in my mouth. If I know I'm having three meals, I don't start to think about lunch until lunchtime, and same thing for dinner. The other thing is that I find the 3 meals to be more satisfying. Obviously they're bigger, and I find I like to have a mix of flavors instead of just "an apple", "two eggs" etc ...)

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^^^ really good points sophie. I don't find it sad and boring to eat alone, lol. but i do see what you mean about bigger, and more satisfaction. a snack on its own isn't very satisfying but a big lunch with lots of tastes is.


You really don't have trouble just sitting at your dining room table or wherever and just eating? It's not that I find it sad that I don't have anyone to eat with - glad to get some peace and quiet given what a lot of my days are like, lol! - it's just that there's not enough "entertainment" I guess. I feel like I have to have something to read or watch, even though I've heard it's not a good habit. At cafes or restaurants I'm fine, because there are people around to watch and observe.

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^^singleton habit for sure. I do that as well. I can't sit at a table alone at home and eat. It's just weird! I enjoy talking at meal time as well so it's doubly weird sitting there talking to the pepper shaker. 'So, how was your day?' 'Do you like sushi too?' lol Anyway I find I do better with losing weight by eating 2 meals and a light something either as dinner or lunch. I've dropped ~8lbs this winter doing that.

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I can't just eat and do nothing either. I have to watch TV, go online, or read. I'm trying to watch TV and be online less so I'm more productive and my time doesn't disappear anymore. So meal time is combined with TV/Internet time and then when I'm done eating it all goes off. I find I snack more if I keep watching TV. Not good.

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I know, I've been pretty MIA. I'm just really trying to cut down on it all. I'm doing well though! I had a funk through the holidays, but this has been a pretty great month. I feel happier than I have in a long time.


I'm so jealous of your vacation by the way! I wish I could do something like that. And you got to go to Uruguay! I think I may have said this before, but my best friend (she's basically another sister to me) was born there so it's the one place I've always wanted to go. You went to Montevideo right? That's where she's from! She's actually dating a guy who lives there. He's moving to the US this summer to be with her.

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I definitely will at some point. We talk about it all the time. I was actually going to go there in December myself, but we want this other girl to go too so I have someone who speaks English there with me to spend time with. My best friend still has a lot of family there, so most conversation would be in Spanish. Somehow, even though we've been friends since we were 10, I haven't picked up more than a few words. I would take classes before I went though. Anyway, it turned out that our other friend couldn't go so we postponed the trip. Now we don't know when to schedule it because if she and her boyfriend end up getting married soon, they'll get married in Uruguay and I of course would be going. We're concerned about ending up with two trips really close together since it's so expensive. But I also don't want to wait!


Did you have any problems with getting sick? She's always talking about the water and how I'll probably get sick since I'm not used to it. She got me all nervous! haha

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No problems in Uruguay, I did not get sick. I drank bottled water though, not tap.


Have you heard of "Coffee Break Spanish?" They are these 15 minute long podcasts (free) for learning spanish. It's Spain Spanish, but still, I think they are great and would be useful for your trip. They're good for tourist spanish.

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  • 6 months later...

oh hello, time to dust this old thing off again!!


hm. yeah. i've let things slide too much. I'm around 188.2 lb, according to my weigh in last week at WW. I've been going on and off to weight watchers. but still haven't "gotten in my groove." the hardest part I find is tracking. i get sooo frustrated with tracking sometimes but i have to get back in the habit.


i'll go to WW tomorrow, hopefully i can wake up for the 7:45 AM meeting (ugh!) there is a WW center about 8 blocks away from me. but they aren't open on weekends, so i need to go weekdays before work.


i've been eating a lot of lean cuisine meals. so much, in fact, that i got their 1000 point award recently - so i ordered a magazine subscription to Women's health! hope it comes soon.


Like I was telling Bella on her thread, lately, I haven't been good about going to the gym. between my arm/back injury, and then it is so hot and humid out, by the time i get home, i am sweating and just want to hop in the shower. i should try go start going to the gym straight after work and then coming home. maybe that will be easier?


currently, i get about 50 minutes of walking a day, to and from the subway to and from work.



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It's good that you are at least walking. When you do follow the new WW pointsplus does it work for you? When I tried it , it didn't work for me at all and I had ot go back to low carb-ing.


I found the tracking daunting too, even with all the tools, calculators, apps, databases...

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bella, swear to god, i am like out of points by 3 PM. i really need to try harder.


good thing about the PP system - all fruits are free! if i snack on fruit, life goes better. otherwise, some values are shocking. for example, one of my favorite things is the petite cherry pies at starbucks. they are like 3 bites and about 170 calories. just a little sweet something. well - come to find out, they are 5 points each!! and I get 30 PP a day. geez. and when I have 2, it's 9, and then I've eaten 1/3 of my points in a day in just a few bites. gah. daunting.


sigh. i think i need to try and just REALLY try this time.

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