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My weight-loss journey - Getting back on track....


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Sweet potato puree sounds AMAZING. I'm making sweet potato chili tonight. My friend at work got so excited that he asked me to bring him some lol.


I have a new way to workout. I got that EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii. It's so much fun! It feels like a really good workout too and unless my mind is playing tricks on me, I think I saw some results in just two weeks. Only problem is that now I'd rather come home and workout instead of going to the gym. The cold weather doesn't help with that either.

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Sweet potato puree sounds AMAZING. I'm making sweet potato chili tonight. My friend at work got so excited that he asked me to bring him some lol.


I have a new way to workout. I got that EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii. It's so much fun! It feels like a really good workout too and unless my mind is playing tricks on me, I think I saw some results in just two weeks. Only problem is that now I'd rather come home and workout instead of going to the gym. The cold weather doesn't help with that either.

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No, it's not spicy. I just cooked it as a stew - threw in lamb cubes, chickpeas, canned tomatoes, peppers, onion, the some cumin, Ginger, cinnamon, and coriander. You can toss this all in a slow cooker as well. Very easy. I'll try to find the recipe and post it.

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Weight on 12/15/10: 195.0 lbs

Weight today: 191.0 lbs


yay, I lost 4 lbs! granted, it was over the course of a month, but it was a holiday month, so i'm happy. it's been the first time i've weighed in since the 15th of dec. i almost didn't go today because i didn't want to face the scale, but then i dragged my butt out of bed and told myself i had to know the number, no matter what. and it was good. i tried to be careful with my eating this week, cutting back on bread (except sprouted wheat bread). also cutting back on dairy (except a little bit of creamer in my coffee.)


i always feel more motivated when i see the scale go down.

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yeah, i ramped up my cardio this week, that helped. it's something that's been missing and i think stalling my weight loss. not always out of laziness. i turned in a fellowship application last night (to work in the Caribbean, actually!) but i was up until midnight twice this week working on it. i meant to work out those nights, but i didn't because i didn't get home until so late, it was just time to crash. well, i applied, i'll find out in april if i get this. my potential future boss and i have been communicating lots over email and the phone, he is super excited and hopes this fellowship goes through (I'd be working in his lab if i get this money).

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well, fingers crossed! i'm filling out another fellowship application also for the same job. If i get one of them, it would be a 2 year appointment. now, I don't know - they are competitive. the boss says that I have a good shot at them.


well, I would REALLY have to get my body bikini ready if i moved there!!!!

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I'm excited also for that job in europe i applied for, but i won't know until march or april if I get the fellowship. but this guy (in the Caribbean) - he's super excited and really enthusiastic. the one in europe is enthusiastic, but not like this. we even talked on the phone, he just seems really energetic and it seems like it would be a good environment in which to work. I had a 20 page application, i finished it last night. i'm just tired today!

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The last 3 days have been good, i'm getting used to tracking on this new system which is a little bit harder. before, about 50 calories were one point. now it's calculated on fat, fiber, carbs and protein, so it's not as easy to just take a guess at the number. but, with my guides and the website, it's working out, i guess.


yesterday i went to a new bellydance class. my old one moved way on the other side of town, too far to go, because it would be over a 2 hour round trip on the bus. and multiple buses. this new studio is halfway between work and home, so it's a much better location. am giving it a try. i'm in a slightly lower level than i used to be at, but i think that's a good thing so i can ease into dance again. speaking of which, i bought the ZUMBA set of DVDs that they've advertised on TV. i got it like 6 months ago but never really did it. i started tonight, it was pretty fun. high intensity, out of breath, but the time just flew by because it was all latin dance. i think i should stick with it some more!


it just occurred to me that i've lost 8 lbs since my 'maximum' weight. but it doesn't feel like i've lost any weight at all. i guess that is just how my body is built, and how i was able to gain weight without really noticing. it just sort of creeps up and 5 lbs up or down doesn't make a big difference on my frame (but 50 does!!!!) Maybe in another 8 lbs I can wiggle my way into my size 12 jeans again??

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Last weeks weight: 191.0

today's weight: 189.2

loss: 1.8 lbs


I was hoping for a 2 lb loss but I'll take this. I exercised but could have done more cardio. I've been pretty good about tracking my food and eating tons of fruits, not many processed foods. Stress this week mademe lose

my appetite.


Well, I'm glad to be in the 180s again.

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Last weeks weight: 191.0

today's weight: 189.2

loss: 1.8 lbs


I was hoping for a 2 lb loss but I'll take this. I exercised but could have done more cardio. I've been pretty good about tracking my food and eating tons of fruits, not many processed foods. Stress this week mademe lose

my appetite.


Well, I'm glad to be in the 180s again.



Wooohooo!!! YAY Annie!!!!

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Annie - I am always kind of jealous with your progress and determination


Here is my good news today -- I tried one of the gyms that is really REALLY close to me (like 2 miles away?) even though I was hesitant about them before. I LOVED it. I was hesitant to try their yoga class but it was AMAZING. It was much better than I expected. And all their machines are brand new and there is a large selection - I tried out a couple of them and I loved the machines. Same with the weight room - a large selection. The gym is so clean and nice and I felt really comfortable there so I have decided to join. (I will go tomorrow hopefully to join)


Even though they don't have a pool - which I wanted - I am still very excited to be joining. I figured I probably won't be using the pool anyway and when I want to I always have access to the one at school. SO EXCITED to start working out there regularly.

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