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My weight-loss journey - Getting back on track....


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Aaaaaaaahhhhhh! Am at the ww meeting am up 3.8 lbs to 187.6. What the heck?!?! This is insane!!!! I've been pretty good overall. I did have a big dinner last night maybe that is it? This is insane...


Sorry. Maybe it was the dinner. (Did it have a chance to get out yet?) I seem to be constantly comparing what comes in and what goes out lately! I keep thinking hey that looks like its about the same or more than what I just ate! Good! LOL.

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lol. you are right that it didn't get 'out' before the meeting. lol, TMI!!!!


sigh. it's crazy because last weekend i went to a dance workshop where i was sweating like a pig, dancing for hours upon hours, went for a swim afterwards. i thought i would have LOST 4 lbs!!!


i think i'm going to give my old personal trainer a call and set up bi-weekly workouts with him. i can't go up!!! my cholesterol needs to go down! i don't want a stroke in my 30s. my friend's sister in law had a stroke (she had a medical condition). she is 25 years old, had a nice life with her husband, trying to have a baby, and now she can't even sit up on her own. she's going through massive rehab to try to get her old life back. it is heartbreaking.

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Just wondering, Annie... have you been to the doctor at all to check for things like hypothyroidism? It seems like you are having a much more difficult time losing weight than you did previously, which is why I'm asking.


they did check. apparently my thyroid is fine. my mom has thyroid problems that started when she was about 55.


well, let's see when i start going my personal trainer again. i know- i am really having problems i didn't before. it's strange. but then again, school is really super stressful as well (i'm supposed to defend my phd in a few months) and that doesn't really lead to relaxing times....


i just went to the grocery store along with my cholesterol lowering book and got a ton of food (mostly fruits and vegetables) for the recipes. some quinoa, some tofu and other soy products. some margarine products are supposed to have phytosterols or something like that to help lower cholesterol, along with metamucil.

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i do have a confession to make. i ate three donuts this week. and one candy bar. kit kat. sigh. my boss brought in donuts and i have absolutely no willpower when it comes to free donuts. i should have known better. i didn't eat them all at the same time though! but they do nothing for taking care of hunger. after i ate one, it was like i ate nothing at all. i would have been better off eating a turkey sandwich or something. I also had takeout 3 times last week. there, i said it.




it was a week of extremes. with half the week extreme dancing, sweating, being careful, and the other half was very stressful at work and i responded to the stress with eating. i should have known better. still didn't expect to see a +4 on the scale! some of it was probably bloating, but some of it might have been real. i thought that it would have evened out though.


my personal trainer will keep me on track. i used to go to him years ago and then stopped when i bought my home, to save money. i should go back to him. he is a great guy, amazing body, and he is just super nice and supportive. he sounded really happy to hear from me. even when i've run into him on the street, and not so fit, he still told me i was beautiful. yes, he's a sweetheart. and before you suggest i date him, he's gay, lol.

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well, i had a good workout with my trainer last night. it's pricey, but i guess it is worth it for the end result. i don't want my weight to keep creeping up. getting a new waredrobe would cost a lot more.


i stepped on his scale last night. 186.6 (ok, so 1 lb down from saturday) and 35% body fat. sigh. but, we had a good workout and meeting him again tomorrow. we'll be working out twice a week. he's a good guy, i'm glad my money is going to him.


i also bought 2 new workout DVD sets. one is the "Punch" from weight watchers. it has weighted gloves and you do a cardio kickboxing workout. it is fun. the beginner is a bit too easy for me, i'll try the intermediate soon. the gloves are pink (of course) and weigh 0.3 lbs each. so, pretty light. they get sweaty though.


the other one is the "zumba" one i saw on the infomercials. i'll give it a try, i like to dance, i know lots of people who love zumba so i think it might be good to do.


i might go to yoga tonight, depending on what time the repairman leaves my house (my freezer broke, sigh).

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thanks . it effen sucks to get right back to where i started. i'm also annoyed at myself that i'm going to vegas next week and i hoped to be slimmer for that trip. oh well.


i've been really good about eating this week. there better be a - on the scale this week!!!!!

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thanks . it effen sucks to get right back to where i started. i'm also annoyed at myself that i'm going to vegas next week and i hoped to be slimmer for that trip. oh well.


i've been really good about eating this week. there better be a - on the scale this week!!!!!


My feelings exactly.

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Last weeks weight: 187.6

today's weight: 184.6

lost: 3 lbs


yay! I did work really hard this week and tracked and I'm glad the number showed on the scale.



That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you know it you won't even be in the 180's at all anymore. Keep on truckin'

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  • 1 month later...

This sucks huge balls.


Weight today: 192.0


HOW?!?!? HOW can I even gain 7 lbs in one month?! granted, i did go on vacation, have a huge birthday bash, but 7 lbs in one month is insane. I've been weight lifting 2x per week. granted, i could have been more careful with my food intake - a lot more careful. but 7 is crazy. ugh, I have NEVER EVER weighed this much in my life.


Back to tracking. I need to do more cardio. as it is, i am working out 3 times per week but i should ramp that up more. Other parts of my life are going ok - am writing my dissertation, have been reasonably productive there. But, it's a lot of sitting around all day, typing. lots of typing and reading.




tomorrow i'm going out of town for a week to a conference. conferences usually wreak havoc on my diet. over conditioned talks, dim lights. make me sleepy and want to drink lots of coffee and eat pastries. can't do that. coffee, ok. i just went to the weight watchers meeting today, they had a sale on snack bars, so i picked some up, as well as some over-priced oatmeal. way overpriced, but the good news is that it comes in convienient packaging for on the go. so, i got some of that as well so i can have a healthy snack, just add hot water.



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Sorry. Tracking is so important. I haven't been tracking myself and I just finished one conference about to start another. In the past few days I have been avoiding the scale. That is NEVER a good sign.


I need to lose this extra weight on me because it makes me feel so TIRED all he time. I hate it.


I bought some kale today to make a salad with for dinner. I've only had it once before and it's supposed to be good for you I hear.


Good thing about this conference is they don't seem to have a lot of breaks for food (they just have a lunch break). I just hope I don't overindulge at lunch or anything. I'm not sure if I should bring my own snacks or not worry about it.

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yeah, tracking is really important. i just input my breakfast into the WW tracker. it's so easy to "forget" what you've been eating. especially me, a stress eater. and writing a disseration is stress. and preparing for a conference is stress.


i think some easy to carry snacks would be a good thing. cheaper too, than buying the overpriced snacks at the hotel.

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link removed has some protein bars etc. I normally compare prices when I shop. I realized that they have really good prices.

I'm mostly a vegan and don't always eat balanced diet. I bought isopure low carb protein powder from this website and whether I eat proper meals or not, I make a smoothie and carry it with me to the lab. Keep it in the refrigerator there and drink it through the day. It helped me lose weight very much and my muscle mass increased. It also curbed my cravings.

Reducing weight and keeping it off is a challenge.


When I'm out for meetings etc. I eat pure protein bars, met Rx protein bars. They really fill you up. Also you can buy canned beans, salsa etc. and make your own wraps. Thats what I did when I went away for meeting. Eating out is costly and full of calories.

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Getting angry at yourself won't help at all, it might even make it worse. Instead view each time you eat as a opportunity to make a healthy choice. And don't demand perfection out of yourself, it doesn't exist. Also try to find sneaky ways to get more exercise in. Maybe during the conferences, you can take walks quickly during any breaks, use the hotel fitness center if it's an overnight one, walk to get lunch, etc.

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Getting angry at yourself won't help at all, it might even make it worse. Instead view each time you eat as a opportunity to make a healthy choice. And don't demand perfection out of yourself, it doesn't exist. Also try to find sneaky ways to get more exercise in. Maybe during the conferences, you can take walks quickly during any breaks, use the hotel fitness center if it's an overnight one, walk to get lunch, etc.


I think they have a pool so I will take advantage of that if I can. But it is so hard to move or want to move when you are so overweight, especially in this heat. So Until I can get to the low 180's or 170's working out really isn't an option. The thing I hate most is my legs rubbing together. I feel so discouraged today.

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