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  1. I have been dating my G/F for two years and we have been in a LDR for one. Smothering can become a serious issue, all your trying to do is show the other that you love them and they throw it in your face. People change they dont need the other that much, I have had to deal with that and it hurts a lot. Love can be the strongest bond in a relationship, but it can also be the breaker of it too. All I can say is when he has to have his time, whatever it is, then go out and have fun yourself. As for keeping reserves like one of your replyers did, I think you should just focus on what you have. If it is not that serious then have reserves like everyone else does, I just personnally think its a stupid idea. Regards Bryan
  2. Everyone has the feeling of being alone once and a while. I am in a long distace relationship and I often feel alone. As for people who make fun of you they are just insecure about themselves and they take it out on others. You are a better person then them because you dont give it out to other people too. Both girls and guys can be cruel when they make fun, but nobody is perfect when society usually looks for it. Try not to care when someone says somthing hurtful because they will never be successful in life, you will exceed them because you are. Regards Bryan
  3. I think you should just go for it like you have nothing to lose, it will show that you are confident and that you like her at the same time. If you are really good friends with her though approach her with a question like "imagine if we went out?". Confidence goes along way with the ladies. Hope I helped. Regards Bryan
  4. You have to put yourself in different situations than you are. I think coming to this site was the best thing you could do so far. I have just joined today and I have been helped so much already. I know how it is to feel alone. Even though I have a girlfriend it is a long distance relationship at the moment and it is really hard. For a long time in high school girls woudn't pay attention to me and I began to hate myself and life as well. There are people just like you who feel the same way. All I can say is be patient, all great things come to he/she who waits. You will meet a guy one day that you will fall in love with and you will be able to kiss him all you like, if it could happen to me it will most certainly happen to you. Im sure that is an incouraging thought. Regards Bryan
  5. Nothing means more to a person than your own handwriting, its much more personal than a email. Poems are also nice to give a person as well.
  6. If he is gay which it sounds like he isn't, you do not just throw it in there face if they are gay or not it will offend the person. I say ride it out, if you are interested in him then be the initator in asking him out. Could be that he really likes you and can flirt well but is too scared to ask you out. But anyways good luck
  7. I would miss you, I have never met you but I have heard your plea. I know how you feel when it comes to depression it sucks but it does pass. No matter how hard things can get there is always someone who cares, remember that the next time you think of doing somthing harful to yourself. People who commit suicide go to purgatory, it is a form of hell. If you were to commit suicide then you would be stuck in the same hell for eternity. If you fight it out then you will see what life does have to offer, its great once you get over that hump of wanting to kill yourself and hating the world. Things will always get better with time.
  8. I find the movies is a great place to have a first date. Make sure though to choose a movie you will both enjoy (even if it is a chickflick). For a first date I would say go with just holding hands after the movie has started. As for kissing on the first date, wait for the second date to surprise her with that. It will drive a girl crazy when she wants to kiss you but you hold out on her to the next day. As for what to say, be yourself and dont say somthing that you would usually say to one of your guyfriends with her. You know gross stuff, things like that. Good luck...
  9. When a girlfriends are tricky. I have only had one but this one has caused me alot of grief and happiness too. I think that if you hold your ground and dont push her she will come back to you. I understand that right now that is the hardest thing for you to do, but it will work I think. My girlfriend and I have been having sort of the same problem, how I feel she isn't giving me enough time or helping me enough. All I can say is to not be possesive, I now from your posting that you are only thinking of her and holding back telling her to take some time for you. If she really cares for you then she will contact you first, if that doesn't work and she doesn't call or email then its up to you to make your decision. It may have to be the hardest one up to this point in your life you will have to make. Love or leave her.
  10. Ive been dating my current girlfriend for two years, this past year she has been away at school. At first everything was going well, it always seemed like she really needed to talk to me, and for me to comfort her. I was always there whenever she has needed me. But this last semester things have been getting rough around the edges a little bit. Now she doesn't need me as much and I need her now. She claims she doesn't have any time because of school in which she pocratinates, and claims that bills and looking after herself take up the rest of the time. I love her more than life itself and the more I show it the more it pushes her away. Im all alone and I have no one to talk to, if I ever have any problems I cannot talk to her anymore because she wont make time for me. I make sacrifices all the time for her, and do whats best for us. She says Im selfish, and that is bullshit, I do everything for her, I only want a little back. I know she loves me but I like to hear how much she cares about me somtimes. I hope that someone reads this and understands my situation, I do not want someone to be telling me Im insicure, or selfish because Im neither, even if I wanted to I wouldn't get the chace to be.
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