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Everything posted by Knight55

  1. Ok. I just started going out with this girl like two weeks ago. And homecoming for her school is in mid October. Sounds ok right. Well she told some guy that if he didnt have a girlfriend or a date for homecoming then she would go with him. That was in the summer. She forgot about it and then he called her last night to see what color her dress was. She told him that she hada boyfriend and that she was going with me. He got upset and is being a jerk. She is really confused right now cause he is one of her good friends. I dont know what to do. I dont want to come between her and her friends but she is my girlfriend he has no right to take her to homecoming. What should i do??
  2. Hey everyone. Im having a delima. My ex wants me back. I still like her but i dont know if i should give her another chance. See she cheated on me with one of my friends and we broke up because of that. But i never got over liking her. Im confused about what i should do. Help plz.
  3. Just raesure her that you are hers. That you only have eyes for her and that no other girl can compare to her. That no girl can take her place and that they are just friends. Tell her that you would rather be with her than with the other girls.
  4. It probably is i know it is hard. I want to see my g/f every moment of every day and if im not with her i want to be talking to her. But i know that if i do that then we will eventually run out of things to say and neither of us wants that.
  5. Talk about things that she likes. And use that to lead into other topics. Find things that yall can discuss. Another thing is that yall might talk to much. If you call her every day you will run out of things to talk about. YOu should space it out some.
  6. Jealousy is normal and healthy. You are probably that jealous because you are afraid to loose him. Even though you have no reason to feal that way you cause yourself to worry about what could happen. If yall have been togeather for five years it is obvious yall have a strong relationship. So dont worry about it. Stop dwelling on him and other girls and just think of yall togeather. Dwell on the good not the bad.
  7. You might want to give subtle hints that you are glad yall are firneds and that you dont want to ruin it. Talk about how relationships between best friends only pull them farher apart and end up ruining the friendship. And if he still asks you out then tell him the truth.
  8. I agree with Mar. Just be up front with her and ask her how she feels. But remember if you do this then you might not get the answer you want. So be prepared for the worst.
  9. Church girls dont always like the bad guy. They want a guy who puts God first. The fact that your Avatar is a picture of a satanic serial killer kinda makes me think that you might want to become more of a "good" guy. Church girls arnt as physical as other girls. You need to be honest with them. DOnt try to be a Bad A around them they want more emotional rather than physical.
  10. Just say that you were thinking about work and that you remembered that he wouldnt be able to do it without a ride and that you could take him if he wanted. I doubt he will catch on to you if you do it non shanontly.
  11. Ask her if she wants to go out to eat with you. That will give you a place to talk. Then just be open. Ask her if she'd like to go to the movies the following week or something. Just be a gentleman when you are out with her.
  12. It is a good thing that you made him feel special. It is always good to know someone cares. Just tell him if he needs a ride that you could take him. He wont read to much from it. He could be saying that so that you would offer to take him so you could spend more time togeather. How did he get there last time. He may prefer you take him then what he did last time. I hope i helped. Good Luck.
  13. Just be yourself around us. We are just people. Noone to be nervouse about. Hang out in groups first. Then it will get easier.
  14. It wouldnt be the first time a guy used a girl to get some. It's one of the things as a guy i am trying to avoid doing. I hope he isnt using you though. You should just be up front with him and tell him what your thinking. If he is using you then when you stop having sex with him he will not wan to spend as much time with you. But if he does that then he doesnt deserve you
  15. It might take some time for him to adjust to the fact that yall arnt going out. Either that or he told you that yall would be friends b/c he didnt want to hurt you. Guys sometimes say stuff to save them the time of having to deal with the angry ex thing.
  16. The guy probably just needs a little time to mend. He is probably saying that he likes someone so that you wont know that you hurt him. I think after things calm down that yall should be good after he mnds. As for moving on it is oay for you to date around a lil nothing serious unless you find someone you like that is one of the ways i get over breaking up is to just get back out there.
  17. Dont sweat it man. She probably didnt even notice it. And if she did then it might intrigue her. Girls like what they cant have. I think you should tell her happy late birthday on tuesday. Well good luck man.
  18. I think you should definatley talk to him about it. Tell him that you are interested in seeing where things are going and if he doesnt see yall going anywhere then you should try to move on. If a lot of guys think you are attractive you should have no problem finding a new guy. And if he is interested are you ready for a long distance realationship?? It is a lot of work trust me i know. As for seeping with him i wouldnt do it if you have already then i would stop he might be using you to just get some. Most guys can be inconsiderate about the feelings of the girl we are with we want the physical and not the emotional a lot of the time. I would draw the line and say no more until your sure that he feels like you do.
  19. Let me see. He is probably just flirting with you. I wouldnt read too much into it. Watch to see if he asks flirty. And if you you have any mutual friends you might get one of them to ask him what he thinks of you or if he would ever date you. And if you get really gutsy you could ask him if he wants to do something but that depends on the type of guy he is. He might like that you took the initiative but he might get a little weirded out. Well good luck with it.
  20. If he stays pissed at you he is an idiot. His b/f has the right to know what is going on. I've been in the situation of the b/f and im sure he appreciates that you told him thetruth. As for the other guy he needs to get over it. He should calm down eventualy. What you did was wrong but at least you did the right thing by coming clean.
  21. Okay i guess ill just jump in. I have been seeing a girl that i like a lot maybe even love for a year. I found out that she had made out with one of my best friends. I have no clue what to do cause i still care for her a lot and i dont want to end our relationship after a year. I am giving my suposed friend the cold sholder i dont talk to hin at all. If he says something to me i dont even ack nowledge his existence. But the kicker is that he has a girlfriend that he refuses to tell. So i am about to call her and tell her myself. I could use some opinions and suggestions. Thanx.
  22. Ask her what you have to do to prove yourlove for her. My g/f asked me the same thing i answered back with the qualities that i liked about her. Then she asked that question. She didnt think i was being honest with her. So i said (with no hint of sarchasm or anything other than seriosness) what do i have to do to prove that i love you. She was so taken with my willingness to prove my love that she emidiatly appologized for ever doubting me.
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