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  1. Personality is what counts. I find someone who can make you laugh is a bonus and someone who cares about you.
  2. Technically it was his to do with as he pleased. You gave the tickets to him as a gift, thereforeeeee the cost of the tickets is rightfully his. Even if you went to a small claims court they would tell you the same thing. An item given as a gift is different to a loan. You never leant him this money you gave it to him in the form of two concert tickets and he sold them on. The fact that you broke up with him makes it 10 times worse. Just forget about it and him.
  3. It really hard because I always thought of nice looking men. But this man that I've taken an interest in, he isn't handsome but then again he isn't overly ugly. I once told someone YUK but now that I've got to know him I kinda like him and I wish I could ask him out. Well I have done but under a rouse, I organised a drinking party and invited him out. He's not one to going out with his workmates, but I have made it clear that he is going. I just like his personality and he makes me laugh, which can't be bad. If the guy I liked was overweight, maybe I would have second thoughts. But we do like our men to look a certain way, and we don't want them too ugly or embarrassing. The choice is yours, you have to decide whether you want to spend your life with him, does he push all the right buttons for you.
  4. It's very easy to tell someone something over the net because you cannot see their faces to tell if what they are saying is meaningful. But you can usually tell by the way they write it. I don't know the full story. It is more harder for someone to tell you stuff in person and it makes us increasingly difficult to read. People can be good at hiding emotions face to face, but over the net it's different.
  5. I'm not a doctor but to me it sounds like a blood problem. When we get angry chemical changes happen, adreneline pumps around the body and the heart beats faster. More blood rushes to the head cause the red blood cells to be forced into the veins, you go a deep shade of red, your veins begin to expand dur to the pressure and that is why you can probably actually see red. The blood flow increase in your eyes causes the shift in colour and you literally see red. There's also the saying don't burst a blood vessel. Because that's what it looks like. I maybe wrong, but I've seen people do it volentarily where they force the blood to their head and they look freaky and scary. The normal whites of their eyes go red.
  6. Golly that puts things in a different perspective. I didn't know all that, but yes the choice is totally up to you. There are men out there who will treat you better. Use this time away from him to decide. Make a list of all his good points and bad points. If his list of bad points outweigh the good, pehaps it's time to move on.
  7. So long as you now you did it woman, who cares what he thinks, just keep letting him give you them 16 O's and you are in man heaven
  8. Isn't it because every sperm is sacred and that to waste it masturbating is the equivilent to mass murder. Oh yes and it leads to impure thoughts too which is a sin well so is masturbation. And only satanic worshippers do that.
  9. A guy has to understand that if he's had a history with a few women you are at risk. Can you imagine if he has herpes? It's not visible at times and if you do give him a blow job you are at risk. A condom will prevent any contamination, but even condoms during sex aren't enough to stop all STD's, since some only need genital contact and the condom does not cover the entire penis, only the shaft. Anyway it's all up to you, but I can bet a man prefers a blow without one.
  10. The trouble with the net is that it is very easy to talk to people. Maybe he just requires someone to speak to. Just because his profile is on a singles website doesn't mean he's cheating on you in anyway. So what if he is talking to a woman till 5am it's just conversation. Haven't you ever spoken to someone for ages and not realised the time? If you are talking about trust you have also broken it by snooping on his pc. How do you think he is going to feel? You may be blowing things all out of proportion. These women he talks to may just be people he wants to talk to. After all you speak to men don't you? Well maybe not till 5am, but you aren't given the chance to, but on the net things are different. People always want to be accepted and when someone takes an interest in another it is always nice to talk to someone. So what if he's asking a woman about a piercing, if I find out someones got a piercing I'm always interested in what they are and where they are also the same with tattoos. Besides she would most probably have been the one to ask about them and then he would have asked her why such a strange question. Don't jump to conclusions, the best thing to do is ask. People always require companionship, with you he's got your love. Do you feel he's treating you any different? If you don't mention it, this is going to eat you inside and nothing good will come of it. It may be harmless fun, but if you don't ask him sooner or later you are going to burst. But remember you may feel betrayed, but you have also betrayed him.
  11. Yes you should use a condom. STD's are a major problem and you can but condoms that are thin so you can still get senual pleasure. You most definitely do not want a STD showing on your mouth. so use a condom. Check out the penis as well for anything that shouldn't be there. Look under the foreskin and check for blemishes or spots, sores etc... It's better to be safe than sorry.
  12. If you really want someone special in your life then you should go out and look for them. It's taken me 30 odd years to notice another man, but I don't think he has any notions towards me. Life is funny like that. Ah well. Don't worry 15 isn't bad to be alone. Don't be pushed, just enjoy your life. You don't necessariliy have to enjoy it with someone else, but it does help. Don't worry I've never been kissed. Well not a proper one.
  13. You have to put them straight about the girl you have no feelings for, or it will go on, you have to stop it before it gets out of hand. As for the other girl that's another matter entirely.
  14. Well if you don't say anything you'll be pushed into something you don't want.
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