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Everything posted by Capricorn3

  1. ^ This. No disorder. Simply an annoying, irritating, bossy flatmate. Maybe move out and find a more compatible roommate.
  2. At least you recognize it. Time to "get out of your head" now and enter reality. There must surely be plenty of other women outside of the workplace, right?
  3. I was just about to say almost the identical thing but you beat me to it. Agree 100%.
  4. You two are incompatible. On completely different wavelengths. It's not going to work (imo). Children and mortgages are a huge thing in a relationship and if you are not ready for any of it, then do not let him change your mind by putting pressure on you. Ever. You are still very young and you should go ahead and live the life you had planned for yourself. If that means doing so without him, then so be it. I also agree with melancholy123 above - I think he is way too pushy and that's a big red flag. Take heed. I would head for the door.
  5. Not much you can do other than to recognize that it's all fantasy and keep reminding yourself that she has more or less made it clear she is not interested in you - therefore it's never going anywhere anyway. Focus on living in the real world, not in dreamland.
  6. The writing is on the wall here. He's going to continue messing around behind your back and you are going to continue to stay with him because you "love him". Then you're going to be sad, upset, miserable and never trust him and you will become a shell of yourself with the life sucked out of you. OP, this is no way to live. This guy shows disrespect to you and your relationship and even worse, he really doesn't care. Always remember that he will continue doing this and treating you this way because you allow it. As always, there are only two choices: 1) Stay with this toxic cheater, but then you can't complain about him, OR 2) Show you have some self respect and dump his sorry cheating a$$ by walking away with your head held high and your dignity in tact. Choice is yours.
  7. All that happened was that she felt no chemistry after meeting in real life - and in a way that's a good thing for both of you because at least you know from the get-go not to waste anymore time and move on. No connection = no chemistry. After meeting she didn't feel as into you as you were into her.
  8. You wrote this letter decades ago and want to send it to an ex? 🤨 I agree with Lambert's post above: "I think this is a cruel thing to do to someone. It's manipulative and leaves the other person with more questions than answers or stirs up past emotions with no benefits or recourse. Why would you do this?"
  9. Sounds like you pushed his buttons a little too far and he had enough of it. People get tired when being nagged too much. Best advice would be to give him time to cool down and do NOT contact him and overload him with constant messages/text. Let him come to you (if he chooses to).
  10. Sounds a lot like she's coming on to you. She has no boundaries and is crossing a line (imo). How would the rest of your family view this if you two become an item? Would they approve? Some cultures have no problem with this. Other cultures it's a big no-no.
  11. 😲😲😲 Holy crap!!! You did it!! That explains why you have been missing for months, lol. Congrats.
  12. Don't feed the trolls people. Don't feed the trolls. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
  13. Why is her dad not working? You don't owe her mother any explanation. Her father should step up to the plate and discipline his kids. Go on your vacation. She moved out to live with her mother. So be it.
  14. To put a different spin on it, sometimes it's a case of when in doubt, don't. Tread cautiously.
  15. You come across as very intense and almost suffocating. And she is definitely not feeling it. This is one-sided. She told you where she stands and now it's time for you to accept that she's not that into you and time for you to move on. No point in waiting for someone who isn't even on the same page as you are.
  16. Is she not capable of bringing her own jacket? Yes, she's not kidding she's a spoiled brat. You sound like you're her slave/servant and she clearly treats you that way. What I fail to understand is why on earth you allow her to treat you like garbage. Why you stay. Why you enable. Seriously dude, only 4 months in and this is just nuts. Cut your losses already and be done. The sooner the better.
  17. I'm sorry, but all I see is an incredibly selfish and immature girl throwing a tantrum like a toddler. She really needs to grow up (imo). Does she always behave this way when she doesn't get what she wants? How old is she? Personally, if it were me, I would head for the hills so fast you wouldn't see me for dust.
  18. Yes, certainly very confusing. Hard to tell which ex is which. I had the understanding that he got divorced, then married the second wife and had a child with the new wife but still kept on and on about his first EX and reconciling (all while he was married to another). Now he posts and says he's back with his ex (first wife) and they have a child together. I have no idea. Soooo confusing. Who knows. Hopefully he can clarify.
  19. In July you were married to your second wife. So, you got a divorce and remarried and had another child all within 2 months? 😵 Spectacular miracle. Would love to know how that works.
  20. I think you crossed the line when you called him. He could be in a relationship. You're in a relationship and showing total disrespect for your boyfriend. I don't think you're ready for a serious relationship right now.
  21. I was thinking the same thing some time ago. OP, when you look at that full picture, it leads to you being the common denominator.
  22. All I can say if there's already this much drama after only "a couple of weeks" then cut your losses and move on already. Seriously.
  23. Well OP, seeing as you say you still believe you should be together, and we are not to tell you to break up, then I am not quite sure what exactly you're asking for. As an outsider looking in, and going by your description of your overall relationship, to me it has disaster written all over it. I do not see this lasting long term, but, if that's what floats your boat then you can't complain about him. You made your choice to stay together.
  24. ^ I second this entire post. OP, maybe it's time for you to pull the plug on this one. This marriage is a basket case and this is no way for you to live. Imagine another 5, 10, 20 years like this. It will only get worse.
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