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Everything posted by Capricorn3

  1. There ya go, I edited it to "yawped". Good stuff ToV! Btw, should that be "yawps" or "yawped"?
  2. On milk flowers and splendor, a round sky fire burns While Sweet Baby Jesus rocks his ghost-manger in the sky I am all sad and wondering why It's such a beautiful day but only want to cry The Christ child rocks n rolls, Apollo's light will never return Before the cows come home and this day adjourns Oh sweet Efron let me be the Lucky One, pollinate my sticky saffron under the blazing sun So we may unite and live forever more, without pain and sadness that we had before Let our love not be dead in a tomb like Mr and Mrs Montague, never let our be done and when the light turns black and deep, may embers crackle lest we sleep Surrendering a left eye, then a right, to the marauders of dreams For nowhere in your roiling slumber can the endless horseman find his home Full of pain wand impossible sadness , here I shall forever rest, no more to roam alone It is now sad sweet Efron that roams alone, to seek again the horseman's love And as the horseman swiftly rides, he espies a solitary dove Held in a hawks jaw, no sign of life it gives Until the mighty clawed creature, dreading its own vice, yawps from knotty beak And the lifeless blood doth leak
  3. Wow. Just WOW. I wasn't planning on logging in, but after reading this I just HAD to, lol. TOV, a masterpiece to say the least. I love it. The more I read it, the more I find. Awesome!
  4. Love it! Makes one feel all warm and fuzzy.
  5. I agree with the two comments above. The face looks a little too female? The "evil" aspect is missing. Generally speaking though, very interesting artwork.
  6. My first thought when I saw the abstract and the colours used, was : "Wow! really dark and moody", lol. So yes, I guess i recognized a depressing feel about it. I love the new stuff you just posted. Awesome work!!
  7. Love your work. I'm crazy about the abstract!! Wow! It's awesome!! Do you have anymore like that?
  8. TOV: Can you clear our your Inbox please? It's full and I can't send you a PM. I hope to see a few more mysterious and intriguing poems from you soon!
  9. I'm intrigued as to what brought on a poem like that. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I write stuff like that too, lol. Just wondering what mood brought it on and where your head was at at the time of writing. I know, I'm weird that way, lol.
  10. Not sure if you're aware of this, but this thread is 5 YEARS OLD
  11. Lol, you're right when you say epic poem, wow, lol. To be totally honest, I found it very disjointed and I struggled to make any sense of it. It also seemed repetitive in some areas. I read it several times to try and somehow follow a story, but I still get lost each time. I walk away with a feeling of total confusion Sorry. But that said, please don't let my words discourage you. If it has any meaning to YOU (which it obviously does), then that's all that matters.
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