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New Found Glory

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Everything posted by New Found Glory

  1. in my opinion, if you are asking this question, u r probably addicted. I think any marijuana is to much. you dont need it to have a good time.
  2. depending on how he said it, i would say that he likes you. i dont tell a girl to stop by anytime she wants unless im interested. you may want to call him first, if u have a cell phone, call him, tell him you are nearby and wanna know if he wants to do somthing. as for topics of conversation it really depends on your relationship with eachother, and your age.
  3. that is a very loaded question. and i wont lie, there are guys who only want a girl for sex. but most guys are not like that at all. in many cases sex is the last thing on our minds. often we want a girl because we enjoy their company, are always thinking about them, or because we like talking to/with them, is usually has nothing to do with sex.
  4. my piont exactly, and i will amend my statement about implants being ridiculous, they are not ridiculous if they are done for medical reasons (breast cancer surgery). i thought it was implied, but i will reiderate incase it wasnt.
  5. Straight to my problem. I have this friend, i like her alot, i recently asked her out, and, after several days, she said no, but she wanted to stay friends, which is fine, i dont want her to force feelings she doesnt have. However many mof my friends say she does like, and my timing in asking her was wrong, before i asked her, one of her friends told me she liked me and that she "was mine the moment we walk out the door".(this was when i was going to go for a walk with her and ask her out). We agreed to stay friends, but she appears to feel akward around me, she has not allowed us to be alone together, in a car, a room, anything, in the past week. I am alittle confused and cant decide whether or not to say and/or do somthing about it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  6. this is a true story it happened several weeks ago i went to a party at a friends house, also at this party was a girl i liked, and i had been told by several people, that this girl liked me, the party was to last all night, and this girl was going to have to walk to work in the morning, i told her i would walk her to work. i was thinking that i would ask her out as we walked. however, she got so very, very drunk, and made a total fool of herself that night, and in the morning, though i still walked her to work, she was much to intoxicated to ask out. so i didnt. you dont want this to happen to you, and people still talk about how drunk she was, and she doesnt remember any of it. you do not want this to be you, dont drink and dont smoke, its that simple.
  7. as several people on this forum may no, i have had some experience with parties and girls drinking and or smokin to impress a guy. DONT! a drunk girl is a total turn off. especialy if u think he likes u back. even if he drinks or smokes, you shouldnt, ESPECIALLY IF IT IS YOUR OWN HOUSE! you never want to lose control of the situation in your own house, assuming your of age, or at least close to being of age, there is nothing wrong with A drink or 2, but dont get drunk. as for whether or not u should have the party, i say, tell your brothers ahead of time, and only invite a couple of people, just some close friends.
  8. i am not at all attracted to a girl with implants, i think they are ridiculus, why should you change your appearnce? as for size, it doesnt really matter, propotion is what counts. To big is weird. But boobs are really not an important feature to me, its the personality and the sense of humor that are imporant, and physically speaking i like the lower body(legs and ass).
  9. listen to me on this, i went through the same thing, if u like her, its worth it. if you're friends are serious about what they are saying, then they arent very good friends, if they r just doing it for sh-its and giggles, than what difference does it make? and besides, it is very simple to shut your friends up. This is what u say 1) (To The Friends Without Girlfriends) YA! you should talk you lonely S.O.B! trust me, they will shut up immediately 2) (To The Friends With Girlfriends) You should know what im feeling, i like her the same way you like (insert their girlfriends name here) and it doesnt matter how she looks. I like her, and im sure you will agree that thats all that matters. they will think about this, and most likely agree.
  10. i no exactly how u feel, and you're right, u did nothing wrong, and she did, and i bet u feel that you should be mad, but you cant be mad at her, right? i think the best thing to do, is talk to her, tell her she hurt you, but that you care about her to much to let this fling to ruin a good relationship. Tell her it is up to her to decide what she wants to do, but that if she wants to come back, you will take her back. After that you just gotta let her decide, forcing her to care for you would just prolong the pain, let her decide.
  11. usually no its kinda a power thing, the guy likes to feel he is in charge of the date. If the guys u likes, likes u back, give him opportunities to say stuff, be alone with him, but don't go out alone, go out with friends, and then go get food or somthing like that with just the 2 of you. smiling is a biggie! look into his eyes, and when he looks at you, dont look away to soon, hold the stare, then smile and look away. trust me, it will work.
  12. i have no advice for you what so ever, but holy shit i like the sounds of your truck, he he he, im sorry if this didnt help, but you can take comfort in the fact that im sitting at home carless, if that helps.
  13. i agree, i think that the first time is very imporntant and no one, guy or girl, will forget it. the may be with their first anymore, but im sure that they will always be remembered and always have a place in your heart and in your memories.
  14. i think that sentence is a bunch of bull you-know-what. I think that it is true in some cases, but not all. An example is when you love a friend, and you tell them, and it either doesn't go the way you wanted, or you end up making things very akward. It is better to have stayed friends than to have screwed things up in the friendship, but it is also better to take chances andrisk the friendship, so if you like a friend, tell them, but don't expect things to be the same, it will change, either for good, or for bad. But this whole it is better to have love and lost and basically had your heart-broken, then to be forever wondering what if? well, in some cases what if is better than what happened, you may always wonder what if? but at least you can imagine it goin well and be happy, instead of what really happened. But now im just rambling on so you can ignore any or all of this reply if you want. it may not make much sense to anyone else.
  15. i am happy to say that this problem as been solved, kinda. I took all your advice and asked her out, kinda.
  16. I think women have the wrong perception of guys, we(or at least many of us) don't look for some girl with a 6 inch waist and double D breasts. We are looking for someone attractive, and that perons i described, isnt. It's all about proportion and curves. My favourite car of all time is an old corvette stingray, why? because it is so curvatious, its got a good figure, but it still has alot under the hood.
  17. i think that if your just shy, its simple a matter of diving into it, he he he diving in, get it? anyways. you simple hafta over come your fears. If that is to hard, thats fine, but that means you'll hafta find somthing else that she does alot, and talk to her about that.
  18. eeeeew, im not homophobic but that was WAAAAY to much information man. anyways, yuck, uhh, just tell him how you feel, make him realize that its not as..."fun"... for you as it is for him. maybe that helps, im gonna go have a shower, i feel dirty just for reading that.
  19. i have decided to take your advice, i dont no how, but i'll tell her how i feel, ask her out, and see what happens, if anyone has any suggestions on what to do or how to ask, they are welcome.
  20. a long walk is a good idea but isnt much of a date. if you live in a small town, think about doing something outside, but togther, do something that normal friends wouldn't do. A walk could be seen as anything. Or consider doing something at your house, make some dinner and rent a movie, its alittle more personal than going to a movie, and if you are gonna do this, you should think about what movie to get. long or short, romantic or not, etc.
  21. i agree with swingfox, i think a wise choice to make would be to contact one of her friends, just ask them if she is giving you the cold shoulder. It is very simple to make it seem like a friendly question(if you dont want her friend to no you like her). Just say that she seems to be ignoring you, and you wanna know if you are imagining things.
  22. trust me on this, the best way to meet a "good" guy, is to find a friend of your(who is a guy) and next time you do somthing tell him to bring one or two of his friends who he thinks will want to come. A friend would not hook you up with just anyone, its kinda mean to put a friend in this position but i have met many nice girls because they asked friends of mine to bring somebody the next time they get together. And if that doesnt work, move to Canada, cuz we are all nice guys up here. 8) 8) 8)
  23. my advice is to tell your friend exactly what you just wrote. Tell her you like her, tell her you think she is gorgeous, but also tell her that you need a little bit of time to "heal". Make sure she knows your not pushing her away, you just need some time to cool down before you get into another relationship, i'm sure she'll understand.
  24. Hi I'va got to agree with both of them. A friends girlfriend no matter how shaky the relationship, is like the forbbiden fruit. I think there is a good chance that one of the reasons you like her so much, is because she is dating your friend. You may want her because yu think you cant have her. It is very paisible that yiou may wake up in the morning after telling her and realize that you have lost a friendship that you can really never get back. If you want to make a move, you are gonna have to decide, the girl or your friend. In my opinion a girld should never come between friends, but i have never been put in a prediciment like this one.
  25. thanx swingfox, i would like to hear a girls opinion, and any other guys aremore then welcome to voice their opinion. im also up for any ideas or suggestions, general or specific
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