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  1. Hi there Its either that your personalites are not in alignment with each other or it is his nature to prove he's smarter, sharper, whatever. You seem to have the patience to keep up with the relationship and show keen interest on making it work but remember this, a person's nature cannot be changed. And if his arguments are psychological, he needs a shrink - not you! As far as I know, and from how you word your message, it seems it could be his nature to compete and argue in which case, he's not your type. You seem like a mature and harmonious person who would much prefer a boyfriend who treats you like an equal. I trust you might be confused reading my message but what Im saying is you make him an ultimatum - you stay and he sees a shrink or you're out in 2 months. Decisions like these are often hard to make but it takes character and guts to fend for yourself and your happiness. So you can either make it better for him or for YOURSELF. I suggest YOURSELF coz its a whole lot easier route. Take care
  2. Hi Jitendra I respect every word you had to say in your poem, and am so happy to hear you have let go. Coz thats what it is all about - you finding your happiness!!!
  3. good on your girl, get him outta your system NOW. And coming weekend, u are going dancing with your girlfriends!!! Enjoy!
  4. Hi First off, dancing is your passion. Never stop dancing. Keep those toes tapping. Dancing is a form of inner expression and you are good at it. Dancing keeps you alive and keeps the adrenalin pumping. If he thinks its immature, clearly you and him are totally opposites. He is not passionate enough to be with you. It also looks like he is playing mind games, saying one thing and doing another. You do not need someone like him. He needs to learn to respect people's feelings. Please turn your face the other way and date men who love to dance and for heaven's sake, respect you for the beautiful woman that you are.
  5. Makes it harder to determine your situation with clarity when you want your ex back. Well from the way I see it, he's being an opportunist. And that's not fair, he can't have his cake and eat it too (Silly saying) but somewhat true on this occasion. I'm not sure how to answer this one, when it comes to matters of the heart, maybe he's realising that he misses you, that there are qualities/traits about you must have in a girl. It could be anything. All I say is watch out for booby traps, analyse this longer, study his moves and go with your instincts. If he's being an opportunist that you think he might be, then be honest to yourself and pass this one off. Then I want you to pat yourself on the back and celebrate how strong & smart you are.
  6. Hi there.... Easy enuf: You dont appreciate A's pushiness, well dont take his phone calls. He's obviously interrupting your lifestyle by calling you hour after hour. Apologise to B for the mistake and ask him if he's cool as friends? Resent your letter to C if that makes any sense?
  7. Hi Jenn The idea of forgiving him is about is letting go the ill feelings inside yourself. Sure you can call him and make it easy on him by saying you've forgiven him and move right along. However how do you feel inside? You have to feel comfortable and live with yourself about forgiving him. Seeing that you like him so much and that he is sorry about 'what might have happened' - I suppose you need to talk things through and tell him how you feel about his lying to you. If his lying continues, you're going to grow frustrated with him. Things dont look so bleak at the moment but you know what? He's got to make better decisions. Decisions about not getting drunk and loosing control of what he's doing in the moment. Ideally, anyone who's been socially drinking should wake up remembering details of the previous night. PS: Another one of these slip ups and I'd wave goodbye to Mr. Not So Right Afterall
  8. Hey I know how you feel and you'd like some reciprocation from his side but he may not be the state of mind to think that way. Besides no 2 people think alike. Yes, you want to talk to him when you feel like it because thats when you are conscious about what you want to say and it may strike a note. You can plan your action around this friendship, if you want it badly. If not, go with the flow and enjoy your life as much as you can. Why dont you plan a ladies night, get dressed up with rounds of cosmoplitans?
  9. Sounds like you've been kept in the dark. She may be cheating on you but you won't know for sure unless you ask her or better yet, hire a detective to find out more. Truth is, you cannot go on without knowing if she's cheating on you. Looks like you're not taking control of your own life. Don't let people around you control your life, dont let people make up your mind and don't let people run your life. Take a stand, and straighten out your personal life. The truth may hurt but it will set you free.
  10. You are definitely not over her and having established that, you have to learn to let go. Yes, you are hurting and its very difficult to let go, you have to boost your self esteem and redirect your focus to healthier thoughts. Part of redirection of your thoughts will help you heal a little faster. Essentially, if you can look at your breakup positively and learn from it, chances of your forthcoming relationship will result more success than the previous one. Once you've worked out what the problems were and working on changing those patterns, move on and celebrate!! Dont worry, be happy!
  11. its a passing phase honey, you'll grow out of it if you allow yourself to.
  12. How about sending him a greeting card? How about giving him a call to catch up? A friendly postcard? I feel sudden bursts of energy when receiving cards or post cards. You could try that to rekindle his spirit and perhaps talk a bit about spending time together. Listen close though, he may have other ideas in mind without spelling them out. You can only go so far with this one, after all if he is shutting himself out then that's his decision and reason.
  13. Hi back, So the step sister is causing you marital problems. In that case, open communication with her is a must. You need to tell her that while you love her dearly and appreciate her looking out for you, she needn't because you are an adult and can handle your own problems. You may also went to diplomatically point out a need for privacy. If you dont get accross this message, she will NEVER understand where you are coming from. I agree you're in a sticky position but to every problem therein lies a solution. Also you want to be in a very positive state of mind with a certain conviction to get the message accross to her firmly and lovingly. If she cannot abide by your wishes, and she comes off as deliberate, then she's not looking out for you, she's just having some fun at your expense. You call that looking out for you and respecting you and your wife?
  14. From a spiritual level, a name is ONLY a name. And though you are a by product of your parents, you have to remember that you live your own destiny/fate, separate from anybody elses. Each day, you wake up to YOUR identity, not anyone elses. When you look at a person beyond their name, you identify them with their personalities, their character, their lives and not by their names. I suggest you take a breather, and recollect yourself and go on a spiritual retreat. Cleansing of the mind can be fulfilling and can set you off to a new start.
  15. Gosh these problems have been going on for eons. And the middleman always suffers the most. I bet your caught up with alot of guilt from both sides but being the mediator of both sides, you might want to have a talk with both sides letting them know what a difficult position you are in and that do you do not want to take sides, choose one over the other. I have to tell you this though, remember your wife has ONLY you, while your family have each other. Your wife feels 'ganged up' on and needs your support desperately. You love your family and want to maintain good relationships with them. Take my advice, try not to get your wife involved with your side of the family. I know it sounds far fetched but the less interaction, the less said. If you live separately from your family, then chances of distance are very likely. Just keep them apart. You'll have the occasional family functions and so forth, tell your wife to keep a low profile. If its one thing I've learned is YOU can NEVER CHANGE anyone, especially their NATURES.
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