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Everything posted by CrazyKing

  1. Me and a friend already had an idea making a band, but it's just an IDEA...
  2. Thanks for the comments... 1) Hehe, another place which isn't that noisy is a bar where people who like hard music hang out - actually, I have found so much new friends there... 2) The opposite would be a girl who likes hip-hop (I must confess, hip hop here in Latvia is garbage) or blown-up pop music - but I've always had a load of problems talking to such girls... 3) A band??? It just attracts people because you're getting popular (If you do), they won't look at you as a person...
  3. Life can be so cruel sometimes - as I walk through the streets, I see couples everywhere, I see that they're people who've found each other - they have the same interests/hobbies/etc... My friends & other people keep telling me that I could easily find a girl when I'd hang out at places where others have the same interests as I do... I've tried it with going to clubs where my favourite kind of music is being played... But it ain't easy - I guess it's because I like such different kinds of music that don't fit together - GOA Trance, Drum'n'Bass/Jungle, Hardcore, Punk, Heavy Metal... I hang out with people who like only one of the styles I've mentioned... I've never managed to find a girl who'd like listening to all of these - sometimes they're too much gothic or they're electronic freaks... It ain't easy to find someone who'd be the female me... It sounds crazy that I'm making Jungle/Drum'n'Bass music and then writing lyrics for punk ... How could somebody like me, find somebody???
  4. I've tried so much ways on how to communicate, and the joke is, that you just have to be natural... The best is approaching somebody while you both are in the same situation, it could be anything: shopping, watching some event, etc... It just takes some moments to see if the person isn't angry about something or not in the right mood for talking with someone new... Just a nice joke or a compliment, comment is all that you need to do... Looking in the eyes is important... It won't be good to approach a girl telling that she looks quite nice and then she's looking back and you're not even looking at her but at something else... The main thing is not to push yourself doing it that way...
  5. Hey, it ain't that hard - I was feeling lonely too a few months ago, I even started to cut myself, that was so hard... I managed to get over it - now I love going to the crowds like in festivals & concerts - it's so great to hang out like that... I was against any kind of one-night relationships, heh, but I've changed so much, It's such fun if you don't have a tent to sleep (just a joke) You have to find something that you REALLY LOVE TO DO, forget about your loneliness!!!
  6. I had a simmilar situation last summer - I was depressed all the time due to the fact that I didn't had a girlfriend/somebody to be intimate with... And I tried to find reasons for this in my looks... It took me a few months til' I realized that I looked quite good in other's eyes, but my personality is the thing that makes girls to look at me in a different way... Now I'm just trying to improve myself and accept the way I am - now I can walk through my town and the people recognize me... I started to get around & meet the people... Well, I'm still lonely and often quite depressed, but at least I've got fun that keeps me hangin' on...
  7. Those people are not my friends, they're just COMPANY... If there is a big party or something like that going on, I would get to know about it already when it's over... I have problems by meeting girls, I guess it's because I've never had a true female friend, I always meet a ton of guys in the city, but there isn't any girl whom I could call by phone and ask to hang out just like friends do... I don't know how others do it, I wonder how somebody can go to a girl without knowing her, and then, after a few minutes they already have a date... And don't post me those "how to get girls" advices that are all over the internet, telling that you should be comfortable, natural, good sense of humor when you approach some girl - I have all of these needs, but it won't work... I hate looking how stupid fools with shaved bald heads, smelly dress and an awfully primitive way of talking manage to get all kinds of girls... I think girls are more keen on JUST getting somebody to have sex with rather than the guys... But the main thing that makes me thinking about suicide is the fact that everyone has got a girlfriend or a whole load of female friends, and I'm filled with a big sadness when I realize that I have made so much girls happy by telling them compliments, making them laugh by telling nice funny things, but do they rememmber me? - NO!!! They call me the weird interesting guy... Then those chicks even ask me: "Hey, where's your girlfriend?"... I tell them that I'm free, hoping to meet somebody... Then they say that I should find somebody, because I'm intelligent & funny... And as I try to ask THEM out, I receive a "hahahaah"... I hate my life, and I'm starting to hate girls!!!
  8. Here in Latvia the whole country celebrates the summer solstice, so as usual I went to a festival in my home town... But somehow this year's summer solstice became so cruel to me - I realized that I had no friends to hang out with, all of them have girlfriends, in the festival, everyone had their friends & loved ones beside... And I was just looking at all these crowds - ALONE... So I went home very early, keeping my head down in sadness... I wrote a good-bye letter telling that I'm unable to change my life, that I'm always the "weird one", girls are laughing about me, or they call me "different" and don't want a relationship (even if I know them for years), I wrote that I can't imagine my life to continue that way - I'll never meet the only girl who's gonna see me as a human being... And then I took a "Gilette Rubie", hey, the floor got full of blood and, yea, thanks God that I'm too dumb to cut it to the point of no return... Well, already since christmas I was feeling so upset that I don't have any REAL friends - they just call me when they want somebody to tell jokes, I'm always the funny guy... Then we all get drunk and I go home alone with tears in my eyes, thinking that I'm nothing worth than just being a stupid joker, a nanny for the girls while their boyfriends go puke or something else... I know I'll try to do it again sometime, don't know if I'll be successful...
  9. Man, Kyoshiro! Turning yourself into a depressive wool ball won't make things better... It's just like digging yourself in a hole - just raise your head up and stop advertising yourself as an antisocial loner...
  10. Well, it ain't hard to find a girl - just get somewhere where girls with the same interests as you hang out, but you should not go into some workshop and declare that you're just there because of the girls... Nope, enjoy your time and develop your talents!!! And then there's a new problem that appears in most cases - after you've found a girl with the same interests, you should always show her that you're an interesting person... Dunno why, but I was never able to get much further with all the girls I've met, just because I'm unable to give them a permanent interest in me... Doh! Just try some workshop, theater club or music club, single bar/cafe, there are 1000s of possibilities to meet girls...
  11. Sorry, but that reminds me of moving as fast as a snail... Nowadays it happens so awfully rare that you really get together with a girl that you've been freaking about for 5 years... You both (you and your friend) should be looking at more than just one girl... Some time ago I had the same problem, you won't get an emotional shock if you have more girls to aim for... For example - if you'd now see your friend walking with that girl, you may get upset for MONTHS, because of the feeling that you've been crawling to her for years and it doesn't make a sense now... Rememmber to keep at least 2 or 3 other girls in your mind...
  12. As much as I've heard, the best way to fight against it is thinking about something else while you have sex...
  13. LOL, I started my "find a girlfriend" obsession when I was 16, that was the time when I started seeing my classmates with their girlfriends/boyfriends... Now I'm 19 and still searching... But just a few months ago I realized that you don't have to try establishing a long-term relationship, just go and hang out with the girls, even if she won't become your partner, you'll still have the best kind of friend you can get...
  14. In the last weeks I have been dating a girl from my faculty... Last night we both went to a punk/hc concert... It went good until the moment when she said that she'd go jump & have fun at the stage, ok, I decided to go there too... She wanted me to dance with her, so I did it, but I was so upset that I could'nt even move my feet, so we just played a bit with each other slowly rubbing each other ... But then she decided to dance with some guys from our course... So I was now left alone and I went to the nearby smoking room and smoked weed together with a load of other guys... But I must confess that weed makes me think of suicide, and that was actually the worst part of the night - I was again one of the guys who's sitting in a corner and looking at the other couples, and I'm filled with hate when I see couples... So then the girl invited two other guys to her appartment to stay there until next morning, and I got angry because I had to ask her if I could stay in her appartment, because I was unable to get home that late... She started to ignore me and I couldn't even touch her anymore - what's wrong??? Then we stayed in her appartment, she played cards with the other guys, and she didn't even looked at me, I was so depressed, like never before, I nearly started to cry... In the next morning as I was already away from her appartment, I wrote an SMS asking what I had done wrong, and she answered that she's sorry for hurting me like this, because she knows that I'm in love with her, and then she told that she's egoistic and likes to do what she wants... Actually that was the billionth time that a girl says that I should stay away from her in the future, but this time it was more painful than ever... I just can't live with the feeling that no girl ever wanted me to be her bf, they just go out with me to waste their time, why do they act like they like me and then I always get a painful "let's just be friends" message... I hate my life, I wish I had stayed there, smoking weed and getting drunk...
  15. LOL, I was so lonely on my prom night, I already wanted to go at the very beginning of the night, but then my classmate introduced me with some girl she knew, huh, we spent the whole night together, sleeping on a desk and touching each other, that was real fun... But nothing else like that has happened since then...
  16. I can't understand this, I meet a nice girl, we hang out for about a week, we spend each evening together, hugging, kissing, holding hands, but then she tells me that she doesn't want our relationship to go further, cuz she's searching for sex with a girl... I mean, what the does that mean??? Then she told me that she'd tell me in a month if she had any success with a girl or not, and we can get together again... At least we're still in a brother-sister-like relationship, we still spend much time together, we tell our craziest secrets to each other, but I still can't get it why she spend time with me like that, and made me feel so bad after that...
  17. Well... I'm 18, soon 19, I've never had a girlfriend... Since last year I've been going through an awful depression... In the last few years I was never upset about the fact that I'm quite lonely, but last year I started feeling like dirt when I discovered that all of my classmates had girlfriends/boyfriends... Not that I have problems meeting them or problems with my look, but it somehow never works to establish a close relationship - I guess it's because of my personality... Two weeks ago I finally met a girl with whom I shared so much - she likes the same music, she talked the same way that I did, we had so much in common - we spent over 7 hours together on my prom night holding hands, LOL, we slept on desks until 5:00 in the morning, but I can't meet her again because she has a boyfriend (proably some dude who'll beat me up if he knew this)... In my little town many people know me, you'll see me in any party or event here, anyway, I never manage to meet girls with whom I have at least some things in common... Yea - I've tried doing some activities - but again I met a girl who liked me just as a friend... They all just want some kind of stupid friendship where they play with the fact that I'm in love with them... Yea - how could a girl fall for a guy like me, because I seem to be somehow 'insane' in their eyes... All I can do in the last few months is just getting drunk and dreaming about how it would be to be together with somebody for more than just a few hours...
  18. Hey, try to beat my record - I'm 18 and I've never had a kiss...
  19. If you're really sure that she likes ya, then go on, say it nicely when you alone with her... If you haven't a really close friendship, then it's gotta be hard, cuz I always receive the answer: "Let's just be friends..." - that can damage a friendship...
  20. I hate christmas... The reason is my (already a dozen times mentioned) lonelyness... I mean, I have my parents, brother & sister, sometimes other relatives and friends come here (at christmas), but that won't make me happy... I just need somebody to talk to about anything... I think I'll spend christmas this year by having the curtains of my room closed and sitting in a corner, staring at a point or just keep my eyes closed and blame the whole world for that, then I'll proably get to the center of my tiny town (which will proably be full of happy couples) and have a beer or more... Yea, and what will I have reached - NOTHING... I'll be more hate-filled against myself & the others... I just can't find a girl who'd really understand me...
  21. Be funny... There's nothing more to tell, but anybody has something special in his way of talking or behavious that can make others laught...
  22. Uoh, the worst is that it's been like that for over 7 by now... I guess those tiny-butt angels who make people fall in love are so busy by making everyone else happy that they've forgotten me...
  23. I try anything to get a girlfriend, but the only thing I reach is another round of depression and it turns out that the girl isn't interested in me, or she just wants to hang out cuz' she's bored... So I guess I'm just a stupid carpet where to clean the shoes from dirt... --- I've discovered that trying to be a "nice guy" is stupid, girls like me more when I remain a silly dude, anyway, nothing happens... I try to be talkative and funny, that really works, you gain popularity, but it somehow never brings me further... I've tried finding an activity - found an activity, found a girl, BING, i'm nothing but a "good friend", she just seems to be a simple party girl with nothing else in her mind... Almost all girls I like have boyfriends, so, trying is WORTHLESS... Am I the only one with SUCH problems???
  24. Same here, but in a short while you'll find the one whose mind is closer to yours... If you like, you can try counting their pluses and minuses...
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