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Everything posted by itsallgrand

  1. I mean, the real question right now is are you ready to face the things that are holding you back right now from fully engaging in life and being happy? No promise of anything if you commit to this except that you will improve yourself and broaden your experiences and life. I have a cousin who both him and his brother were raised isolated and homeschooled and my uncle and aunt as much as I love them are quite kooky in their beliefs. My cousin is such an inspiration to me, this man without even having the usual socializing most get growing up worked his tail off to make a life for himself. He's currently in Korea teaching French in a private school and thriving. I mention him because here was a guy who as a teen couldn't even look me, a cousin, in the eye and was visibly shaken at the most basic interactions with females. Now he lights up a room, he is visibly confident in himself and what he has to offer others. You have to give yourself a xhance first my dude. Are you ready to commit to that though?
  2. I don't really understand why the kids are told all the ins and outs including finances of the business. That's a lot of their shoulders, kids tend to worry and not want to see a parent fail . You call it a family business but it's really yours. Sure they can be involved but not at the level you are describing , that's really not fair as they need to focus on their own ventures in life. My best friend when I was growing up , her dad started a small woodworking toy business. I remember her stressing about it not taking off, her dad not being realistic with it, and being expected to help get it to take off. Your daughter shouldn't have shared that info but the boundaries weren't there from your end either.
  3. I see. Honestly it sounds like he's the type of guy who would be happy with a steak and a Happy Birthday and be done with it. It sounds like your gift may have made him uncomfortable. Could he be nicer about this? Hell yes.
  4. What was the gift? I had to look up SaaS tools and it still is unclear what you might have given him or how it would be emotionally touching? I have some thoughts but need to understand how the gift would be special to him first.
  5. I'm so sorry. You should be so so proud of the person you have become after growing up with that. You really are a bad ass woman, I love it. You will have a good life because you never give up and work so hard. 💗 As for your mom, maybe you can stay somewhere else and visit your dad and brother in public or at the hotel or something? You are at a point where you can see your mom is not going to change, and boundaries can be drawn for the next phase of life. You get to decide what contact you will have, what you will and will not stand for in your life. This is the hardest part...once you are clear on those boundaries the rest will fall into place as you just follow that and she will do what she is going to do .
  6. Sorry to say this Mr. Mozzarella but you are behaving like a douche yourself. I really hope it's just a phase and you don't let these beliefs get entrenched. Is this coming from a really bad experience you've had?
  7. Yes, what the heck dude? Of course you will find douchebags if you are going after guys for the money in their pocket.
  8. Ok that is what I was thinking reading your posts. I think maybe you need to step back and let him catch up with you before moving in together. I'm a stranger but my initial impressions reading. Maybe see if he will move out on his own himself first before moving him in? See if he can show up and get the time to see too if you can meet on the communication side of things. It's so important.
  9. Ok then, maybe it's just me but the house isn't his concern then nor what you do with it! Very weird for him to focus on that when he should be focused on building something of his own!!
  10. Is it going to be both your house and him putting his chunk of money in or is he going to be moving into your house?
  11. Why so little time with his kids?
  12. With grocery prices at insane levels, I'm very curious to see how big a chunk of change I can not spend by supplementing with my garden this year and fruit trees. Last year I sold off some apples to a cider company as it was too much to even give away. I hope my garden does well .
  13. I got it! Just the next level so I can get more hours flying the wee plane. Not even close to a full license ..just something I have wanted to do and prove I can.
  14. Yeah, maybe you can work out some way so he can get some time to himself regularly, even if you do have to wait on that until next month when you will be moving out of your mom's? I know I get grumpy when I don't get my time to myself. A lot of us need that bit to just not have to think of anything except ourselves and decompressing completely. The thing he said to you sort of screams that he is getting burnt out without that. And that's when people start to just zone out even when they wouldn't normally . My SO and I both worked at home during lockdowns. We became acutely aware of how crucial time just for ourselves is for our together time !! I'd try that first before worrying more about it. Try to cut him some slack in the meantime.
  15. Him still living with his parents says to me he prioritizes not having to pay full price of his lifestyle. Personally I'd want to see that someone can handle living on their own first before ever considering buying a home with them. You are on one track with very clear goals but you can't force someone to be ready for that when you are. He's not there at all. Maybe find a nice guy with your level of ambition and goal setting.
  16. Big time me too! It's been a learning curve for me being able to step back and go" ok, first calm down, then worry about trying to solve complex problems". Sometimes chilling is exactly the productive thing I need to do first, yknow?
  17. I'm glad your mom has been doing better and you can have a relationship. That's great. The quitting drinking is great. Makes a huge difference in being able to have a relationship . As long as you feel right with yourself on this, well there's not much for me to add. I thought maybe you were feeling uneasy about it but I guess I misunderstood.
  18. May I ask is your mom still living? What sort of relationship do you have with her now? Did she ever show remorse or apologize to you for putting you in that situation and failing to protect you? Does she support you now? Did she heal ? I don't think it's the best choice to spit on a grave but ultimately the only person it can really hurt is you. How can it hurt you? Well honestly I'm thinking of many years ago, I burnt a picture symbolically of an ex. It just felt icky after. Like, I don't want to be this person who wishes to erase another human being even symbolically! And somewhat the same here. Do you want to be a person who spits on Graves? It's done, so nothing you can do now except you get to decide what defines you going forward. Your actions are yours, just like your mom and dad's were theirs.
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