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So So

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  1. He has an arrangement to see the kids 1 night one weekend and 2 the next. They are half an hour away from him. He transferred me money each week for groceries (however much I tell him is half) but nothing for the bills so far.
  2. He has never “officially” moved in with me. He has tried to negotiate a settlement with the ex regarding the house but it is a slow and drawn out process that is lacking in communication between the two of them. Hence why it hasn’t been resolved. He can’t do anything with the house while her name is still on it
  3. My boyfriend of 2 years owns his own home, his ex girlfriend/mother of his kids has her name still on the house, despite them being separated for 4 years) he pays the mortgage and bills He has lived with me for the past year, including his children staying at weekends while his house sits empty. We share the groceries equally but he makes no contribution towards bills. I have asked him for a weekly contribution, to which he says yes, but nothing has yet been paid. This has been going on for 2 months now. After some advice on the finances or thoughts on the relationship please….
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