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Everything posted by VibratingRainbow

  1. I know that everyone says that.. but honestly i cant see it.. i could understand missing the years im heading into though, i will miss my friends but i will see them on holidays.. and i will make a lot more new friends.
  2. Thanks.. its not so much that i dont have enough to do.. its more that i just my social life that has totaly died. I will actually be doing some farming in my holidays to get some money for uni lol.
  3. Im 17 and im in my last year of high school and its almost the end of 3rd term soo i have a little of 4th term and exams to go.. basically due to all of my mates gradually getting partners my weekends have become very dull cause nowdays if i want any sort of interaction i pretty much have to be a third party.. which is ok some of the time but its just become soo tiring and i just never have anything to do on the weekends. Im hating school, and although im fairly sure il pass just fine its just soo unsatisfying because none of it really has anything to do with the stuff i care about or going to be using next year when i enter university. I just feel dead there is no joy in my life anymore i dont know what i used to do but somthing has changed.. I know that next y ear is going to be great.. but it just feels like its never going to come. It just feels like one wave of depression after the other. I dont really know what this is for im just venting really. But if youv been in this situation some reassurance would be great. Thanks for listening, apreciated. Matt
  4. " You have a hairdresser? I dont get it. Anyway thaks that pretty helpful.. i have been really stressed lately from exams at school.. hopefully it will just come back.. if not i think i will check out some of of those options.. thanks alot.
  5. Im 17 and within the last monthe or so i have noticed my hair has started to thin out a bit.. i have always had very thick hair so i still have very thick coverage.. but it is noticeable to me.. and even my hairdresser said she noticed it had thinned out.. my dad is bald and i wouldnt mind losing my hair when im old but im not even 18 i want my hair.. what can i do ?
  6. Sorry if this sounds dumb but whats the point of circumcision in a modern context non religious context.
  7. "America is the only country that still cuts" Im pretty sure that just isn't correct... I mean surely Israel..
  8. lol but tyler711 you clearly are wrong statistics prove this for one. Far less of the population of at least my country smoke.. im not sure where your from but New Zealand is a western country which is economicaly and socialy similar to most other western countries. As to weather your observations as an individual are correct i cannot argue but on a national scale it has reduced signifigantly, mainly through heightened public awareness.
  9. Iv tried it once.. I reckon it should be legalised so it can be controlled cause the thing that scares me the most about the thought of smoking pot is that i dont know exactly what else could possibly be in it.. and as long as it is used sensibly at the right time right location, in moderation or whatever it is a relativly safe drug from what credible research iv seen as well as what iv observed myself.. as to weather its a gateway drug or not is debatable but i think it has more to do with the person.. i will probably try other drugs at some point in the future mind you i know what i want to stay away from.. being meth and opiates.. but it hasnt changed my mind having smoked i felt this way even before trying weed.
  10. Its like Fast electronic music made using keyboards and drums mostly with minimal vochals.. no guitars. The sort of music people do E to i guess.
  11. Last night one of my girl mates dragged me along to this dance party thing.. i reluctently agreed to going as i dont like dancing lol. Anyway.. when i have to dance in any form weather it be formal or just at a party to techno i feel really uncomfortable.. and usually end up having a really bad night with whoever im with liking me significantly less because i dont want to dance. Anyway.. me and the same girl are going to our school ball together.. and she will want me to dance at the afterball.. I dont enjoy dancing at all.. but i take alot of flack if i dont so yea.. this sounds weird i know but i basically need some tips on "how to dance" if there is a guideline, and basically any ediquite i should know... by the way this is for dancing to techno or whatever for the afterball..
  12. You say i should ask them question.. but i just dont know what to ask.
  13. I have just started my 7th form (final year) of highschool this year. Over the summer holidays i feel like i sort of found my self and grew alot as a person. I have alot of male friends and a a few female friends outside of school that i see on weekends and stuff. basically my goal is just to make some girl mates.. but my problem is.. i think my personality somewhat appeals more to guys. I dont want to change who i am.. but i just want to work on what to concentrate on when talking to them, because i feel like whenever i get a chance for a proper conversation i have very little material with which to relate to them. Im fairly confident but i feel like im just talking about the wrong stuff cause no conection ever seems to get made.. so yea any advice would be great..
  14. Hey, good to see another kiwi on the forum.. from what you said in your post i would say you were just experiencing a very intense new experience. Orgasm is surposed to be overwhelming. Have you ever had someone go down on you before ? give it another couple of chances it may start to feel really great... if it does not then i think you need to talk to him about it. Keep in mind dont do anything you dont feel ready for.
  15. I sympathise with you but its done now. If he does end up contacting the authorities regarding this then i can only suggest telling them exactly what you told us and nothing but the truth. I do not know the extent of his injuries but im sure especially concidering you are a women... no offence but that will be taken into account, that you will not be in too much trouble.
  16. Noone at all has said they dont hate rapists.. people have only pointed out that it is prejudice to say men are evil or bad because a small portion of them are rapists, not to say all rapists are men of course.
  17. You say "People who rape should suffer and be brought to justice" and i agree but that does not justify hating men nor does it justify your mistrust of them although i believe that not trusting men is your choice. Iv never raped someone nor can i help my gender not that i would change it if i had the chance. heloladies21: said "And what about all of the fake rape, fake sexual harassment claims?" I think this is a good point to include, a girl has falsly accused me of rape before and it was the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me before.. luckily for me there was of course no evidence and she later admitted to lying about the accusation, but it makes you think, does that give me the right to hate all women. I dont believe it does and so i think you should give guys a chance, anything less would be plain ignorant.
  18. Dude rape is wrong but i actually had to lol when i saw this... it is dealt with in the best manner it can be and there is nothing more we can do about it... dont hate yourself just because a very minor portion of the male gender ever commit rape... people that go on about hating men are descriminate and selfish...
  19. how do you mean cheat on them ? and also when should i be eating protein.. like just in general or would it have to be like pretty close before or after workout or something.
  20. basically i just want to build my general upper body... so all of those areas. Im not really sure what id call the routine but il try to explain it. I do an equal ammount of each. I do bicep curls and also another where i start with with the dumbell by my shoulder and my elbow by my ribs, then i stretch the weight upwards till my arm is fully extended. And i do a little bit but not as much where i start with my arm fully extended downwards and move the weight till my arm is at a right angle with my body. I hope that explains clear enough.I dont have any specific goals but i want to be bigger and stonger in my upper body.
  21. Im 16 and half, male and i weigh about 75 kg. Ive been working out with weights a little lately. Every second night i lift a 5 kg dumbell at reps increasing by 5 until i reach 20 then reducing by 5 each time. Im just wondering if my routine is as good as it could be... and also weather im lifting the right weight dumbell for my age size. Also any advice on anything extra could be doing to help with health while working out would be apreciated.
  22. Im not sure if you can get that here in New Zealand, but im gunnah go down to the store tomorrow and have a look for a new anti-persperant if i see any Certain Dry il give it a try.
  23. Its really strange my sweat doesnt smell at all.. its like im sweating pure water. but its still really gross cause it makes me feel all uncomfortable and people see my the wet patches on my shirt. I think i might try some other anti-perspirant products.
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