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  1. *sigh* why cant people see the bigger picture? Why cant people realize that if you don't respect someone enough to cheat on them, that you don't love them either? That actions speak louder than words? constantly whenever someone cheats they prattle on about how they still love their bf/gf. News Flash: If that were true, you would not even have to make a post about cheating ,because it never would of happened Its ok to want advice, but first things first is accept reality: If you can treat a person like this, then you do not love them. Frankly, when my gf cheated on me yet insisted she loved me, I felt insulted. To answer the OP's question, will he ever forgive you? Probably not, people dont forget things like this. Right now you're saying "but spectre! forgetting and forgiving are two different things" True and False, and I found out the hard way. I had a gf who cheated on me, and i tried to make it still work. I told her I 'forgave" her, but the reality is i didnt. Whenever I'd think about her with someone else, I'd get angry and say mean things to her. Whenever I'd see something on tv about cheating or something, I'd get angry. Whenever we had a fight, I'd throw it in her face. I realized that as long as I could never forget, I could never forgive.
  2. Its not cheating, but he has no right to ask you back like that. "hey you wanna get back together? oh by the way, i slept with some chick" If he really was that serious, he wouldnt of been with anyone. People seem to think they can have their cake, eat it too, and still expect someone to take them back. To me, this guy can do whatever he wants, but if he's gonna, then he needs to know not to come back after that
  3. she isn't looking for advice on how to move forward tho, unless you and I read entirely different posts, in her latest reply she says she still hasn't told her husband, and is using her kids as an excuse for us to go "hey, dont tell him" Im not berating her for her mistake, im berating her for trying to use the "i have kids" bs as a loophole not to tell her husband, and she all the while claiming she knows it is selfish yet still saying she doesnt know if she'll tell him. I gave her advice: tell the husband. When you begin to look for loopholes to get out of said advice, its annoying.
  4. If you know this then why is it even a question of if you should tell him? No, its not partially, its completely 100% selfish, among various other things I care not to mention. You don't want to hurt him? you already have, everyday he stays with you not knowing? you make him look like a * * * * * * *. Where do you go from here? simple: Tell your husband, then take it from there. Let me remind you that lying to your husband now and him finding out later on will surely mess up your kids more than you two simply getting a divorce, and bottom line: this aint about your kids, its about your husband. You messed up, you cant hide behind children to make it better. If you dont fess up your husband and your children will end up resenting you, ponder that thought. Plus, its not like the kids know mommy cant keep her hands to herself. Wouldnt you want your husband, the father of those children you bring up so much, to be happy? instead of keeping him trapped in your marriage by not being able to tell him the truth? come on now, atleast act halfway decent to the man
  5. See I refrained from asking her how she can claim she loves her husband, because now we're going to presented with a number of excuses, varying from "I was lonely" to "i needed attention" or "he neglected me" stuff like that. Heather-you do not love your husband, not in the way a wife loves her husband, not in the way you should. You love him in the same manner a female praying mantis loves her husband.
  6. agreed, this is what needs to happen to every cheater, they need to know what they've done is the lowest of the low, it's the only way to prevent them from doing this to another person
  7. and this is just how outside parties feel, imagine how the guy you hurt feels? maybe this will cause you not to treat people this way again. not fun is it? Atleast I can rest easy knowing "what goes around comes around" is true
  8. if you really cared, you'd just go no contact with him, but judging from your actions you don't really care so
  9. ah i see, my theory was they catch down syndrome temporarily.
  10. this is where I stopped reading, because you say you aren't the type, yet low and behold: I bet thats exactly what your post is about, and that would just be annoying, why do people do this? "im not the type to cheat, bla bla" if you're making a topic about it, guess what? you certainly are the type. Screwing a married man is bad enough, but dont try to sugar coat it, its extremely annoying.
  11. theres no such thing as a "minor infidelity" and if you refer an incident of you cheating on someone you love to that? then well, you dont love them, and I wouldnt be able to have any relationship with someone who views any type of cheating as minor, i dont care if it was just a kiss or was with a different person
  12. how do people act like this? just how do they do it? its so selfish and disrespectful, i dont even have any advice to give, i know this will probably get edited, but this is just pathetic, people are pathetic. I cant understand how you could treat your fiance like this
  13. get a divorce, your husband deserves better, its that simple. If you cant get the other man out of your head then date him. But dont stay with your husband, he doesnt deserve it and its just selfish.
  14. you dont need to explain yourself to me..you just asked if it was cheating, and the answer is yes.
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