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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. To Yo.. My ex left me beause she was "in love" with her ex as well. In other words, it works no matter who did what....If there is an ounce of loving underneath the heartache...you will realize the way to love them, even if they are with someone else, is to let them go for now. -- GOOD Luck SuperDave71
  2. Boy oh boy that SuperDave guy really knows what he's talking about!!! HA HA HA AH AHA ok ok ok I am kidding...I am sooo happy for you!!!TAKE IT SLOW and Steady... I wish you all the luck and love in the world!! -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  3. I would only focus on yourself. You are only wasting valuable energy thinking of the ex in this scenerio. NC is for you....NOT to be over obsessing about the ex. I know its difficult not to think of the ex...But you shouldn't dwell on it considering they are not in your life the way you want right now. Focus on you.....and only you right now. You cannot change how the other feels, thinks or does. -SuperDave71
  4. I agree with the above posts...If the gyus flipped..He flipped for NO reason....You did NOTHING worng and you shouldn't be made to feel like you did. -SuperDave71
  5. Keep it up....Don't worry about a friends list on an IM service....Just be you.....relax and Just be you!!! -SuperDave71
  6. Echo, I am proud of you....Remember...Keep moving forward...NEVER look back and try not to be weak and contact him. Your doing great!!! -SuperDave71
  7. Rickster, The NC is for you. I have noticed that when NC is used, it allows the person to slowly let go. This is not a game of I don't call she or he will. THis allows the other party involved to TRULY see what life would be like without you.....and I mean completely. It is very difficult to do but it does work. Even if your ex is with someone else, as long as there is caring and undersatnding for one another.....anything can happen. I believe when 2 people break-up....( especially for the dumpee ) if the dumper wants to leave...or the need time....Give them allllll the space they want...and I mean NOTHING....don't give them anything. Sounds cruel ....but if they didn; want to see you...or they needed space....give it to them if you can. --Good Luck to you, --SuperDave71
  8. You are doing great in my opinion. Let the ex know you are moving on with your life and she will get the message that she is not the priority any more. She must remember that you have your live to life as well. I must say i am proud of you for doing what you did. If you do however have any plans about the ex ( maybe wanting to get back together ) I suggest you don't hurt the other girl in the process. If you have no intensions of getting back together...I think you are handling things just fine!!! Keep it up!! -SuperDave71
  9. I hope anyone in New Orleans is doing ok tonight!!! My prayers are with you guys down there!! -SuperDave71
  10. Roxtina.... It sounds to me that she was a secret...people do not move on THAT quickly as far as I am concerned. If they moved in this fast and it wasn't a secret, I would be shocked and I could almost guarantee it was because they both need someone for their own happiness. It won't last......Keep doing NC and you will start feeling better. Stop worring about him....and worry about what you CAN change.....YOU. -SuperDave71
  11. Echo, I am so proud of you. I know it is soooo tough. I know it is one of the hardest things you can do but you can do it...I woudl start off with 2 weeks..then build on that. I want to commend you on something. Most people in your curent situation do not know how hard it is to even go 4 days...you have been Very strong. YOU can do this....Post here is you get weak and someone will respond...You have to do this for yourself....NOT HIM....Be strong ECHO.....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Thank you for your kind words Echo!!!! I really appreciate it!!!! -SuperDave71
  12. If your ex's refuse to stop seeing their boyfriends, it really puts into perspective how important you are in their lives. Let it go for now. New relationships are just that.....new. They have soemone to pre-occupy their time. It's harder for the dumpee's because we are too worried about what happened and how to get them back. Sit tight and start no contact...You must remember one VERY IMPORTANT THING... the new relationship "honeymoon stage" only lasts a possible 3 to 4 months. I suggest in time you start NC. NC is for you , NOT them. IUt doesn't guarantee anything but it sure increases your odds. If you call, beg, email etc etc ...it won't do any good. Let them come to you....The facts are...if they contact you in a positive way....they are thinking of you and that is exactly what you want. The idea is...don't settle for scraps when you can hold yoru head up high and tell yourself I was fine without you before, I can do it again. Learn to let go for now.. --SuperDave71
  13. I think anything is possible if you dont prevent it from occurring. -SuperDave71 8)
  14. Easy solution.....Stop being dramatic and ask. Its been almost 8 months. Just ask.... how hard is that? -SuperDave71
  15. You must rememeber...you can only deal with YOUR situation....Not theirs. Work on yourself and even if they are doing teh same thing you are ( N.C. ) you are BOTH better off for it ( right now ) Eventually, someone might end up breaking it..but only after time and some degree of healing occurs....OR ...you have healed enough that it wouldn't matter in the first place. -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  16. Echo, How are you doing out there? -SuperDave71
  17. Hey I have an idea.....why don't you be more of a man...and do nothing rather than resorting to violence of any kind....Nature has a way of dealing with those who can't deal with themselves. -SuperDave71 PS. Saying you are level headed is a good thing but doing it is something completely different. Why waste your time on something like that
  18. If you want her back ( possibly )....break the date. I bet your phone will really start ringing. Women want what they can't have. -SuperDave71
  19. find a friend...not her. You sounded like me months ago....trying to make up a reason to see her or be with her. -SuperDave71 If you can possibly help it......don't stay with her It could give you false hope and hurt even more in the long run if things do not work out. -SuperDave71
  20. If she didn't call, I wouldn't go...not even to hang out. Again it sounds like you are on HER time....you should do what is RIGHT for you. It will be hard but it will make her think. I woudl say I didn't feel comfortable with her spending the night either. Be honest! You cannot be with her completely UNLESS she is with YOU completely.....Put it out there....be nice and sincere about it... If she loves you ...she will respect what you have to say and listen with her ears and her heart..If not..you have your answer. -D
  21. Sorry..I should have clarified. I meant SHE was weak minded ...Not you; for giving in to someone who throws in the sympathy card. ( Her Ex ) -I do apologize. I should have made myself more clear. -SuperDave71
  22. The sympathy card works only on those who are weak minded...and it doesn't last very long either... trust me on this one. -SuperDave71
  23. You just answered your own question....He has a problem. If you do nothing to help him or he doesn't help himself..how do expect anything to change? He has to help himself FIRST. You cannot do anything unless he WANTS help. I would leave him alone because you sweetheart are not a toy to be pulled out of the toybox when HE is ready to play. -Do yourself a favor and go find your backbone. You are worth so much more than online poker. Keep your chin up ok? -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  24. Its called having her cake and eat it too because she knows exactly what you need to hear for you to stay. Simple as that... -SuperDave71
  25. Oh this one is soooooooooo easy.... She doesn't know what she wants...Period. Start NC....when she finally tracks you down ( If she can ) Tell her you are tired of being led around and you are going to find someone that loves you unconditionally. If she needs a man that begs and pleads....let her know it won't be easy being husband and wife. -Let go and become the man you were meant to be instead of settling for scraps of false from a woman who doesn't know what she wants. I am sure she is sooo sweet....so this harsh post is NOT intended to say she is a bad person whatsoever. I am merely trying to help YOU. Take care my friend, --SuperDave71
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