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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. Good Luck to you thefarewellnot.. You are doing great...keep it up and thank you so much for your compliments -SuperDave71
  2. I am about to duct tape everyone of you guys to EACH OTHER and beat you all with advice from this forum. I just loooooooooooove duct tape!!! HA HA AH AH AHA Ok kidding... ( Come on ..give me a break here..ITS FRIDAY!!!! WOO HOO ) -SuperDave71
  3. Hey Bud, Realize that any form of gift or "Get back with me Gift" is going to be seen as manipulative. I have been there done that....not only do you waste time, money and energy...you waste a great opportunity to ask someone else. Why try to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you right now. Go out and have fun my friend...Forget the gift. Read my post on "Want you ex back...Things to avoid certain doom"...it should clear things up a bit Good luck, SuperDave71
  4. Didyoumissme, 1 time = a mistake 2 times afetr being reminded = purposeful. Stop making excuses for this guy. It's obvious you care mre about him than youself. If he hasn't even tried to let you know happy birthday, or even acknowledged the fact that it was a very special day for a friend....he isn't much of a friend. Stop making excuses for his behavior and deal with what you know...until he proves you otherwise. I learned that making excuses for people's behavior is guessing and giving them the benefit of the doubt. I deal with facts. Fact #1. You reminded him NOT once but 2wice. Fact #2. He didn't NOR has he responded Fact #3. You like the guy and are making excuses for his NON-caring behavior. I suggest you stop answering your phone and leave this guy alone. Let him come to you...but if he does...Ask him. Tell him it hurt your feelings. I wouldn't contact him though. Apparently he thinks you will always be there for him and he can treat you any way he wants because you give in. Find your spine and stop settlling for scraps. Go get your true friends and forget about him the way he forgot alllll about you .....especially on your birthday. -SuperDave71
  5. Lovesick, The only way OCD can be played is to "play". By doing NC, he is taking himself out of the equation. I do however agree with one thing, if you decide, OCD, that you would like a valid reson ( ONLY WHEN YOU CAN ACCEPT THE TRUTH ) I feel that asking, why do you keep calling me if you broke up with me is a very valid and telling question. My argument is however that anything being cornered unexpectedly will DEFEND themselves. You may not get an HONEST answer if you just throw it out there. Use tact. It is your right to know. -SuperDave71
  6. DO NOT BLOCK HER MESSAGES.... It is not necessary. You want her to feel YOU CAN HANDLE anything. The last thing you need her to think is that you can't handle the breakup. I woudl delete her name ( possibly) so your anxiety doesn't get the best of you when she pop's on. I would say keeping NC is the way to go. Her new man will show his true colors soon and you must realize that even though your not there...she may be thinking of you more than you know. Why? Because HE is NOT you. Hold Strong, SuperDave71
  7. OCD, The Ball is in her court yet YOU maintain control. You do not mention the relationship or the calls. If you do, she might get defensive and tell you something you may not want to hear. You do not need setbacks at this point. You need to keep doing what your doing. I believe in the beginning, everyone that does NC correctly doesn't think they willl ever get a call.....You my friend have had 9. Keep it up! Your doing fine. She is realizing YOU are in control. You are able to break her habits and she is left confused, You are not even close to her beckon call and she can't stand it. I woudl say within the next 3 weeks,...she will open up alot to you if you keep it up possibly, -SuperDave71
  8. You do what you feel is appropriate but I don;t feel she deserves a thing Be safe SuperDave71
  9. YOLEY!!!! YOU SON OF A ( I am kidding ya!! ) Did you NOT learn anything I taught you??......SOMEONE GRAB THE DUCT TAPE AND TAPE HIM DOWN!!!! WE HAVE TO BEAT HIM WITH ALL THE PRINT OUTS OF THE ADVICE POSTED ON THIS FORUM!!!! This woman is taking ADVANTAGE OF YOU!!!! SHE IS USING YOU!!! SHE IS A WOMAN WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM AND YET YOU ARE AN ENABLER. You are allowing her to walk on you. YOU ARE!! She isn't doing anything to you...you are ALLOWING HER TO. If she is that self centered to NOT ask about you, why in the world would you tolerate that? Is she a child? Is she retarded? Maybe she enjoys beating the MESS OUTTA you subcosciously....??? Maybe you ENJOY being miseable. Get up and get your b*lls out of her purse and USE THEM. She is NOT WORTH YOUR ATTENTION. God bless the kids, if you can't see that she is USING YOU and NOT caring anything about you or your feelings....you need to disappear completely. This is NOT love...This is alllllll one sided. Love is patient, love is kind, love is NOT boastful..... Would you treat anyone the way she is treating you? I thought not! -SuperDave71
  10. iamconfused, I know it SOUNDs easy to move on but do what you can. I do not mean to make light of your situation. It is a very difficult one. She did NOT have the courage to look you in the face and tell you she is going to start seriously seeing someone else. She wrote you a letter. She had you holding on AND YOU LET HER. YOU DID...NOT HER. Remember this....You have to be true to yourself FIRST. I know you are confused, hurt, and upset all at the same time. Take care of yourself and try not to worry to much. Reflect on what happened and learn from it. Learn to grow from your experience and make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes twice.
  11. Spaulding, In the great words of Jenny from Forest Gump... RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN SPAULDING RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let this girl back in your life......She not only lied, cheated ( I think ) and was disrespectful....She wants you to let her see you? HECK NO MAN!!! Right now ...who cares how she "really really really really really really really likes you." Why don't you remember how much she "really really really really really really really really really really really really really HURT and LIED to you" That should help you find yoru backbone. Do NOT let this girl use you like a shake and bake bag....because when she is done....she will throw you away.....she's done it before. SuperDave71
  12. Goofy, I swear I will DUCT TAPE you to the floor and beat you will print outs of alllll the advice people have given you in the Forum if you DARE break NC. She can make an effort!!! Not her friends..... Stand strong!! -SuperDave71
  13. Iamconfused... Let it go..... Who cares what you said while drunk...she told you EXACTLY what she thinks right now. Let HER GO.... comPLETELY....don't be friends with he right now. You can't. You care too much for her. LET IT GO..... She has kept you hanging on for too long. She is out there living life and yours has stopped because of her. Get up....dust yourself off and get back on the horse. I am sure is sweet but she told you EXACTLY how she feels. Why hold on to something that ISN'T holding on to you. -SuperDave71
  14. OCD, You are an inspiration my friend....YOU REALLLY ARE!!! I am smiling from ear to ear. Keep it up......you are doing sooooooooooooo well. -SuperDave71
  15. Thank you Larz, I really appreciate your post. -Your friend, SuperDave71
  16. OCD, Only time will tell my friend.....You don't know the answer and neither do I but maybe it will come soon enough. Granted it may or may NOT be the answer you want ...but you will find the truth soon. -SuperDave71
  17. Do you find it amazing you are willing to go meet her the DAY she breaks up with her ex...Do you want to be a rebound? Do you want her to use you to get over HER ex? You need to stand up straight and relax. This girk sound slike she jumps from one to another while leaving you in limbo. Why go BACK to someone who probably doesn't know what they want in the first place. I am sure she cares for you but you have to ask yourself HOW MUCH. What is you started going out again and she leaves you ....then sees her EX the NIGHT you two break up....How would you feel? -SuperDave71
  18. OCD, First of all I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you. Not only did you hold strong, you SHOWED her you are NOT a toy. Do you realize if you call her now, she will practicly JUMP at teh phone? Maybe you can call in a few days. ( I feel its safe ) BUT DO NOT TALK OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP. DO NOT get caught up in EMOTION and be a BLURTER. A blurter is someone who HAS TO KNW where they stand and BLURT IT OUT on in conversation. Make a pleasant moment. DO not tell her you have been thinking of her..tell her you have been woking on you. YOU are what matters here...not her. Does this make sense? Be nice, be confident, smile BEFORE you call and keep smiling,,,,it will show in your voice. Keep the conversation light, maybe funny and then say you have to run..you have things to do. Make is pleasant....you can do it and YOU KOW NC WORKS...DON'T RUIN the time you have had for you. You can do it.!!!! I am so proud of you!!! -SuperDave71
  19. thefarewellnote, When you exchange gifts as Christmas ( assuming you do) do you yell out what is in the box BEFORE they unwrap it? If you tell your ex EXACTLY what you are doing, it won't work. You need to SHOW someone what you are doing, rather than SAY what you are doing. Many, Many times I have said, talk is cheap. You have already begun tell her what you are going to do.....well...DO IT. Don't talk to her..text her, e-mail, walk by her place, etc etc. I know it hard but if you are to help yourself, you need to stand up straight and ralize SHE is NOT in control of your life. YOU are the one making ou unhappy....NOT HER. You are only enabling the fact you are unhappy but speaking with her. You need to focus on you and what went wrong IN the realtionship rather than telling an ex you won't call her or e-mail her for a week. JUST DO IT! -SuperDave71
  20. Liquid, What happens when you hold on to a wet bar of soap too hard? There is your answer. -SuperDave71
  21. SOMEONE GRAB THE DUCT TAPE FOR LULU04 Pleeeeeeaaassseeee!!!!! HOLD HER DOWN!!!! - SuperDave71
  22. Echo, I am proud of you. I remember the day I "woke up". It made me who I am today. -SuperDave71
  23. Remember this For every door of happiness that closes, another one opens, but sometimes we are too busy looking at the closed door to notice. -SuperDave71
  24. Fantasia, I understand where you are coming from...I really do BUT you cannot let it take over who you are. Protect your heart without leaving YOU behind. -SuperDave71
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