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Everything posted by Jeffie

  1. here is my .2 In my high school we had a senior and a junior prom one was girls choice the other was guys. I never went to any until the senior prom when I was a senior. (just wanted to go with a girl i really liked) 1.) Do most people come with a date? at my prom, yes, but there were always the people going "stag" or by themselvs in a big group of friends. 2.) How long before the Prom should I ask out my "date?" yes, a month is good, you can also go by the buzz, if you hear about a lot of people asking sooner, jump on the bandwagon and ask. 3.) What should I expect to see happen at the Prom? they didnt cater a dinner at my prom, we just took our dates to a nice place to eat, and then went to the prom. this is good if you dont like dancing very much because you can kind of controll when you get there and start dancing. dont go to late, you might miss pictures and dancing all together. 5.) What happens AFTER the Prom? We rented an inflatable bounce house and set it up at my friends house, it was a blast, and had movies playing inside. but its really up to you. 6.) Anything else you would like to add? as for the flowers, I would always ask if they wanted a coursage (sp?) or just a boquet of flowers. some girls didnt like having the the flowers on them all night. Good luck and have so much fun!!
  2. Thinking about my recent posts, and what has been going on in my head recently I dont know what to do. I love my girlfriend, but lately I have been having feelings towards her that I hate to have. All my posts recently have been about things she does that bugs me, most of the time they are not big deals, or even her fault. and I hate that I let them fester in my mind until I have blown it way out of proportion. For example, I usually take her out to lunch on her lunch break, I have taken her out every day this week. so this morning about 2 hours before I called and left her a message asking if she wanted to go out. an hour before I sent her a text message asking if we were on for lunch, about 20 min before her lunch I left to go down there (I usually do this), and tried calling again. I sat in the parking lot waiting for her to call me (i thought she might have patients and probably be late, it isnt like her not to respond) so about 20 after her lunch break started she called me saying she just got my messages, and that she is going out with some girls from work. she also said sorry, but there wasnt anything she could do about it. this I understand, but for somereason I this bugged me, so I drove home. and she just called me to talk, and then had to go, then called back again, the conversation went no where and when we hung up I didnt even say good bye why am I being like this, I hate looking back and seeing the way I am treating her. you comments are much appreciated, thank you! -Jeff
  3. after doing the deed I always will urinate right after or up to 10 min after. Me and my gf were talking the other day after she had gone to the gyno for a first time check up. I guess she was asked if she is #1 sexually active and #2 it she masurbates, i guess to size the forcepts (not sure if that is what the tool is called..) but she asked me when she was telling me this if girls can masturbate, and she was serious. has anyone esle heard of somene not knowing about this until they were 18 or older, or does my gf just live a very sheltered life?
  4. I dont really think so either and you are right, nothing bad can come from wating. You just don't really hear about it, so I was curious. Keep the comments coming.
  5. You could talk to him about it when you are not in the situation. Just let him know tha you are ok with that. How did he act when he was manually stimulated was he has uncomfortable? He could just think that because that is not ok anymore, then this isnt either. just let him know. Hope i helped, good luck
  6. Just wondering to those who are married did you have sex on your wedding night? I have been talking to a few of my married friends and its surprising that quite a few if them didnt. Thanks, Jeff
  7. I am acutally very glad you said this because I had honestly not thought of that. With that in mind I, it would be nice to have her awake for a movie everynow and then, it does seem though that she could be loosing interest in me I really hope not...
  8. **UPDATE so we finally go up.... Last night I was up at her house and we w ere just sitting around, she tells me I should go so she can get some sleep, so we can go up early. i agree (it was about 12:30) so I leave. The next day I find out from her that she was up until 4:30 talking on the phone to mike. because he is leaving on a mission today. I dont get it she can stay up that late talking to him but she cant make it through a movie with me. and the last time that we were talking on the phone kind of late she fell asleep on the phone. and when we got up there on our second run she fell and twisted her knee so we called it a day and I drove her home. I am completely understanding that this is not her fault....now she is saying how she wants to go up on friday (when I have to work) I am pretty bugged right now because I just got home from her house and she fell asleep again tonight, and she says its because she didnt get enought sleep last night, well thats not my problem you made me leave so you can "get some sleep" when instead you talk until 4:30 with another guy.
  9. When ever we watch a movie or do anything that involves sitting down for a little bit my girlfriend will fall asleep. At first i didnt mind, and actually liked just sitting there and watching her sleep. but now I am very annoyed at it. We have not watched a movie in the past month when she has not fallen asleep in it. I have told her this bothers me but she gets defensive and tells me that she can't help it. I realize that yes sometimes you really are just so tired you fall asleep and I have no problem with that. but now everytime we try and watch a movie or just sit on the couch and talk she will fall asleep within a half hour. Last night I was up at her house and we were just sitting around, she tells me I should go so she can get some sleep, i agree (it was about 12:30) so I leave. The next day I find out from her that she was up until 4:30 talking on the phone to a guy she knows. (if you want the info on him... link removed ) I dont get it she can stay up that late talking to him but she cant make it through a movie with me. and the last time that we were talking on the phone kind of late she fell asleep on the phone. I am pretty bugged right now because I just got home and she did it again tonight, and she says its because she didnt get enought sleep last night, well thats not my problem you made me leave so you can "get some sleep" when instead you talk until 4:30 with another guy. I just need to know if I am justified in feeling the way that I am feeling or am I just being a jerk? What else could I say to her to help stress that this buggs me?
  10. Thank you tickle bug for the input what would you say about the other situations, should I hold off on them to i.e massaging her breasts?
  11. lost and lonely: thats what I have always thought....
  12. As your relationship progresses I'm sure you both will find more ways to see each other more often. It is now sort of a given that unless the other person has said something to do other wise. We will get together on the weekend and do something it might be a going out or just staying in. EIther way I think you are doing just fine for the amoung of time you both have had. Good luck! -Jeff
  13. i get this feeling after we do something like that like I am a bad person for... not really making her do that, but I guess I think if I werent there she would'nt have done it and wouldnt have the guilt of doing something she shouldnt have done. so i guess the question is, should I fight these urges to go along with her? or just continue this do it then don't for a little bit?
  14. My girlfriend and I have a very strong physical attraction to each other. We have been dating for 9 months and everytime we get more intimate such as massaging/kissing her breasts, and occasionaly fingering her, she will go along with it most of the time initiate it and then the next day or after she will say that we have done a bad thing and we need to set a curfew for us and have more limits. Now, from the beginning I have always let her have the say on how far we go. I have never pushed her to do anything that she didnt want to. but always after she will say these things. I honestly thinks it is good to express our feelings this way to each other . I am not saying have sex becasue I am a believer in abstinence (sp?) but sometimes I think expressing the way we feel for one another this way is very good when kept in reason. I have pretty much answered myself when typing this but I would still like to hear all of your opinions. Thanks! Jeff
  15. OK, background, me and my gilfriend have been together for going on nine months. she is the first person I honestly feel I love, and she has told me the same. Before I came a long ther was a guy Mike, that was interested in her, she has told me that she has no interest in him. They keep a "friend" relationship to this day. I work 4 to 10 pm wed through friday, my gilfriend works 12 to 5 mon to thurs. So on Wed through Thurs I don't get to see her much. Mike is going on a mission and leaving next week. She tells me sometimes that she talks to him on the phone which I really don't care about. She told me one night that she is going to do something with mike sometime this week. I lost my cell phone last night and thought it might be over at her house so I stopped by on my way home from work, about 10:30 to see his car in her driveway. I debated if I even wanted to go in, after deciding yes I go in and see them sitting on the couch watching a movie, with her family around, her mom was up so I went over and started talking to her after a few min my girl friend came over, told her what I was doing then went down into her room with just her mom to look for my phone while she stayed up stairs. finally she came down stairs, and her mom left and we sat there and talked a bit. I asked what her and mike did today, she said that she took him to dinner at mexican restaurant (she paid) one major thing that bothered me here aside from going to dinner was that she paid. not once has she taken me to a sit down restaurant and paid for it. then they both went and rented a movie, went back to her house and watched it. I had called her twice throught the day, once in the morning aksing her to call me when she is on her break, and once when I was on my break at work, she never called me and didnt answer my call at work. Story #2 She loves going up snowboarding, she kept talking about how excited she was to go this year. I was really excited to go up this year too, especially with her. the resorts finally open, and she wants to go up on friday, I have to work fridays and couldnt go up, so she calls my friends and they all go up. this again happened the next friday. she would tell me how much fun they had, and that her and one of my friends are "ski buddies" ok, so now our classes are finally over for the semester and I thought we would have some free time to go up. she decided she would rather work both this monday and tuesday (my days off) instead of going up. I asked her if she wanted to go up this friday (i have it off xmas eve) she said maybe, but I highly doubt it. so I then ask about next mon or tues and she wouldnt give me an answer. she has a season pass so its not a money issue. I'm confused other wise or relationship is awesome. Thanks for reading through all that, feel free to comment anything it is welcomed. -Jeff
  16. She is LDS, I know quite a bit about the mormon faith, I attend church at the very least 2 times a month. I think it is hard for her, her family, and extended familly are quite religious. And I know there are expectations for the type of person she is dating. And I also know that me not being as religious as her and her family is has caused some talk. I don't want this issue to cause the great potential I see to become un-obtainable.
  17. I apoligize for the length, at the moment, its kind of a release. I will have been with my girlfriend for 8 months this wednesday. Ever since the first day we have met things have just sort of worked. We have an awesome relationship. She is the first person that I have loved. We both have talked about the possibility of marrige when we are older. And I could honestly see it working. Except for one issue, religion. She and her familly are very religious, and I and my familly are not so. I attend church somewhat often, and would like to progress; but there is something that is holding me back. I'm not sure what it is, but there is something there. I asked my girlfriend if she could really see her self marrying me in a few years, and she said yes, but there is just a few things lacking, religion mainly. Through out the 8 months we have been together, I have tried to treat her like the princess that she is, and do what ever I could for her. But this issue is not one I want to do for someone esle, and she agreed with me not to do it for her or anyone else but me. I feel that I am a good person with strong morals, but I honestly don't know if I will ever be the person that she needs in this area. I love her and wish I could be, but I just dont know now. I don't know what to do. I thank your for your time and help -Jeff
  18. I wish I could stay home, but I cant afford to miss that much work. Thank you for the good wishes and the input.
  19. first off this is not just a question, but also a vent, so thank you for listening. and sorry this is so long. The background: This girl and I have been dating for 4 months now. I feel very close to her, very comfortable around her, and get a long great with her family. (I went on a 5 day camping trip with her and her family) (and she has gone on trips with my familly) for the past month things have been going exceptionaly good, and I have been very happy. Technically we are not seeing each other exclusive, but with exceptions for the first two months we have only been seeing each other. Now, recently I was diagnosed with mononucleosis, (she doesnt have it) and shingles. Two days after this I was in a serious car accident and totaled my car. I have not been the happiest guy in the world and kind of needed some extra attention (well as extra as you can get without giving her mono or shingles) which she has been doing a pretty good job with. She cam and picked me up from work today and on the way home she got a text message from a guy that I know is interested in her. she dropped me off at home, I went and took a shower, and was out looking for a new car when she called, I asked her what she was doing tonight and she said that Mike (the other guy) was coming over and they were going to watch a movie at her house. I tried to play it off cool at the moment but when in reality it really hurt. Am I justified in feeling this way? Thank you for reading and the input. -Jeff
  20. Thanks abc, and maggie for the input!
  21. Me and my gf were talking the other day, and she said she doesnt like it when I guy trys to change himself for a girl. I curse quite often, but i try to cut way back when I'm in front of her. I like it better when Im not using the four letter words to express my self all the time. Since meeting her I have also started going back to church, I have been meaning to go back for a while, long before I met her, but never had much motivation. But my gf has such high morals, it makes me feel like a better person that I am going back to church and cutting way back on cursing and I like that feeling. I was just wondering if you would consider this changing for her, or not?
  22. Might as well, I agree with QTpie, he could think that maybe if you havent called him, and its been so long, maybe you lost interest. Anyways.. Good Luck -Jeff
  23. Well, you dont have much to loose, so go ahead and go for "bob" depending on how close of friends him and jacob are, it could make things a little akward. Good Luck -Jeff
  24. You definetaly dont want to tell a girl to be your girlfriend. That wont get you anywhere telling her how you fell would be a good start if you both hang out a bit...Dont go proclaim your love to a complete stranger. If you two are on the same page and both like each other and then maybe you two could become a couple. Talk to her. Good Luck -Jeff
  25. I am 18 and last month I got my first kiss from my first girlfriend. I had the chance to kiss a few girls before, but I am so glad that I didnt go start making out just to make out. Be patient, I have 23 year old friend that has still yet to be kissed. It will happen with time. (man did I hate hearing that) -Jeff
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