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Everything posted by Jeffie

  1. I hated hearing this, over and over from people but it is true. Hang in there bud, she will come...
  2. Thank you for that helpfull suggestion Mr. Good Man, I really wish I would have done that.
  3. Last night, me and my girlfriend were making out. We both started to get into it. I was laying imbetween her legs, and she would pull my pelvis it towards hers, kind of like we were dry humping. after a while of this, I took my hand and just rubbed it ontop of her shirt up her stomach and over her breast. She stopped me and said no, (which I was completely ok with) She then said she had to go and got up and started leaving my basement. I walked her out to her car, no hug, nothing. She really didn't want to talk to me. I honestly didnt mean to disrespect her. What should I say to her to hopefully make her understand?
  4. A lttle over a month ago I met a girl...I am a senior in highschool, and she is a junior. I have never been in a serious relationship, or any relationship that lasted more than two weeks. I really like this girl and was my first kiss, I will call her Jane, for the past month and a few weeks we have for the most part been boyfriend and girlfriend even she has admitted this. Although she doenst want a boyfriend for three reasons: 1. She doesnt want to have to breakup. 2. She doesnt think that her parents will like her having a boyfriend 3. She thinks it will be to hard to be in highschool, and have aboyfriend. plus she says she wants to be able to meet new people. I don't really know what to do because because we have been going so long as pretty much boyfriend and girlfriend. That if she does start dating other people there is no way I will be able to I guess share. And about breaking up, I think that we are already beyond the point of just saying ok, see ya later and calling that good. I am wondering if we should just end it where we are (I am not one to be in a relationship that I can't see going anywhere) or should I hang in there, because I really like her and would love to be in a relationship with? Thanks for your advice and comments -Jeff
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