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Why Would A Woman Block You On Whatsapp But Nowhere Else?

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Recently, I found an old school crush of mine on Facebook. 

We started texting again - 15 years later...

Yesterday, all of the sudden I noticed she started ignoring my messages on whatsapp. For no apparent reason.
Then she sent me a (really) long text saying she needs time/space because her mind is full, and that we should stop talking for a while. Ended the long text with "Thanks for everything and see you soon...".

Knowing that generally when a woman asks for "time" apart, this probably means I'll never hear from her again, I tried sending her one last short message to her, asking what was going on... 

To which she replied "I just need some time..." and then blocked me on whatsapp, but ONLY, on whatsapp.
She didn't bother blocking me anywhere else. I can still message her on Instagram or Facebook Messenger if I want to, but I'm giving her the space she asked.

Now before anyone says "Maybe she forgot to block you on other social media..."

I know her quite a bit... She isn't stupid or forgetful, she knows how to use her phone, and undoubtedly knows how to block someone on Facebook and Instagram.

I get the impression she left those 2 "doors" open on purpose. So much so that she read and politely replied to my good morning text on IG. She could easily have blocked me EVERYWHERE... but didn't.

On this latest conversation she repeated kind of agressively that she just needs time... and will reach out again...

Now I'm not texting her anymore and giving the space she asked. Don't want to push her further away.

Note: Knowing her personality, I believe that she'll actually get mad at me if I don't try to reach out to her on the next few days or weeks.

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32 minutes ago, KlearKut said:

I found an old school crush of mine on Facebook. We started texting again - 15 years later...

Then she sent me a (really) long text saying she needs time/space because her mind is full, and that we should stop talking for a while.

You are texting people way too much. It's that simple.

People don't have to block you from everywhere for you to get the message, do they? 🤔🔨🚫

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1 hour ago, KlearKut said:

Recently, I found an old school crush of mine on Facebook. 

We started texting again - 15 years later...

Yesterday, all of the sudden I noticed she started ignoring my messages on whatsapp. For no apparent reason.
Then she sent me a (really) long text saying she needs time/space because her mind is full, and that we should stop talking for a while. Ended the long text with "Thanks for everything and see you soon...".

Knowing that generally when a woman asks for "time" apart, this probably means I'll never hear from her again, I tried sending her one last short message to her, asking what was going on... 

To which she replied "I just need some time..." and then blocked me on whatsapp, but ONLY, on whatsapp.
She didn't bother blocking me anywhere else. I can still message her on Instagram or Facebook Messenger if I want to, but I'm giving her the space she asked.

Now before anyone says "Maybe she forgot to block you on other social media..."

I know her quite a bit... She isn't stupid or forgetful, she knows how to use her phone, and undoubtedly knows how to block someone on Facebook and Instagram.

I get the impression she left those 2 "doors" open on purpose. So much so that she read and politely replied to my good morning text on IG. She could easily have blocked me EVERYWHERE... but didn't.

On this latest conversation she repeated kind of agressively that she just needs time... and will reach out again...

Now I'm not texting her anymore and giving the space she asked. Don't want to push her further away.

Note: Knowing her personality, I believe that she'll actually get mad at me if I don't try to reach out to her on the next few days or weeks.

Why would she get upset with you? 

Good that you’re not texting her again. Keep your distance.

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1 hour ago, KlearKut said:

all of the sudden I noticed she started ignoring my messages on whatsapp. For no apparent reason.

"Messages." That's duplicate. Have you ever heard of give and take? Make effort but if it isn't reciprocated, you don't put in any more effort. So you didn't wait for her to reply, and you sent more texts. You didn't take a hint.

She can tell that continuing any connection with you will not be wise. She sees that your crush on her might turn into stalker mode, and she'd really freak out if she found out you've posted about her twice here, saying you will love her forever, when you've never even been on one date with her, and only recently bumped into her at the movies after a 15 year gap.

And here you are, conjuring a fantasy that you "know" she'll be upset if you don't contact her in a week or two.

She's ***footing around, saying maybe you two will see each other in the future. She's being cowardly in her way of not laying out things more plainly, or hoping not to upset you as she might fear your reaction if she tells you never to contact her again. She likely hopes you will fade away and cling to someone else once you get bored with her absence.

If you normally fail in your dating attempts, it might be time to seek therapy and see if you're the common denominator. A therapist might help you to be more realistic in romantic situations, and to regulate your emotions so that they develop at a normal pace. Your intensity might be driving women away.

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2 hours ago, KlearKut said:

Knowing her personality, I believe that she'll actually get mad at me if I don't try to reach out to her on the next few days or weeks.

You don't appear to know her personality that well, or you'd likely have understood why she started ignoring your messages on What's App. 

For your own benefit, don't invent reasons to contact her again. She's asked you to stop. So, stop. If you don't, you will probably find yourself blocked on her other social media too.

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I'm sorry, but It appears she's doing the "slow fade" (imo).  Having said that, If she truly wanted to be with you, she'd never risk the chance of losing you.

As to why she left a door open, is anyone's guess.  My guess is as much as you'd like it to be, there are no hidden messages.

Time to move forward.

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Who cares where she 'blocked' you.  Point is, she has blocked you!  That says plenty.

I'm thinking she blocked you there because you were getting on her nerves there.

Now, back off and do NOT continue this.  Leave her alone.

Because, IF I truly liked someone I would not be blocking them. So, get over these assumptions that she wants to hear from you again.

Sorry, but this is a no... let go and just move on.


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If Whatsapp was your primary method of communication then blocking you on that is consistent with her saying she wants space and wants to stop talking. It is strange you would take this as an invitation to message her the next day on Instagram! And of course she then had to repeat the message that she needs a break from you. 

And yeah there does seem to be a pattern of you overwhelming women with texting and flirting and pushing them away. 


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1 hour ago, jazz_lover said:

If Whatsapp was your primary method of communication then blocking you on that is consistent with her saying she wants space and wants to stop talking.

This. If you talked over WhatsUp primarily, she blocked you there and that is it.

Also Facebook, and especially Instagram, are more social networks for followers. Dont really think she expects to message her there but to just see pics of each other and stuff like that. 

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  • 4 months later...

Maybe she assumed that by blocking you on Whatsapp, since that is the app you were using to chat, you'd get the message. Presumably she doesn't fear for her safety from you, or she'd go to more effort to ensure you could never contact her again but if you keep trying then this will change.

When I go to the bathroom I lock the door. The locks on most bathroom doors can be opened from the outside if you have something to turn it with. The fact that the locked door can easily be circumvented though isn't a signal that I'm OK with someone coming in while I'm in there... the lock is really there to send a message to family members that 'someone's in here, don't come in'.

Blocking someone on one platform even if they could still contact you on others is sending the same kind of message. You continuing to message her is like someone getting a screwdriver to get access to the bathroom and then arguing that if you didn't really want me to come in you'd have fitted a better lock.


P.S. it's not always obvious that in some forums, a post on the front page can still be several months old. Sorry for dragging this old one back up.

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