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Should I date someone I am repulsed by


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I met a guy a few months ago and he seriously is amazing in every aspect, only problem is I have zero physical attraction to him. whenever he kisses me, I just want it to end so badly. Whenever I think he's going to touch me I get anxious. I really want to be with him because he is an amazing person, but I can't bring myself to be intimate with him. Should I continue this relationship ? I really don't want to be single and date online anymore, but I also love sex and don't know how I can handle a relationship with none. Advice would be much appreciated

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Um, no obviously? Lol Lucky for us women we don't live in the 19th century and we don't have to force ourselves to be with someone we can't bear to touch just because "we need a husband and he's a good guy". Yeah online dating kinda sucks but do you really think there is nobody else out there that you could at least find attractive?

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It's not forbidden to have male friends, you know?

Dating only because you do not want to be single is the worst thing. What if your soulmate meets you tomorrow and ignores you because you are dating someone? How would that feel? What do you think he will think of you if you explain that you are dating the unattractive person just because you can't be alone?

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What makes you say he is a doormat just out of curiousty


Let me explain.


He is waaay more invested in this relationship than you are, because he knows that you are way out of his league and is doing everything in his power to win your affection and keep you invested.

At some point, you will stop respecting him, because you will see him as a compromise, as a dead weight, pulling you down. You will continue looking at what better is out there and think how you could have done much better. At that point, he will get even more clingy, because he will sense you slipping away.

You will start pulling even further and he will become your doormat, doing everything you want and need him to, while you also do whatever you wish, but will still keep him around for the support and the initial reason you started dating him - "not being alone".


Put in there an affair maybe, since you need your sexual needs satisfied and having a sexless relationship is not as little of a compromise as you may see it right now.

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