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Only a woman would say something like this, as the situations for women far far outweigh the situations for a comparable man. Any attractive woman can walk into any bar in the world and get sex (usually within a few mins), unfortunately, for men, they do not have this luxury (unless he's really rich/famous).


You misunderstand. I mean that a person's values/standards often dictate whether they act on natural impulses/urges whether the urge is to have sex, have that third drink/piece of cake or slap someone across the face for cutting you in the long line at the market. Etc.


The "only a woman" says a lot about the (generalized) bases for your opinions.

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You misunderstand. I mean that a person's values/standards often dictate whether they act on natural impulses/urges whether the urge is to have sex, have that third drink/piece of cake or slap someone across the face for cutting you in the long line at the market. Etc.

No, I understood. I was just discussing the practicality of it, the morality of it is irrelevant, in this case.

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Dougie can't even kiss someone without freaking out. I honestly don't think that if he got a girl in his bed he'd know what to do with her, or even be able to do it.

Wow that's harsh. I'm sure Dougie has watched porn at some point.

Dougie - get some experiencing kissing first, as women usually enjoy (and expect) that, before sex.

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Dougie, your target market is women who are open to casual sex. It's a waste of time for you to be dating women and be assessed by them as a potential date when all you want is sex. It's much simpler if you either pay for prostitutes at a place where it is legal (I know you've rejected this option too), or up your game in sexual skills so as to give yourself an edge.


I'll go back to my usual example of "nice guy" friend who opened up his social life and ended up having relationships. He's at best average looking and overweight, but managed to have quite a few FWB and casual encounters from online. He flirted with the women and was quite transparent with what he wanted, and sold himself as being great at sex, knowing how to satisfy women etc. And women who were open to casual sex totally went for it. His first time was also with a propstitute.


The point is Dougie, you need a selling point, have something to offer, that's just basic sales and marketing ideas. Currently, you don't have something to offer to get what you want.


Sex is the ultimate goals, but I'm not neglecting casual daters. Most likely casual daters are more open with casual sex

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I don't know what has or hasn't worked for Dougie thus far, but paying for sex is a total cop out (and you know it).

Exactly why I would never pay for it. What "values" would I learn from it? And why would not just consistently pay for it over and over. You think a man was responsible to making it illegal? Haha. No, I'm pretty sure women forced that law.


People who suggest prostitution think that afterwards I would magically be good with women.

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Last time a girl came up to him in a bar that showed interest , he turned her away because he told himself that she probably felt bad for him


Haha! But I still went up to her later on. I just missed my "window". Plus I was playng cool. And it backfired.

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Well, the story I posted all happened less than a year ago (I moved in with my BF after 8 months of dating). I think some of your biggest problems Dougie is a total lack of insight, accountability, and maturity.


The reason I posted the story about my BF is because he was in a very dark place for a long time. What I mean by that is he was unhappy with life and he had two choice: let life keep being miserable, or change himself and MAKE life better. He chose the latter, you are choosing the former.


As a side note, some of the comments in this thread, were women are seen as nothing more than sex toys are deepbly distributing, reminds me of Elliott Rodger.

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he doesnt like kissing


I prefer not to kiss because I haven't experienced a level where it's natural. Just because I have no desire it doesn't mean I wouldn't like it. I honestly don't know. If a chick wants to kiss me, I'll take it, if I'm ready for it. I was ready on the 4th date. Not ready on my 3rd date. I am willing to kiss someone when I know I "want to"

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Well, the story I posted all happened less than a year ago (I moved in with my BF after 8 months of dating). I think some of your biggest problems Dougie is a total lack of insight, accountability, and maturity.


The reason I posted the story about my BF is because he was in a very dark place for a long time. What I mean by that is he was unhappy with life and he had two choice: let life keep being miserable, or change himself and MAKE life better. He chose the latter, you are choosing the former.


As a side note, some of the comments in this thread, were women are seen as nothing more than sex toys are deepbly distributing, reminds me of Elliott Rodger. ]


First of all. Don't EVER compare me to that sicko.


Why do you think I just look at women as a sex toy? Why do women look at men as "providers"?

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First of all. Don't EVER compare me to that sicko.


Why do you think I just look at women as a sex toy? Why do women look at men as "providers"?


Did I compare you to him? No. I compared the comments from several posters that basically (paraphrasing here) say that men (or most of them) see women as only a sex object.

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Did I compare you to him? No. I compared the comments from several posters that basically (paraphrasing here) say that men (or most of them) see women as only a sex object.


Ok. And women don't? What do women see men as? I'm curious. Men might be more open to what they "prefer".


What about gay men? Did you know that more SEX happens in the gay community than anything else. It's in our nature to want and desire sex more. Gay or not.

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Ok. And women don't? What do women see men as? I'm curious. Men might be more open to what they "prefer".


What about gay men? Did you know that more SEX happens in the gay community than anything else. It's in our nature to want and desire sex more. Gay or not.


Dougie, its the whole picture I'm talking about. Entitlement, bitterness, lack of person responsibility, looking for a scapegoat as to why they are not happy in life. I am see a lot of that from men on ENA resently and it's disturbingly similar to this guys way of thinking.

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Oh.. And just imagine where sex toys were banned. Men are visual because that's where our "sex toys" come in play. Yes, there are "vagina toys" but I doubt that every man has one. Every single woman has a dildo. Imagine dildos never existing. I bet you would look at a male differently than right now.

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Oh.. And just imagine where sex toys were banned. Men are visual because that's where our "sex toys" come in play. Yes, there are "vagina toys" but I doubt that every man has one. Every single woman has a dildo. Imagine dildos never existing. I bet you would look at a male differently than right now.


Buy a flesh light. Just as common as dildos. And I know plently of women who don't own those. Including myself. You clearly are not understanding what I am saying about that disturbed young man.

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Buy a flesh light. Just as common as dildos. And I know plently of women who don't own those. Including myself. You clearly are not understanding what I am saying about that disturbed young man.


I don't know any woman who's never used a dildo before. And the average dildo size BOUGHT is like 6-7 inches. Hmmm.... No wonder why men think size matters!


I'm just trying to say, that I think if these "toys" never existed then men and women might be in the same playing field on what they really want

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I don't know any woman who's never used a dildo before. And the average dildo size BOUGHT is like 6-7 inches. Hmmm.... No wonder why men think size matters!


I'm just trying to say, that I think if these "toys" never existed then men and women might be in the same playing field on what they really want


I never owned or tried a sex toy, neither have most of my girl friends. I'm sure a LOT of women haven't tried it / don't have one (and I'm sure a lot of women do have them). Funny how you can state every single women have one like it's a fact.


You don't know any woman who don't have one, ok, so how many have you asked and told you yes they have one/used one?


I don't know why I even bother writing this response but generalisation (or men or women or a race or whatever it is) is a pet peeve of mine.

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