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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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People who rewrite history and think no one notices.


For example, a casual friend of mine just got married. Terrific! Except she posted on Facebook that they've been together for three years. Um, I've only known her for one year and 8 months, and during that time she dated two different guys, neither of whom was the man she just married. Why tell that pointless lie?


Someone else I know is telling people he's 10 years younger than he really is. Thing is, he's telling people who he grew up with along with people (like me) who went to his wedding and know for a fact he's not the age he claims to be. Again, another pointless lie.


Image is everything!!!

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In my area, most of it is really nice. Then there's like this white trash element.


On a 5 minute drive to breakfast, two people pulled out in front of me when I was making a right turn and had a green light. Two. The first trashy girl just laughed. Like it was my fault for going on a green light.


These inbred morons; it really wears on you.

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Guest RoseXGold

My aunt told me I couldn't take pictures of her or with her, but she insists on taking pictures of me when I'm not looking. She does to other family members as well. Plus, she only allows certain people take photos of her.

Today, she snapped a picture of me twice while I was not looking and sent them to family.

It's been bothering me sometime now and I will probably have to tell her again.

Plus, on top of that I'm gaining weight because I'm pregnant so I don't feel flattering either.

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my aversion to proofreading, and all the embarrassing typos i find after i've hit send. i keep thinking if i can put spellcheck to a good use for work, i can't even blame it on the ADD. there must be a rotten streak of laziness at play if i can't be bothered to do it at home.


also, it was supposed to be stormy. so far, five minutes of rain. please. rain.

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The jealous coworker who is going around telling everyone that I only got offered a position because she turned it down. She's trying to bait me into doing or saying something that will get me fired. But I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, so I'm totally on to what she's trying to do. I'm not nearly as stupid as she thinks I am.

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Maybe the library. Although Rainy makes me doubt I'll have better luck there..
*gasp* don't get me started on our local library. it's been useless post-renovation. i want to know the name of the person who went "hey, what's the point of the silent study room, or cubicles? who needs those? lets chuck that **** out and have a large common room instead" *fuming* and then you get people flipping through their papers, using their phones (NOT on silent), children running around pressing the animals in those "The Farm" squeaky books so you have to listen to this cacophony of "mooooOOOOOooooOOOO" and "look mommy, sheep: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa"



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People who friend me on Facebook for the purpose of showering me with posts about their awesome work from home businesses. At least just invite me to like your business page (so I can decline) - up front would work just fine. Thank goodness for "unfollow".

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People who friend me on Facebook for the purpose of showering me with posts about their awesome work from home businesses. At least just invite me to like your business page (so I can decline) - up front would work just fine. Thank goodness for "unfollow".


LOL. But you can be a millionaire by selling expensive bs!

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People who friend me on Facebook for the purpose of showering me with posts about their awesome work from home businesses. At least just invite me to like your business page (so I can decline) - up front would work just fine. Thank goodness for "unfollow".


Yeah I met someone through one of those lame candle parties (that I only attended and bought a few candles to be polite). She said she needed my email to set up my account. Now she's spamming me with all the other product lines she sells. I ignore the emails and "virtual party" invitations though.


Another lady went through the trouble of setting up a Meetup group, which she used to sell her crappy products. It's totally against the rules in Meetup but she didn't seem to care. Shockingly, that Meetup group soon went belly up when no one attended anymore.

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When you've been saying something for a long time, and people have been brushing it off and/ or calling you down for it .

Then when it's way late and consequences are finally reaching them, those same people come to you in a panic presenting information or an idea as though it is news to you and wanting you to fix it.


Number two: these same people don't want to actually give up anything or do anything to clean the mess they helped make and shift the responsibility. Always.


It annoys me how little true accountability there is in this world. And those who champion that like a virtue.

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When you've been saying something for a long time, and people have been brushing it off and/ or calling you down for it .

Then when it's way late and consequences are finally reaching them, those same people come to you in a panic presenting information or an idea as though it is news to you and wanting you to fix it.


Number two: these same people don't want to actually give up anything or do anything to clean the mess they helped make and shift the responsibility. Always.


It annoys me how little true accountability there is in this world. And those who champion that like a virtue.



well, blimey, been thinking the exact same thing lately

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I typed up a notice of intent to vacate the apartment I'm renting and brought it to the management office. They said I had to fill out their form because I could have put any date on my letter and they were concerned about false dates. I told the guy, I'm sitting right in front of you handing you this letter. You can see me handing it to you. Why can't you just date stamp it so you have a record of what date I turned it in?? His response was 'well, um...' And asked me again to fill out their form. He didn't seem to realize I could put a fake date on their form too!


He also asked me for my forwarding address. Um, I don't have it yet. Because it would make no sense to rent another place now and have to pay rent on two places. Especially since this place requires a 60-day notice. Another stupid request.


Yeah, I was "testy" with the guy because it was annoying. And made no sense. I'm sure he and the other employee there were calling me names after I left. Well, stop being stupid and I'll stop being rude!

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the progression of catcalling through the years


though i do wonder if the 20-somethings mrrrowing and screaming ever shut up, they're kinda so omnipresent they become easy to ignore, like the sound of a clock ticking in the background.


but i've noticed a new type lately. the "mature" (lol) ones. they don't roll down their window wildly to emit loud piercing alien cries.

they roll down their windows, slow down, give a nod and wink and a sedate thumb up- with their teenage daughters in the passenger seat.


seriously? what- you're "polite" now, because you leave the howls to the kids? because you still assume you're called to rate people, like others do your daughter, and there's something favorable about that??? you look like an idiot, how can you not get that?


at this age, you're just triple the Ahole, bud.


i feel bad for the kids growing up with these bleeps

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  • 1 month later...

Ug, work thing.


Another department is allllllll butthurt because I sent a message to our users before they had "discovered" what the problem was.


Two things:


1. I'm not here to manage your feelings, I'm hear to do my job.


2. Starting this month, you'll be expected to have communicated the issue in twenty minutes. Bad news, sports fans, two hours is a lot longer than twenty minutes.

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Just read yet ANOTHER post from someone telling a poster to "call" and NOT "text." When that other person isn't texting back.


Like if someone isn't texting back, suddenly calling them is going to propel them to want to talk to you? Um, no don't think so.


News flash: if I am not available or interested enough to return a text, I am sure as HELL not gong to become available or interested because they called!


What are people thinking when they advise this?


What difference does it make, text, call, message in a bottle, carrier pigeon, as long as two people are "communicating" that is all that matters.


How they choose to do that is of zero relevance imho!


Rant over.

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