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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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99% or the time, I can't be bothered to cook because I am focused on other things. But I do love to cook. When I'm not completely overwhelmed by stress, I find it relaxing to prepare the ingredients... chopping, measuring, etc. Then there is a reward at the end: a tasty meal. But I only cook once in a while. More is not feasible.

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Never heard of socca until now. Thanks, gonna try my hand at it!


Yes, try it. Costs practically nothing and very easy. I started making it a few weekends ago as a treat for Saturday morning brunches.


The general ratio is 1 part water to 1 part chickpea flour but I cheat and like it thin and crepe-y so I add more eggs, less water, same chickpea flour. I don't measure anything which is not useful but when it's a thinner soupy consistency I put it in a pan medium heat. If it's thicker, it's better in a cast iron pan on broil in the oven. I squeeze and pinch fresh herbs to it and black pepper, lots of olive oil and sea salt. Goes wonderful with cherry tomatoes on the side or a bowl of fruit. I don't cook up the batter all at once and put remainders in the fridge in case friends come over or I want some later and they can be fried or baked fresh. :)

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Yes, try it. Costs practically nothing and very easy. I started making it a few weekends ago as a treat for Saturday morning brunches.


The general ratio is 1 part water to 1 part chickpea flour but I cheat and like it thin and crepe-y so I add more eggs, less water, same chickpea flour. I don't measure anything which is not useful but when it's a thinner soupy consistency I put it in a pan medium heat. If it's thicker, it's better in a cast iron pan on broil in the oven. I squeeze and pinch fresh herbs to it and black pepper, lots of olive oil and sea salt. Goes wonderful with cherry tomatoes on the side or a bowl of fruit. I don't cook up the batter all at once and put remainders in the fridge in case friends come over or I want some later and they can be fried or baked fresh. :)


That sounds amazing.

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Great quote.


“I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”


It’s a great quote, but it came from Frank B. Gilbreth Sr. He studied the best and poorest bricklayers and stumbled on an astonishing fact; he could learn the most from the lazy man!

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I haven't been coming here much. I have to think it has something to do with using my reserves to take care of myself and not having alot to offer others at this time.

I am pretty sensitive by nature. Reading how sad and challenged people are is more than I can handle lately. I start to read posts and then have to turn away.

It won't always be this way. I'd like to think I can contribute in a positive way. Just not right now or not very much.

I can assume that some others might be feeling the same way?


But there is a long list of posters that are missed, for sure.

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Agree. It's hard enough dealing with your own stuff. Sometimes it helps to know you're not the only one.


But sometimes you comment hoping to help and they bite your head off, forgetting that everyone is dealing with this.


Some of the threads and the corona impact on relationships are just sad.

Reading how sad and challenged people are is more than I can handle lately. I start to read posts and then have to turn away.


But there is a long list of posters that are missed, for sure.

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Watching reruns of Sons of Anarchy. Was it always this ridiculous. It appeals to my free spirit but the female roles are downright embarrassing.


The female roles in so many TV shows and movies are embarrassing. Rewatching some of the movies that I watched as a kid often makes me wince.... Pretty Woman comes to mind at the moment, but there are countless others.... I saw a video where they re-cast some of the scenes from Pretty Woman using a man in Julia Robert's role. That was really uncomfortable to watch, lol. But it was so eye-opening. Made me realize that it was more acceptable to watch a woman in those situations than a man. Made me wonder why and how that is...


When I first started dating my boyfriend, he told me about the Bechdel Test and showed me this short video about it. I was really blown away. I mean, I always knew that I didn't relate to the female characters in movies, but I didn't understand why (or how valid my sense of actually alienation was/is) until I saw this video:


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