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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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On a more serious note, getting really uneasy about the fires in New Mexico. One of them is coming somewhat close to me, enough so the sheriff just came by a bit ago to tell me that maybe I want to put some contingencies in place if we should have to get out of here fast. That means my animals, and me into the trucks and gone.


I guess I'd better get off the computer and start prepping. Please, please, PLEASE rain already. It's monsoon season, open up heavens and soak the entire state. And yes, I know I wouldn't normally pray for that, but this is getting...yeah, I'm worried.

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I need a good lip balm.


blistex deep renewal or blistex lip relief cream. the latter will fix anything, cold sores included.



nightshift has ruined me. i slept all day yesterday, and all night. i slept through today, i can't wait to sleep tonight. meawhile, europe is shaking in gunshots- i slept through it all. if there was to be another war, there would be headlines mixed with talk of casualties and negotioations and arms deals, "woman sleeps through war".

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Okay, I've had a dry cough for weeks now with wheezing and it's not going away. I can keep blaming it on wildfires and dry air, but come on--there's no pollution out here and I get wind that has managed to blow away any possible rainstorms that start to gather. I think I'm running out of excuses to go see my doctor.


Crud, I hate this.

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I love winter...but not the cold..


This morning I wrote a note to my son's School Dean "please excuse {son}'s tardiness, we had a family situation"


- the situation was that I didn't want to stop snoozing under my duvet... it was so bliss and warm listening to the birds chirping away and then the rain, I'm normally such a diligent and tough mum... never done anything like this so so naughty!


I did however get to work on time.. stink! I need a holiday, with my kids

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blistex deep renewal or blistex lip relief cream. the latter will fix anything, cold sores included.



nightshift has ruined me. i slept all day yesterday, and all night. i slept through today, i can't wait to sleep tonight. meawhile, europe is shaking in gunshots- i slept through it all. if there was to be another war, there would be headlines mixed with talk of casualties and negotioations and arms deals, "woman sleeps through war".


Thank you, Rainy Coast. I will look for both those products tomorrow after work.

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  • 5 weeks later...
i want an adult coloring book. ]


Link seems to point to a page advertising web services. I wanna see adult colouring books!


My thought is :


I want to get a dual action polisher and do my car with it, but after having moaned to myself about the random building noises around this area, I think it would be hypocritical of me to use a machine that sounds like a cross between a power drill and an angle grinder repeatedly over the course of about 5 hours.


Looks like I'm gon dun have to do it by hand - will I get the same standard of swirl removal? I think not.

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wow, that's weird, it was there when i posted it. it's by Ryan Hunter and Taige Jensen.


maybe the pondly link will work? the first one had better pictures, their alphabet especially was nice!






hope this shows. it's no fun to never be able to get them photos on, i wonder where i muck up


you could just play one of those "modern beats" along with the polisher, the teenagers would love you. parents, not so much. unless you also rap about the importance of a good education and sobriety.

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wow, that's weird, it was there when i posted it. it's by Ryan Hunter and Taige Jensen.


maybe the pondly link will work? the first one had better pictures, their alphabet especially was nice!






hope this shows. it's no fun to never be able to get them photos on, i wonder where i muck up


you could just play one of those "modern beats" along with the polisher, the teenagers would love you. parents, not so much. unless you also rap about the importance of a good education and sobriety.


You're putting the in twice in the link - perhaps the forum adds in another one?




Yeah the forum box has in by defult. Delete that and then paste your link in.


There are no teenagers around here, there's a family next door and a pensioner age couple on the other side. Although they are quite cool. However, the family have had builders in. I'm still in two minds about this.


Or I could just go all the way and hammer out this over and over again at top volume while I'm doing it. In for a penny, in for a pound :


[video=youtube;YyD4Y4-E98M] ]


Relaxing wholesome family entertainment, no?


BTW - this song perfectly sums up a lot of break ups

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

It's impossible to have truly random thoughts. Unless something is broken. If you pause even for a second to type your thought, then it isn't random. We think everything for a reason. Even if we are unsure of that reason. Then again random is becoming one of the most misused and misunderstood words in the English language. Which is kind of interesting because once a word gets misused enough it takes on the new incorrect meaning. So maybe random has a new meaning and I'm just blabbering on....it happens.


Don't get me started on literally.

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