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Starting Over....again.


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So my friend that I went out with a few months ago (that was flirting a lot at the bar even though she's married) showed up at my door last night. Her husband has been beating her. She's decided to leave...she came last night to ask if I could let her daughter and her live here for a few months.


Today I'm painting the spare room. It's clementines old room, so it's muraled in unicorns and fairies...I talked to jay about getting his spare bed in here for them...they move in tonight.


I'm really sorry to hear that. It's so wonderful that you are helping her - I echo the others in hoping you will be safe.


I'm in an expat group on facebook, for where I live, and there is a British woman who has been married to a local and has a 20 month old. He has been abusing her and isolating her, and threatened to kill her and her son if she left. She couldn't just buy a ticket to England and leave because her child can't leave without parental permission. A bunch of people in the group have gotten together to get help for her: gotten her to see the police, the consul, and now she has left and is in a safe house, and is meeting with lawyers to figure out how she can leave with her son. (This is all in the capital, quite far from where I live, so I haven't been able to do anything hands-on, unfortunately). I know it's quite off-topic, but it's just so great to hear of people helping people, especially when the international news gets depressing.

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I'm a really big quote person...I have painted them onto the walls in my home...I have a few in my studio and in my car...to remind me and guide me...and my two favourite quotes are:


from the Dali Llama, "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." And the over used quote, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." by Ghandi.


I do my best to do what I can for my community to make it better. I feel like....I've been so lucky in my life...I've always had what I needed, when I needed it. People have always helped me and supported me...and now...it's my duty to give back. I think Jay thinks I'm nuts sometimes because I'm always dragging him into projects I'm working on around the city, and making him volunteer....but we're so lucky...we have so much.


I have a big community garden project plan written into my third year of my business plan. I can't wait to get started....I just need my business to grow so I can hire permanent staff.



We have to do the best that we can, right? I like your story Sophie...hopefully she can get out soon.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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faraday - I'm probably late to this, but I agree with you on the oral thing. Even if he has been upfront about it... I can't help but feel like that's a bit selfish of him? It seems really weird to me. I didn't love oral, but my BF loves it, so I do it for him and now actually enjoy it. I just find it weird that a guy would hate that... shouldn't a guy LOVE a women and all women represent? Not liking to give oral seems just super weird.


Also, something else that raised my eyebrow was when you said you guys share values, but not a lot of interests. I do think that in the longterm, this can create a lot of problems. I'm not saying you guys should be the same person and of course sharing values is more important, but I do believe in the long run, the differences really affect a relationship.


I'm sorry if I jumped in late and you didn't want to talk about this anymore.

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I don't want to talk about that post Justa. Even what you said about oral isn't at all what what I was trying to convey...and so I think I'll figure it out on my own. But thanks


With the values versus interests thing...most of my interests are solo things. I like forums, painting, running (alone), knitting, hiking (which I could do with Jay, but that's pretty much his job- so I go with gfs and meet up groups), gardening, and creating super fancy dinners. For most of those things, it's okay that he's in the house while I do them. And...idk...he likes that he can go do things without me getting upset. He can go rock climbing 3-4 nights a week and I encourage him too. He has board game days...and its good.


I think...my thoughts in this are different because I have a child. Tines dad and I had every interest in common...but when we had a kid, life changed. We couldn't do our hobbies. Then values came into play, and we fell apart...we were bound together by sharing a vision of what we want for our lives and our child's life. We parented differently. We spent money differently. We were complete opposites in terms of living space conditions (before kid, I did all the cleaning...no big deal. After....I needed help...and he wouldn't. He thought having 6 bags of garbage stacked up by the door for a month was fine. I also know after having a child, my interests changed dramatically. I used to be pretty wild...now, most of my interests evolved into things that are centred around home...because they need to be.


Our interests didn't hold us together, because after a kid, the first year is pretty much about the baby.


I don't want to fight for my values, I want someone that shares them with me so we can work towards something bigger than both of us.

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I finished painting the spare room, and took my daughter father with me to pick up a dresser. Jay brought over an air mattress...and blew it up....so they're set up in their own room tonight. Last night they had to sleep in Tines room.


It was funny, when Tine was dropped off today, her dad came in and immediately told me my house was "chaos and stressful" today....which it totally was, but I'm shocked he picked up on it (he lives with his parents...who's house is like INSANE busy, messy, loud).


I hope the girls settle into things soon. Today was crazy, they were into everything. I'm exhausted. But I'm happy they're set up now.


When I'm all stressed out and tired, I just want Jay. He always makes me feel at peace...even just his smell calms me.


I'm working on a painting for an exhibit in a new gallery. I'm excited.

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This is my biggest painting yet. I'm impressed you could pick out how big it is without much perspective


Thank you Most of my paintings were really dark up until about a year ago....so maybe it is being happier? I'm not sure.


I just popped out another monstrosity. This 48x48 took 45 minutes....I'm kind of shocked actually lol. I'll add more to it when it's dry.


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Finished the second painting. I hope I sell one soon *crosses fingers*


I hate touching people while I sleep. I'm totally down for cuddling before sleep, or in the morning...but in the night, I move away. Jay sleeps like the dead. For the first 6 months of our dating- he didnt move at all when he slept. Like...not even his arm.


Now I wake up with him pretty much on top of me. It makes me laugh- he always finds me in sleep. Often times, I go sleep on his side of the bed...he's so confused in the morning because he has no recollection of taking over my side.


It makes me laugh.

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