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I really like the painting on the wall next to it... really lovely... colors are great.


Thanks that one is still a work in progress. I thought it was done...but then it wasn't lol...so I'm trying to fix the clouds. I'm so frustrated I'm close to painting over the sky and redoing it....so close lol.


Did this painting today image removed

I'm a bit concerned because....I posted it on my business page and. Why few have liked it...where as the clock...that was just a steady string of likes...so I hope it's not too boring. Idk...I just started painting...it took an hour.


Today feels good. I've been painting all day...and that always puts me in a good mood maybe I just St need to paint everyday to stay sane lol



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>>Why few have liked it...where as the clock...that was just a steady string of likes...so I hope it's not too boring.


Maybe they were liking your painting next to the clock! I thought it was fabulous....


I think it was just the time of day. The post ended up being fine






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Last night Jay and I went to the science centre for "adult only night". It was fun. It was Valentine's Day themed, so it was all about love and sex...they had panelists answering questions, quizzes from the university....drinks, a DJ....sex toy hacking. It was nice to get out and do something as a couple. We spend a lot of time at home...I think because work is demanding for both of us...and me being a single parent.


Tonight I'm going out with some gfs. Well, one of them I know, and she wants to introduce me to a new group of women because she thinks we'll click. I'm excited.


Tomorrow Jay is coming over to help me prep for the show. He doesn't want to paint...so he'll be stripping and sanding furniture for me. He's a good guy


Monday were rock climbing. Taking Tine too...I ink she'll love it



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On Friday I went to a friends birthday...and drank much more than was intended.


I think love is...picking up your drunk gf at a pub at 2 am....and taking her home and encouraging her to eat toaster strudel before putting her to bed.


Yesterday was a day spent cuddling on the couch. Today will be spent sanding and painting furniture for the show...he's going to be helping me.. He's a good guy. I'm lucky.

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My friend whose birthday it is....has been married 10 years. She's 35. She's so incredibly unhappy. I wish I knew what to say to her. On Friday, all the did was drag men back to our table to talk to. She would get bored of them and I was stuck talking to them. Everyone else in the party group left by midnight...at 2 am when jay came, I begged her to leave with me...but she wouldn't. She stayed, one very drunk woman with a group of men surrounding her....I felt like crap leaving...she texted me the next morning....she didn't get home until 6am...pubs close at 3.

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I didn't ask because I don't want to know.


She's still married...just unhappily.



She's a new friend. I met her about 6

Months ago. I really like her...I just don't know if this is the right friendship for me anymore. I try to be supportive...but wow, we don't have the same moral compass. O

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How important is it to have friends who have the same moral compass?


Not saying that I'd be friends with a murderer or anything, but I've had friends and acquaintances that have done things that I don't like. A couple with criminal records, pasts with infidelity, drug use that I wouldn't personally partake in, etc.


I hold my SO and family to much, much higher standards than friends, I think.


Perhaps you could still hang with her but maybe not at a bar where she's vying for male attention. Ick. They would get old for me.

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I just can't be friends with people I don't respect....and that kind of behaviour was...something I would have a hard time respect in a single woman, let alone a married one.


I've done some crappy things in my past (I haven't cheated, but I've been the other woman) and I'm still disgusted with myself for it...so it's hard to be around someone who is on the brink of making horrible life decisions...and standing there watching. I mean...I can be superficial friends with her...but I was actually hoping to be good friends with her until the other night...too bad.



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Fair enough. I am very respectful of everyone I meet but there are many people I don't respect for one reason or another and so I do end up stuffing my feelings and remaining friends. I wonder if some feel the same about me sometimes, not sure. But that's my own choice (it's a trade off) and I definitely think it's good that you know what sort of people you want to be friends with.


I hope you will meet someone cool soon that you won't feel conflicted about.


We all make mistakes, sure. I haven't cheated or been the OW but I've done some things that I am still ashamed of. Key is to change and move on but your friend isn't. In fact, she seems to be ripe for the picking for an affair if she's not in one already.

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I can be respectful...and kind. That's easy. But I find it more important for me to be in relationships where I can authentic...I don't like being fake with people I care about....so I can have a superficial friendship with her...I guess I'm just bummed because she seems pretty fun and I wanted a deeper friendship. It's just part of the screening process though I guess.


And thanks I hope I meet some cool people too....seems harder as I get older...I'm so much pickier


Jays favourite band is imagine dragons...so I got him tickets for our one year. The show doesn't come here until June, but tickets go on sale tomorrow (and I was able to get a presale code)...I can't wait to give them to him at the end of the month

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Tonight we were talking about going on a trip...going to Mexico for a week next month. I told jay I didn't think I'd be able to swing the money...he said he'd get it. Looks like we're going on our first trip together it will be the most time we've ever spent together consecutively.


So...we both get drained after about 3 days together. Not fighting. Just...we're both introverts and spending turn together causes us both to get out of whack...so how do we get alone time in Mexico? I mean...it's weird, we both get time everyday even now. I wake up 5 hours before him every day...and go to bed 2-3 hours before him....but it's still like...not the same...for either of us. I love the guy, but I was glad he went home tonight because I need to be alone to recharge. How will we deal with this when he moves in?


I'm not worried...I know we'll figure it out...I just need ideas

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Re Mexico, are there separate things that you each want to do/see, like stuff that the other is not overly interested in, like shopping or yoga or spa or manicure etc? I don't really know Mexico but just saying you can take part of the day off on some or all of the days to go and do your own thing, even just for a few hours. Or see a movie by yourself, stuff like that. Or one of you hang by the pool to relax while the other out stay in the room to relax or go out etc. you'll meet after and both be refreshed and eager to spend more time togrther, and maybe have fun stories to tell


As for living together, do you have spare rooms at home? If you can agree on spending some time by yourselves doing your own thing each day and be in different rooms (so you're really alone) and agree to leave the other person alone during this time, it might help? If you are both introverts and independent that should be no problem right?

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I remember one episode of Sex and The City where Carrie's bf Aiden moved in, and there were stuff everywhere, and he was very in her face when she gets home, asking heaps of questions and keep talking, she got really stressed out. They agreed he'll leave her alone for a while when she gets home and just don't talk to her, and she puts up a curtain so they are separated. They did that and she ended up talking to him first because she's wondering what he was doing hahaha...

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We'll be doing all inclusive, so it's not really like that...you can't really leave the resort for a short excursions...you can go on day trips, but for those, I'd like to be with him. I'll probably wake up way earlier than him and go lay on the beach. Idk what he'll do at night when I crash a few hours before him. He's not into drinking or partying...maybe he'll stay up to watch a show...who knows.


The blanket wouldn't work lol. Maybe Carrie wasn't actually an introvert. I'm going to be turning my spare room into an office for him- he an game in there, and have a place to do his reports. Maybe it's just different when we spend a few days together because we don't have our own stuff at each other's houses. I get bored at his place because I can't paint...and he doesn't have his desktop here....so maybe it will be different when our things are at the same place. Because I know...I feel obligated to do stuff with him when he's here, and I get drained after a few days (and I know he does too)...and at his place, I get antsy and bored...and I know he wants to play wow, but won't because he feels he has to entertain me...


I guess it will work itself out in time.

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I've gone to Mexico in an all-inclusive resort. There are usually lots of things to do. You typically have the ocean, a pool, bar/restaurant, activities, sometimes a spa. You can go out and lounge and he can chill in the room for a bit. It's very easy to get your "me" time in there. And then when you want to go out on excursions (which you definitely should, seeing ancient ruins was the highlight of my trip) then you can go together and you won't be burned out.


I lived with my ex in a studio and then later a one bedroom. We didn't have spare rooms We mastered the art of spending time together but not together. We would be in the same room together doing different things and it still felt like we were together but we were having our own me time. Which was really good because I get burnt out from people more easily than I'd like to admit.

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I guess I'll have to see what the resort offers. The last few times I've travelled, it's been with Tine...and I'm always with her...so I think I'm not used to feeling free to do things. I've already been to the chichen itza and Tulum multiple times, but jay hasn't...so it'll be fun to go with him. I'm debating bringing paints down there...it would be nice to paint the ocean.


Idk if I could ever consider being in the same room as someone "alone time". I think I need a lot more alone time than jay thinks...I spend most of my days alone...I work from home...and yet, I still need more. Jay thinks he's more introverted than me because he needs an hour a day alone....ha! I need several. And I still crave more. It'll be an interesting adjustment

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