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Thanks The lady that commissioned it told me she wanted it turquoise and burnt orange. She hates black and grey...and gave me the words she wanted...it was definitely an interesting piece to make...she told me she wanted gold to be the neutral...and the entire thing painted in metallic paints....I was kind of stressed out about it for a few days trying to figure out it lol. But I finally got my silhouette cameo figured out, so that helped a lot.


This is totally not my normal thing...but...now I want to make another one abstract is fun!



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Last night jay and I were talking and he mentioned that he had two girls names picked out if he had a child. It led to a discussion about name fads, and what each of us thinks is too out there. He said he wouldn't pick the name clementine, but that he likes the name, and she is totally a clementine. Anyway, it led to me showing him a blog I found:


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Which ended up in us reading the blog together, and using the tool on there to check out all of our friends names and our names and names we like...for over an hour! It was fun. I like that we can talk about stuff like that in crazy detail. We're dorks.



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For the last few weeks, I keep having this horrible feeling like I'm pregnant. I have dreams about it...I just keep feeling like I am. Except, statistically, it's extremely improbable.


Last night jay made an anti us getting pregnant comment...and he doesn't know that I've been feeling this us...so he was quite surprised when I got quiet after he said it. We went for a walk...and towards the end, I told him I've been feeling like I did when I was pregnant with Tine. I mean, I don't believe I am...but I can't shake that feeling. I told him that I won't have a child again until I'm ready. Until I know I'm with the right person, and it's the right time in our lives...and I told him when he he made comment, it made me feel like I would be alone in getting it aborted...and that I wasn't sure how I would be able to move on after if I had to deal with it alone. He had no idea those thoughts were going through my head. He assured me that if I do get pregnant, he'll be there to go with me to get it aborted. Or to raise it. It made me feel a lot better.


I don't knew why I feel like this. This feeling happened before I took the positive test for Tine...and I've never had it before or since. My periods aren't regular because of the IUD?...but I haven't had one in about 3 months (which isn't unusual)...so...I'm going to go pick up a test this morning and hopefully that will quell this feeling. It's awful.



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He assured me that if I do get pregnant, he'll be there to go with me to get it aborted. Or to raise it. It made me feel a lot better.


He's a good guy.


Sometimes, the IUD's just don't work...sometimes dudes have super sperm that beat all the odds, lol


It might just be a "chemical pregnancy" too. So you get prego, but because your uterus is basically inhospitable from the birth control, and your hormones are too controlled to be able to sustain a life, you have a really early miscarriage. But you can still feel weirdly pregnant. I have experienced that when i was on the Pill. I took it religiously, but I guess my guy had super sperm because it didn't work once. I started to notice changes in my body, and worried about being pregnant. I never got around to taking a test because I passed (aborted) a giant clot one day (sorry gross!) and then things went back to normal. I talked to my doctor about it and she said it sounded like a chemical pregnancy. So you may not have to worry about a full blown abortion, your body might just take care of it anyway.

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I believe I experienced something weird with Mirena. Tested positive one time faintly (I took a test after I felt "weird", couldn't describe it) and then I bled. I don't count it as a pregnancy on my medical forms, just the BC doing its job. I think it's highly highly unlikely you will actually become pregnant, as having a foreign object in there alone is a big deterrent for pregnancy. Mirena also thins your uterine lining to make it much harder for an egg to implant and even if it did, it won't stick around for long.


I think a test would put a lot off of your mind.

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I just took a test and I'm not. I still feel weird I can't shake it. Ugh. I'm used to getting super emotional a few times a year...but usually that lasts a day...and this has been close to two weeks. I think normally it's because I only get my period 3-4 times a year...but wow...idk if it's the dreams and pms combining...but wow. I don't feel like me even still.


I'm thankful though. If I had gotten the second line...I don't know what I would have done. I can't imagine having two unplanned pregnancies in my life. I want my next child to be born into a family...not like this. I know jay really doesn't want a child right now...and I don't either- not at this point...so it's been a rough few days. I should have just gotten the test...but honestly...I was scared....


Thanks everyone for your comforting words I'm glad things are staying the same.

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Being emotional?


I was a ball of stress with that last client (when I had lawyers visiting my house alleging abuse...the case was thrown out thank god)...but I've been pretty level since then considering how stressful things have been. I've been working like crazy and my to-do list is literally 3 single lined pages long. It's a bit stressful...but I think I'm doing okay. Less than 3 weeks to go until the show. I'm excited and terrified.

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What's been going on too long?


The feeling off thing. I mean thinking/feeling you are prego to such an extent. Maybe it's just stress. However it could be other things as well. That's why I'm just saying that if that weird feeling doesn't go away, it might be a health issue that needs to be checked.

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I get what you're saying....I just don't know how to get help. I mean, walk-ins here are useless...I don't think I've ever had a good walk-in doctor. GP's with regular practices aren't taking new patients...and my GP has been my doctor for 24 years....he's a great guy...but he doesn't catch things...I think because he's a GP. I mean, I had symptoms of my UC for over 10 years that I talked to him about on a regular basis and he diagnosed me with all kinds of different things, from constipation to hemorrhoids...none of which I had, and I didn't get a real diagnosis until I was actually sick. If I ask for a referral...I'll get one but it will take over a year and I've had a few from him that aren't that great.


I know it sounds like I'm making excuses...but it really just feels like I go in circles.


Pregnancy does feel like an extreme PMS. I mean, sore boobs, bloating, being emotional...I'll probably get my period in a few days. The anxiety might be misdirected...it might be from the stress of this show. I totally feel overwhelmed right now...I mean...nothing works the way it's supposed to with art, so everything is taking me way longer than I budgeted time for...and costing more...so... ugh


Thanks for your concern DF see if I can get into my doctor after the show...but I doubt he's going to do anything. He just seems to prescribe antidepressants...that...give me crazy insomnia and not a lot else....but I'll try.

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Just a suggestion and you don't have to take it of course,


But when my doctors ran me in circles and did nothing for me, or were not able or willing to investigate further to find the root of my chronic health issues (gastro, skin issues, PMS, anxiety/racing mind) I went to a naturopath as a last resort....and she fixed my issues. I know other people who experienced chronic issues that were caught up in the Health Canada rollercoaster, who went the alternative health route and they really benefited from that choice. It's a bit expensive so not for everyone, but if it's an option for you maybe give it some thought.

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I struggle with this because so much of homeopath isn't peer reviewed or proven. I used to be a HUGE advocate of homeopathy and natural remedies...but the more research I've done on it, the less I can support it.


I hope I don't sound like a total b*tch there...I like you a lot HB, and it's not personal and I really appreciate the suggestion


Just a suggestion and you don't have to take it of course,


But when my doctors ran me in circles and did nothing for me, or were not able or willing to investigate further to find the root of my chronic health issues (gastro, skin issues, PMS, anxiety/racing mind) I went to a naturopath as a last resort....and she fixed my issues. I know other people who experienced chronic issues that were caught up in the Health Canada rollercoaster, who went the alternative health route and they really benefited from that choice. It's a bit expensive so not for everyone, but if it's an option for you maybe give it some thought.

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I struggle with this because so much of homeopath isn't peer reviewed or proven. I used to be a HUGE advocate of homeopathy and natural remedies...but the more research I've done on it, the less I can support it.


I hope I don't sound like a total b*tch there...I like you a lot HB, and it's not personal and I really appreciate the suggestion


Don't get me started on homeopathy and all that.. But let's not turn this into a health care/scientific debate, haha...


Glad you are not pregnant faraday! Remember you eat through your emotions like chocolate


It's amazing you can't just change GP whenever you want over there? I would definitely find a new GP if I were you. If nothing else, you'll get a different perspective.

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I struggle with this because so much of homeopath isn't peer reviewed or proven. I used to be a HUGE advocate of homeopathy and natural remedies...but the more research I've done on it, the less I can support it.


I hope I don't sound like a total b*tch there...I like you a lot HB, and it's not personal and I really appreciate the suggestion


oH no worries no offense taken. It's not for everyone, for sure.


I know how hard it is to find a good doctor. They all seem so dismissive, it's frustrating. But keep looking around, ask your friends if they have a good doctor and see if you can get in there.

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You can, it's just really hard to find a doc that is accepting patients. Canada has a lack of GP's. So once you find one, you are sorta stuck (even if they suck) unless you can find someone else.


That's interesting to know. All I've ever heard were good things about Canadian health care hehe..

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oH no worries no offense taken. It's not for everyone, for sure.


I know how hard it is to find a good doctor. They all seem so dismissive, it's frustrating. But keep looking around, ask your friends if they have a good doctor and see if you can get in there.

I will quiz everyone I know lol. I don't think many of my friends have regular GPs.



And Lady, the system up here is pretty good. When I was sick and went into the hospital, I was sent immediately to an internal medicine specialist and diagnosed and put on a treatment plan within 3 days....all for free. It's pretty amazing. When I had my daughter, I had a 3 day stay at the hospital...I had to share a room with a lady that liked talking on the phone at 2 am (the moved her the next night) but all my meals were included...pads, diapers...they gave Tine an ugly hat....and my bill was $14. I'm not sure what it was for...but it seemed reasonable


But when it's not an emergency...if you're not bleeding (literally)...it's really hard to get a diagnosis. It's not that my doctor is a bad doctor. He actually cares...I've been going to him since I was 7...he's the family GP, he asks about my daughter, he asks how my parents are and my brother...he knows who I'm dating...I just don't think he's specialized enough to help with the stuff I have on.


Which is why I have a few other doctors that I see, but they're so specialized that they can only help me with what I came to them for. My doctor seems to have crappy referrals...I think it's partly a "who you know" thing for those, and since my doctor is in his late 60s...I don't think he knows many cutting edge specialists...most of his referrals have retired and I get the doctors that took over the practice of the doctor that my doctor knew. That's a mouth full. Anyway, he's never met most of them, and I hated the dermatologist he sent me to...so...yeah, I'm ranting.


And then...yeah, the only GPs that are accepting patients, tend to be the either crappy doctors or the new to the country doctors....and they're fine doctors, but sometimes the language barrier hits...or, in one case I had, I had an eye infection and he wouldn't give me drops (and I was running a dayhome at the time...I mean, right now in my life, sure I'll rinse my eyes out 6 times a day, but back then....that was stressful) and gave me the "first world problem" spiel....and yeah....I need someone that gets me.

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So I picked up a gigantic armoire from Pier One...it's solid wood and carved...its stunning...and made Jay and my dad and my brother drag it up 3 flights of stairs last night...they might hate me. But now, Jay's stuff will fit! He can have clothing!


Last night he was talking to his bestie (she's coming out next month to visit him for a week) and I overheard him say that he's moving in. It made me smile...because I know it's the first time he's told anyone. And we talked about how much rent he would be paying...it will be the same as what he's paying now. I think he thought he would be paying less here...but I'm charging him a bit more than half....because I'm taking a huge hit by letting him move in here instead of a roommate. He got it. I think it was a bit disappointed that he won't be able to save up money as fast...but this needs to work for me too. And that includes my cleaning lady...which he doesn't have at his place.


Right now my living room is packed. I have so much stuff in here that I'm working on for the show. It's crazy in here...I'm hoping the show does well and I can rent a studio after this....because I can't live like this forever...it's just too stressful. I like things to be clean and organized....and right now there's paint cans and hardware scattered everywhere, and cardboard for drop cloths scattering my floor


Two weeks. I don't feel remotely ready.

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Faraday, Australian hospitals have a similar thing, everything is free and emergencies gets attended to pretty quickly but only if it's really urgent, like when my dad had a stroke or when Z had appendicitis. Other sicknesses you may have to wait a while. You can buy private health insurance though, and go to a private hospital where wait time is less and get better facilities (maybe better treatment too, I'm not too sure).


With other sicknesses, fortunately you can make an appointment at any clinic and they'd have a number of GPs. You can go to a specific one or just not specify and they'll just put you onto whoever is free at the time. Some clinics won't charge you (bulk bill to government), others will charge but you get approx half of it back from government. So costs about A$35-40 per visit. The lack of GPs available there is weird, they need to admit more medical students haha

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