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Day 3.


Still posting on here just to get my thoughts out. Still doing ok. Still a bit sad, but my goal right now is not to talk about her in person to any of my friends or family for a week. We will see how that goes.


No real desire to contact her right now, I mean I want her in my life and want to call, but calling is for the wrong reasons and I know I wont break until I either just want to catch up with her or until she contacts me first. Its been left open this time. I know she will not be out of my life forever, and that thought is comforting, even if we never get back into a relationship.


Doing good!

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Day 5 almost day 6.


I am sitting here looking at my cell phone. Seconds ago I got this urge to call him. I unlocked the phone and hit his moms speed dial number and just sat there and looked at her name on the screen. I think exited out and came here. I WILL NOT BREAK NC!!!!


I just want him back. I miss him and I love him and I can't imagine my life without him. I can not call, I can not call. If he wanted to talk to me he would have called by now. so what if he doesn't have minutes on his mom's prepaid phone?


If he wanted to talk he would have called. No need for me to call and it not be picked up. No need to send a text. This isn't an emergency. I need to plug my phone up, shut it off, and watch tv.


I will not call.

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Day 4


Today has been pretty good, much better than yesterday. I stayed so busy today and killed it at the gym, I am getting into the best shape of my life, so at least there is one positive to all this. If my ex saw me now he wouldn't believe it Well, today I received 3 text messages from the ex that I had to ignore. I think he was just pretty much coming up with whatever he could to make contact with me - but I can't get drawn back in if all he wants is to be 'friends' and he's not willing to step it up by talking about taking things slow. Gotta keep moving on, but still hoping he is gonna realize what he is missing...

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Day 5 of My Second Round of NC


This second go-around is much much easier. I'm just minding my own business hanging out with friends and stuff. Still painting, which I took up after we broke up. Life is good. I still miss her once in awhile, but the urge to call her is not there.


For those of you wondering if your ex will ever make contact, they sure will. I was beginning to think my ex had forgotten about me until Day 22 of My First Round of NC, when she basically sent me a trillion texts, calls, facebook friend request, emails etc...

saying she missed me and wanted to get back together blah blah blah.


I still want her back but on my terms...thus NC continues

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I'm glad to hear NC works for some. I am only on day 6 with no word in a week from him and me not calling in the last 6 days.


God give me the strength...


It works. It doesnt necessarily work for getting your ex back, but it works for you to get yourself back.


I made it 59 days I think on my first round, then a text from her, and a long phone conversation about things I needed to get off my chest. I laid it all out on the table, and as I expected, nothing changed. She is with her new boyfriend, I am still single. Fine. I was down for a day, but I have made enough progress on myself to be alright.


This second round for me isnt about not contacting her per se, its just about me continuing to move forward with my life without her. The door was left open when we last talked for future communication and I would be somewhat surprised if I didnt hear from her within the next few months.


At first, time seems like it takes forever, each day is like a month, but now, thats not so much the case.


Day 4 of round 2 now.


Still no goal in mind about how long to take this round, just going to go with what I feel, see if I feel like contacting her and if I do end up feeling that way, make sure its for the right reasons only (no more relationship talk for me). Either that, or just try my best to enjoy and continue building my new life until I hear from her.

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Day 5


Never made it past day 5 before and I can see why. Day 5 is tough. I still think about her as much as ever... Hurts to know that she's not thinking about me. I just don't understand some people, I mean I know she needs to get on with her life, but I miss her correspondance - we were friends, what the hell happened to that?

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Day 5


Never made it past day 5 before and I can see why. Day 5 is tough. I still think about her as much as ever... Hurts to know that she's not thinking about me. I just don't understand some people, I mean I know she needs to get on with her life, but I miss her correspondance - we were friends, what the hell happened to that?


Not sure if this counts as breaking NC, I don't think it does really... But I did make a post on facebook ALLUDING to one of our sexual encounters - nobody would get it except her if she reads it if she's even smart enough to read between the lines. (she hasn't been on there much lately other than to "like" a couple things I put on there).


Nahh... that doesn't count. Day 5 sucks!!


Again, I'm soooo happy I found a new friend to email, chat with online. It really helps and she's into me - keeps saying she has a crush on me and stuff... really helps my shattered ego you know?

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Yea, wish I had a man that would boost my ego lol


It must universal because my day 5 sucked. I had never made it past day 2 before (thought I had no willpower) but I was doing fine yesterday and then I remembered this stupid story about us in my head.


I was making my aunt a PB&J yesterday and as I got the jelly out the memory slammed me like a ton of bricks. In our very first apartment, about 2 years ago, I was making him some PB&J's. Now I don't eat jelly, being a picky eater, so I HATED putting the jelly on his. At the time I was putting it on top of the peanut butter instead of the other piece of bread (I don't eat it so how would I know??) so I was standing there and was like screw this, put the lid back on the jelly (full jar, btw) and chucked it in the trash. I yelled to him in the bedroom that we were out of jelly. He jumps up, walks in there, and goes right to the trash can! He KNEW how much I hated putting that stupid jelly on. At first he was shocked that I would actually throw away a whole jar of jelly away just so I wouldn't have to put it on but then we laughed.


So that memory triggered an urge to all which I resisted by calling my mom and getting on here and posting. And I made it. It's the beginning of day 6. Will be day 7 at midnight and will be the longest we have ever went without ANY form of communication since his basic training.


I need a strong drink

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Not sure if this counts as breaking NC, I don't think it does really... But I did make a post on facebook ALLUDING to one of our sexual encounters - nobody would get it except her if she reads it if she's even smart enough to read between the lines. (she hasn't been on there much lately other than to "like" a couple things I put on there).


Nahh... that doesn't count. Day 5 sucks!!


Naw, I sent a text to my ex's mom's prepaid phone that once Sat and once sunday that I needed money for his part of the bill and I didn't count that as breaking NC bc I didn't actually CALL and that's all I said in the test was about the power bill.

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Thanks OptomisticGirl... I like your Jelly story - lol... I hate things that trigger memories like that. Makes my heart drop then palpitate for a bit - ugh... when does THAT stop?


I soooo want to text her something; it is so hard not letting her know that I really do still care - I just hope she doesn't think I'm ignoring her (well, I guess I am in a way; but not really because she's not contacting me).


***...--- men don't cry right?... f*ck!!!

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Day 15


He broke up with me exactly 6 weeks ago today. It feels more like 6 months. Sometimes I still can't believe what happened. I'm living a life that I don't understand. I'm just living day to day, trying to figure out this new life that I was just thrown into. Sometimes I miss him so badly and want him back... sometimes I hate him for what he did to me. I still can't understand WHY he did what he did and I know that I will never know.


I keep thinking he's gonna call me. I really have not had a desire to pick up my phone and dial his number, but in my mind I am positive he is going to contact me soon. I dont know why i am positive of this all of a sudden... we've been in NC for 15 days and I doubt he even realizes that. He always had a bad memory and sense of time. I bet he thinks it's probably been about a week.


As time goes on though, i think he'll call me. I think he'll figure out that he made a horrible mistake and want me back. I really have nothing to base this on... I guess it's just hope... but maybe it would be the feeling of satisfaction of just knowing that he realized what a jerk he's been and the mistake he's made... because i dont know if i would take him back at this point.


nothing really makes sense. i want him back, but i want the old him and my old life. Even if he comes back, I will never get that. so i dont even know if i want it anymore.


I seriously cant believe it's been 6 weeks though. Sometimes it feels like it happened yesterday and sometimes I feel like it's been months since ive seen him.

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In the end NC is about getting yourself back on track. I know many times NC is started in hopes of getting the ex back but at this point you should be your number one priority. Mustachio hit it right on the head. It may not work for getting your ex back, but it will help you to get yourself back. It gets easier as time passes and you will look back and wonder how you ever became that crying mushy person.


Day 6 of Round Two Continues...

I'm at a point where it really doesn't matter if we get back. If she comes back great, if she doesn't that's great too. Two months ago I would have cried my little eyes out if she never came back...no more. What the future holds, I have no clue...life goes on, so enjoy it!

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Day 90


I'm still missing him a lot. Though I am able to function normally and have my moments of laughter and happiness here and there... When I'm alone in my room, that's when he comes popping up in my mind...


I don't know if I'll ever break NC... I'm too scared to. As much as I still love him like people would with their first love, I don't know if we could ever go back. I'll be moving far away somewhere in 2010, and I'll move on with my life...


Who knows what'll happen. I just hope he's okay wherever he is.

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Day 10


Does this get any easier? I can't stop thinking about her. I keep wondering what is she doing? What is she thinking about? I refuse to contact her, she is the one who ended this and has to be the one to come back. Right now I'm using the NC to make her miss me. I don't know if that's right or not.

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Day 1 again. This time I am making it. 3 months is long enough to dwell over her. Time to move forward. I loved her, told her I loved her and that I realized my mistakes and grew from this experience. Now, it back to just discovering myself again. Forget her, she is just a memory from now on. I probably won't post as much anymore here, because honestly, I don't want to remember anymore had my heart broken for the past three months. I am just going to live a single life and be happy from here on out. I will keep updates and give advice to others. No more pain over this girl, we ran our course. Now its on to bigger and better things.

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Day 4 of round 2.


Terrible day! Luckily, the day wasnt terrible because I was thinking about my ex, but because it was terrible, thoughts of her managed to creep in.


Had a crappy day at work, software kept crashing, and honestly as I was dealing with it, I realized later that I wasnt thinking about her at all, just focusing on what needed to be done. Actually had a slightly interesting opportunity open up for me at work, of course I now have probably an hour or more of work I need to do at home before I go in tomorrow... fun.


So besides my crappy day at work, I was driving home from work, and every day on the drive home, I drive right by the place where I took my ex for our 6 year anniversary, last december. The fact that its december now somehow managed to bring thoughts of that into my head.


So that was my day, desire to call her is still extremely minimal, but I have been thinking about her, time to figure out how to detach myself from this.

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I don't think we ever stop thinking about them; it just becomes more rare.

I too had a little awakening at work. I had a beautiful PC (prospective client) come in today. Luckily I was professional, but it felt good to look at another woman and just think she was beautiful. It may turn it to a client. I even discounted my rate just because her case should be easy and just because it would be fun to have a beautiful client. Strictly, professional, but still it is fun.

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Day 5 for me


Been so-so today. No communication from him today since I ignored all his text messages yesterday. Really, I guess that is for the best - because it's pointless to get those messages unless he is willing to give us another chance. Still though, it does make me feel good when I get them to at least know he has been thinking about me. I guess that really doesn't help me move forward though, just keeps me living in denial that we are going to patch things up somehow.

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